I'm comfy with firefox-kde-opensuse, so post things that trigger Gnome retards.
They still don't have a file picker? Insane.
I'm comfy with firefox-kde-opensuse, so post things that trigger Gnome retards.
They still don't have a file picker? Insane.
Now if only KDE got rid of title bars...
>use Debian
>switch from xfce4 to KDE
>Firefox still uses the GTK file picker
How is it possible that GTK still doesn't have a file picker after 14 years?
>They need file pickers
BTW, GNOME is way better
They have nose pickers instead.
>How is it possible that GTK still doesn't have a file picker after 14 years?
GNOME has a file picker you retard
Why is KDE so comfy?
I tried KDE earlier and it was quite buggy and glitchy. I find Cinnamon to be the most comfy. If KDE would work as well as Cinnamon I could use it, but really the only thing missing currently is file picker thumbnails and the ability to toggle window borders away. Those don't feel major enough to justify a switch.
KDE and Gnome are so different that installing both is probably almost like installing a full distro. So many dependencies and default programs that are all different. That's why I haven't installed it on the side.
it isn't it's ugly as shit
Thats the KDE 4 theme
Still better than this trainwreck desu
But he does have a file picker.
You can do that in KDE, too. :^)
What will convince Gnome devs to add a file picker to gtk3?
You don't even need all of KDE to get the KDE file picker in Firefox, just get firefox-kde-opensuse and its dependencies, then open Firefox with
>Still better than this
Actually, nope.
Actually, you can't.
GNOME has a file picker, retard.
>Actually, you can't.
Just tried it with xfe. You don't even need anything for it to work.
Not argument
It doesn't work in KDE
I just wish the KDE file picker was directly based on Dolphin and not it's own kinda thing. The thumbnails can also be pixelated because there seems to be no filtering.
LXQt honestly does it better.
Kdialog seems to use the fastest scaling method possible.
>it doesn't work in KDE
Not bait, it actually doesn't work in KDE.
Which looks pretty ugly. Bilinear filtering isn't exactly expensive and KDE is quite heavy anyway. They should just use it.
I just tried with Dolphin in KDE, it doesn't work.
Maybe we can bug them to add lanczos or whatever Firefox uses.
GNOME is shit you retard.
file pickers are dum
sure, it works fine when
>you want to upload a file but you don't know what the fuck are you going to upload
>open file picker
>pick the anime titty you want
>upload it
but when you've already located the file you wanted to upload, like, you're looking at it in a file explorer, it's just obnoxious
>open file picker
>now you have to navigate to that file again. or, yeah, copy file path from explorer, paste it in there, go, what was the fucking point of that shit again?
>hit upload
>it can take some time for that fucker to even open
>it opens a completely irrelevant folder you've last seen 74 years ago
>is it actually more pleasant to you to navigate your pepe collection in a popup dialog rather than a file explorer window or are you just low-key masochistic
just drag and drop it. i have LITERALLY NEVER used a file picker in my LIFE. not even ONCE. i only use it to upload something from recents, otherwise it's just bothersome
That's not even bait anymore, those are just plain lies and misinformation.
GNOME is the best DE, the standard Linux DE
They take feature suggestions on the bug tracker don't they? I should probably look into that.
See , you shit eating retard.
If firefox-kde-opensuse doesn't pull in the dependencies, then get kdialog. Some other packages might also be needed
it does work.. but it's still not an excuse
Windows file picker is still unmatched.
You're right, there is absolutely no excuse for defending GNOMEme in 2018 the Year of Our Lord
Especially the folder picker.
>no excuse for defending GNOMEme in 2018 the Year of Our Lord
>no excuse for defending GNOMEme in 2018 the Year of GNOME Our Lord
You're contradicting yourself.
Who's that black haired qt op?
Dragon drop from you're file manager.
KDE's isn't exactly great either.
I've never seen this thing anywhere but when selecting a slideshow folder though.
That thumbnail rendering is very bad, onii-chan.
It didn't work with Chrome in my Neon installation.
Still, GNOME is the best Linux DE
Not an argument
Not an argument.
Good man.
how much is the pay gnome shill?
Not as much KDE pay you troll, or that phantom Company called Blue Systems.
>phantom Company called Blue Systems.
this is top tier retarded jesus
>Headquarters: Bielefeld, Germany
Blue Systems clearly doesn't exist.
Not an argument
Now show me how do they make money? what is the source of income? who is the sponsor? a simple web pages means nothing.
Where can I find the opensuse patch, last time I tried to backport it to Nightly it didn't work.
you patched a binary bruh?
I don't know what convincing is or does sorry
No I build my own Nightly from source.
Mozilla only releases source for stable versions
The GTK file picker lets you drag and drop files into the file picker, and then it automatically navigates to the file you dropped into it. It's like the one single good thing about it: that it has a feature that basically lets you bypass having to actually use it. 100% of the time I have to use the GTK file picker, I find the file I want with Thunar and drag it into the file picker.
>drag & drop
Please, please kill yourself.
Go back to Windows 98, grandpa
Gnome is so fucking ugly holy shit.
GNOME looks better than KrapDE in my opinion.
is this liberation sans?
KDE constantly looks like it takes feedback on actual usage scenarios to be as helpful as possible.
Yes, Noto Sans is the default.
Serious question, ive seen the filepicker meme a lot, but when is it actually useful? I always use drag and drop from my filemanager, whether on gayDE or a gtk desktop. Is there any usecase where a filepicker is prefered?
I'm kinda disappointed that the attachment screenshot is not anime or memes
Why would you want to get rid of title-bars? They are generally useful. I don't want XFCE to get rid of them. And you can always press F11 to go fullscreen in web browsers and some other programs on any DE.
A usable, featured file-picker? No. It doesn't.
That's a very good point.
What? You can get the source through Mercurial or the Github mirror anytime.
Then whats with that disastrous start menu?
>A usable, featured file-picker? No. It doesn't.
Not an argument.
There's two others you can use with a couple clicks.
>animu waifus
>Kerry King
People like you are the ones that killed thrash metal back in the 90's.
The one that was so good that Microsoft copied it for Windows 7? You tell me.
I am glad that some people finally get this. I posted about this a while ago and no one listened but I'll say it again just because fuck all the other replies in this thread.
It's true file pickers are shite. They are products of the winfag/macfag "rich applications" philosophy where every program needs to call into a DLL to run a bunch of random components. In the case of file pickers, you're calling into a library to show a crippled, cut-down version of the file manager application that behaves slightly differently from the normal one, just so you can locate a file. Why? So you can have it open in a modal dialog instead of a top-level window? This is bad UI on all fronts.
Contrast this to the Unix philsophy (i.e. NOT the new poettering-inspired garbage that red hat and canonical shit out) where every program should have one purpose and do that thing well. Your shell is for navigating the directory tree. A graphical file manager can be used when you need to see visual data. If you need to use a file in another program, then you copy and paste the filename in, or you drag and drop. Anything else is bloat.
Kek ok
Ah. I didn't realize.
This might give you some hints gpo.zugaina.org
Good post.
I can't stand all the Gnome bullshit anymore, how do I make KDE feel less sluggish?
yeah yeah a graphical file-manager _can_ be used but pressing ctrl-o and the first few letters of the file you want and pressing enter is much faster. This of course doesn't work in gtk3 anymore since the GNOME developers are idiots (it does global search instead now) but it works in gtk2 programs and KDE.
Doesn't mean users that want a file picker shouldn't have the option.
Grow up and install xfce instead
If 'users' want bloat, let them install winders
As if that matters, even with KDE youll still be using gtk on some programs dummy
Better than proprietary Qt
I'm on KDE and I don't use a single GTK program.