You think you know how to program, you C nigger?!

You think you know how to program, you C nigger?!

Let me tell you about FORTH - the white men's secret weapon:

Why aren't you using the most powerful language ever invented, are you a webcuck or some shit?

Join the new and uncucked discord:
(the old one is ruled by a swedaboo cuck)


Other urls found in this thread:

Quote from the last thread:
>Too bad the perfection doesn't scale, because it's already perfect.

Daily reminder C and LISP are both jewish tricks to hog our memory with pajeet and jewish code!

Stack comments are a jewish trick too just fyi.

Chuck doesn't use them cuz it only slows you down!!

Suppose JavaScript is the language of the SJW.
Then suppose that JavaScript is the opposite of FORTH.
We can then deduce that FORTH is the language of the anti-SJW.
This can be simplified as "FORTH is the most pro-white language there is out there"

In other words, the libtard fears the FORTH programmer!

What ((they)) fear is the low level but highly extensible language.

>when your language is so libre that you're completely free to define your own syntax

Come at me, Cucks.

>extremely simple syntax
>compiler trusts you to not be a fucking tard
>expects you to know your hardware
>allows you to compile words at runtime

What's your excuse for not programming in forth, user?
Are you a dumb ctard that only knows how to write pajeet code and needs the compiler to watch over him?

This thread is pure cancer. Instead of starting a serious discussion about forth, you are ruining the thread from the start with this anti-Sjw shit, not realising the bigotry and stupidity of mixing politics with technology in general.
>but muh sjw started and I feel uncomfortable on the Internets now
just go back to Sup Forums

You do realize we're just poking fun at webdev cucks that can't program in a proper language like FORTH, right?

You're more than free to ask a serious question about forth, we're just shitposting to bump the thread.

Give me some examples of FORTH code I'm interesting to learn more about this



Sure, what kind of stuff are you looking for?

Here's a simple looping structure (loops indefinitely):
: begin here ; immediate
: again postpone branch , ; immediate

: test begin 0 . again ;

Also, join the server and we'll try to help you out a bit. Forth code is hard to understand for beginners, so I don't want to just dump a bunch of code without explaining it properly.

Discord Cuckery now requires valid email, etc. tech thread shows nearly identical install packages created by Discord and Facebook messenger.

Find another place to Be, and I will join with source code for SSI simulation games such as TigersInTheSnow and Shilo

Thanks for bumping the thread. Unless you saged it of course. But that doesn't matter. I'm just using this as an excuse to post more.


post hello world

So just how fast is FORTH anyways? Could it be possible to make a game with it?

Can't, or won't? Good job sucking your own dick over something that ultimately isn't that difficult to learn, while simultaneously producing nothing for anyone with it

am I the only one that can't stand that bitch's face anymore?

There are many different dialects/implementations of FORTH.
This should work on most of them:
.( Hello, world!) CR

right here nigga: Could also do: : HW s" Hello World!" type ;

It's VERY fast. Atari used it a lot during the 80's and NASA still uses it for its satellites.
Forth is about how low level as you get, and it's extremely easy to mix asm with it (easier than C).

Who said I was looking to produce shit for others?
I ain't no cuck.


post fizzbuzz in forth

Just to further my point: Charles Moore (the inventor of FORTH) has designed quite a few CPUs that natively run forth as microcode.
The F18 CPU has 144 cores, mostly zero-operand 1 byte long instructions and 32 bit words.
Here's an article on it:

On modern cpu archs which are heavily optimized for C, forth can struggle a bit, but it's pretty fucking fast while being extremely extensible.

create an IRC channel you massive fag

>Forth is about how low level as you get
Lower than an assembly dialect or as low as you can get without having to know processor opcodes or a dialect?

what the fuck Sup Forums

Forth is extremely fast! It is nearly as fast as assembly language.
You can even use REALs in systems without floating point processors via a package.

FFT, direct synthesis FFT, CRC, Hashes, MD5, AES 256 encryption, AES in XT mode, AES with altered/Shifting tables, HilbertHuangTransform signal analysis, PWM, PID controller.

Fastest language on earth that isn't machine language/assembly.

Several SSI games (D&D games) created using Forth. TigersInTheSnow (nazi tanks), Shilo (civil war), etc. used Forth.

Imagine the speed of a routine measuring something doing calculations and pushing Reals on the stack and popping off a real but Forcing any particular byte of the real to be a Boolean 10X faster than Subtracting a second real and using the result to branch.

Wicked fast

I won't use discord- find another place?
I want to help but not there...

I wrote this a year ago on my phone.
: FIZZ ( n -- ) 3 MOD 0 =
IF 1 s" Fizz"
ELSE 0 s" "

: BUZZ ( n -- ) 5 MOD 0 =
IF 1 s" Buzz"
ELSE 0 s" "

: FIZZ-BUZZ ( n -- )
OR 0 = IF .

: DO-FIZZ-BUZZ ( n -- )
1 + 1 DO


The only thing lower than assembly "dialect" you can learn is memorizing hex opcodes of assembly mnemonic instructions using diff registers and addressing modes. Assembly IS machine language and maps 1:1 to each other- only thing assembly gives you is macros and figures addresses for u.

Forth is as closest to machine speed as you can get in a language that is Almost processor neutral. One should be able to force the use of register variables if one wanted to. If not, adding that would make it faster than it is.

>Almost processor neutral.
What do you mean almost processor neutral? Is there something you would have to do for it to not work on every processor?

OT: It's nice to see that my pic circulate on internet, but it's a weird feeling

my solution:

: fizz 3 mod 0= if ." fizz" -1 else 0 then ;
: buzz 5 mod 0= if ." buzz" -1 else 0 then ;
: else -rot or 0= if . then ;

: fb 100 0 do i fizz i buzz i else cr loop ;

Notice the good factorization? that's what a forth programmer should strive for desu

Got any recommendations? irc maybe?

It's some very nice code senpai.
Stole it from the lainchan forth thread btw

Dinosaur language

>t. millennial webcuck

Word size and hardware.
If you were still on an 8 bit machine and wanted 16 bit numbers or on a processor without Reals in hardware you could emulate using routines

The hardware varies from processor to processor, you know that.

The language doesn't change but your abilities vary from major system type.

>being this much of an unabomber

Okay so FORTH will have zero problems on a processor made in the last 18 years right?

Who is this demonic summoner of seed?

In the case of the F18 and other cpus created by Chuck, forth IS the microcode that is being run by the cpu.

Also me!
I used gforth on android, it was a pain writing on a touchscreen, but there was a period when I found the time...
Sadly the lainchan thread is stuck, the one before the server collapse was more active, it's like arisuchan sucked away lainons.

>soy eater detected

I don't remember that thread, but I presume that's what made me try out forth over a year ago (didn't like it at the time)

I might post there again (the last few posts were by me) but I don't really want to spam our discord in a lainchan thread desu.

She's 14, you pedo!


14 isn't pedo you baka

create a matrix room faggots

Nice genetic fallacy faggot

Tools are tools.
You don't use ObjectiveC Delphi Haskell Ruby ARM p/code Python for the same job you'd use Forth to do.

If you can Only use one language or two or three then your toolbox is almost EMPTY.

Speed is king in some situations.

Let's see your implementation of the HilbertHuang Transform or AES-1024 in XT mode using Python or Ruby or anything else you choose and I will show you speed comparisons that make any other language worthless.

I would never create a website in Forth.
You lack imagination of other real world uses of cpus.

>advertises itself based on privacy
Sounds pretty jewy, but I'll consider it, thanks.

... and the book is ?

Forth is compiled as you type. A line typed is interpreted, then compiled.

You can make multithreaded Forth code.
You can make semaphore structures

What language do video card manufacturers use to optimize their work, VisualBasic?!?!


>What language do video card manufacturers use to optimize their work, VisualBasic?!?!
Pajeet uses it... just saying.

After talking about it a bit with the other guys, I think we'll just stick with Discord for now.
Matrix doesn't seem to offer any major advantage, while being less known and probably equally as jewy.

I'll see if I can get a irc bot for you guys tho, it'll serve as a bridge between the irc and the discord server. I completely understand why you'd prefer to stay off discord.

Embedded programming sure is comfy.

I didn't ask how old it is. I asked who it is.

Pick one faggot
Use IRC or cut your dick off

(that should be enough for you to google it, you niggerlicious faggot)

Yeah, but discord is easier for memeing and at least we all know it's jewy.

>compiled as you type
Meaning it is useless.
>but it is good
Stop memeing FORTH you retards. And please abandon this puerile idea that shitting on C will make your meme language better, for you can't be better than the best.

There is C and there is assembly, and there is nothing in between or above that is worth considering.


jules joseph lefebvre the grasshopper

You clearly don't understand how Forth works.

We shit on C because Forth does everything that C does, but is extremely extensible and memory efficient, while being both interpreted and compiled.

It does what C can't.

So literally all of forth is just manipulating what's on the stack? No functions or variables?

Suddenly a huge and fire breathing PASCAL appears

Arguments are passed implicitly on the stack.
":" starts a "function" definition and ";" ends it.
"variable" or "create" defines a variable
"constant" defines a constant

Functions, variables, constants, etc, are all called words in forth, because they're not implemented in a special way. They're just a bit of code and data that are run when you call them.

Forth looks a lot more simpler than C

Do whitespaces, indentations, newlines, or other invisible characters affect what bytecode will be produced in any way? Bcs if they do, it's instant dealbreaker for me.

>does everything that C does
You are confusing tedious with good. You might as well enter the machine code bit by bit using pic related, it does everything that C does.

no sorry i prefer python

Yeah, it's much closer to the hardware than C.
For example, you'll notice that variables are accessed with @ and set with !. This is because they're really just an area in memory and all that calling their word does is put that address on the stack.

Forth's syntax is as simple as it gets. It ignores whitespaces (tabs, spaces, newlines, etc) and just processes words.

Why did you ignore the rest of my post, nigger?
I clearly mentioned how it does a lot of things that C can't.

Let's pack it up boys, we should have been using Python all along.

>a lot of things that C can't.
Yeah like losing your time and introducing stupid bugs.

>This literally never happens with C

^ literally this nigga

Forth trusts you to not be a stupid nigger and to properly factorize your code so you can easily test it and rule out bugs.

>Forth trusts you
Here is your problem.
Forth is not worth.

Are you so retarded that you can't be trusted with your own hardware??

How different is forth from fortran, cobol, and pascal? Which is the most low level?

Forth is definitely the most low level out of those three.
It has no types, no special feature for variable or constants (they're just like any other forth word), no special control structures (if, else, loop, etc are all regular forth words) and a lot of other shit.

Forth is significantly different from all those, especially seeing as they're all from the same family (fortran-like languages). The way it works is completely different too. (no explicit arguments for example)

It's really hard to describe just how unique forth really is to a newbie, sorry.

Whomst the fuck this boner controller

Is FORTRAN not a high-level language ?
t.computational chemistry

Depends who you ask.
Both Fortran and C are pretty low level by contemporary standards.

>we'll just stick with Discord for now.
>Matrix doesn't seem to offer any major advantage, while being less known and probably equally as jewy
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
It's no wonder the comms ecosystem is this jew'd when even the tech-oriented folk are this clueless.

See that's funny I was always under the impression that C was low level (as much as a language that's not assembly can be) and FORTRAN (!) was basically the "first" high-level language, but to be honest never actually thought it through.

I guess having moved to le data science maymay I can see how Fortran is low-level compared to Python or interpreted shit like R.

Now a days C is used as a portable assembler, so it does end up being extremely low level, even more so than FORTRAN but, afaik, that's not really its original use.

Look here, you shitposting faggot, I'm yet to see a good reason to switch to matrix.
The website is some soydesign bs that doesn't tell me shit about how it actually works and why I should use it and the anons here just said "muh privacy".

I'm not going to switch to a service I don't trust just because 1 or 2 faggots that aren't even active in the current community want me to, okay nigger?

Make a strong case for it and I might switch; until then, you're free to go make your own group if you want.

>has no types, no special feature for variable or constants (they're just like any other forth word), no special control structures (if, else, loop, etc are all regular forth words) and a lot of other shit.
Fucking useless for 90% of real-world projects.
Might still have its places though, much like Fortran in HPC.

lolusomad you're double-reddit-posting.
Gotta admit I couldn't imagine a Sup Forumsposter being this clueless about matrix vs the sad state of walled-garden-ware the majority has accepted.
That's my naivety I guess.

>Fucking useless for 90% of real-world projects.
Wtf are "real-world projects"? Isn't the same true for all languages?

Look here newfag, gay ass chatting programs come and go every fucking month on Sup Forums. I'm not going to suddenly force everyone to switch to the latest meme app just because some chinks are shilling on Sup Forums, okay?

Discord is extremely popular and everyone knows what to expect from it.
Matrix is far less popular and doesn't seem to offer any significant advantage to our group. I'd sure love to hear why you think we should switch tho. This is the third or fourth reply about matrix, but the only thing I know about it is that it respects muh anonymity. Stop being a newfag and try to contribute.

> >has no types, no special feature for variable or constants (they're just like any other forth word), no special control structures (if, else, loop, etc are all regular forth words) and a lot of other shit.
But you can do your own
> Fucking useless for 90% of real-world projects.
But if you do your own high level subset of forth it can implement functional, OOP, procedural and every kind of language you know.

Search for jonesforth, you can literally create a Forth interpreter easily with assembly and bootstrap yourself to infinite.

Forth: low floor, high ceiling programmable programming language.

>yet to see a good reason
A few, for certain audiences:
- open protocol
- not forcing all participants to use some shitty bloated client
- not continuing to take it up the ass with yet another walled garden taking power and control away from users

>third or fourth reply about matrix
Note that these are the same person (me):

>open protocol
Cool, but not terribly useful for us, I'm afraid.
>not forcing all participants to use some shitty bloated client
I'd prefer to just use IRC for this desu.
>not continuing to take it up the ass with yet another walled garden taking power and control away from users
Well, its webpage seemed quite commercial, so I'm not sure it's that much better than Discord, but you probably know more about that than I do.

I just don't see a strong reason to use matrix, sorry.
We've had one poster (shitposters like you don't count) that refuses to use discord, and for him and others like him, I'm considering setting up a irc bot to bridge between both services.
Switching to a completely new platform for reasons that are largely unrelated to the core of the project just doesn't sit right with me.

Oh yeah, I know. It was pretty clear from your low quality responses and constant use of stale memes to dodge actually contributing to the thread.

Can you do things like vector lines in forth?

Not sure what you mean by vector lines (maybe just regular vectors?), but yeah, of course, you're just going to have to implement it yourself ;)

iirc, vectors are just a type of array, and arrays are really just some memory and a pointer to it, all pretty simple

So just a random example of something with vertex graphics/vector lines would something like pic related be totally possible?

>come and go every fucking month on Sup Forums
>some chinks are shilling on Sup Forums
You dumb ass clueless consumer cattle.
You realize this is the best effort thus far (and a multi-year one at that), at creating an open (protocol) alternative to the various Skype/Viber/Whatsapp/Discord/etc walled gardens out there?
Matrix/Riot are the best chance we have of being unshackled from this parade of corporate fuckery that we've been in ever since most people moved away from IRC.

OTOH I'm not forcing you to be an early adopter. But it makes sense to give it a shot, just in case it's good enough for your needs at this point in time.
If not, go back to the usual. If yes, consider trying it for a while, you'd be helping society to get out of this network-effect local optima that forces us to be various corporations' bitches when it comes to online communications.

>Cool, but not terribly useful for us, I'm afraid.
>>>not forcing all participants to use some shitty bloated client
>I'd prefer to just use IRC for this desu.
>Switching to a completely new platform for reasons that are largely unrelated to the core of the project just doesn't sit right with me.
Perfectly pragmatic response. I can definitely see your point, and your approach seems to be the most pragmatic one given your priorities.

Now back to your regular shitposting.
>shitposters like you don't count
Do you realize where you are?
>stale memes
Oh wow, walled gardens are a meme now, huh?
Just how sheltered are you?
>dodge actually contributing to the thread
Nah, you're just too dumb (in this aspect) to realize I'm mocking you for the happy consumer cattle that you exemplify.
Convenience-uber-alles cunts like you are the reason we're getting this boned by those that stand for something - profits, in the case of your friendly multi-national corp.
"only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" and all that.

>But you can do your own
>regular vectors?), but yeah, of course, you're just going to have to implement it yourself ;)
Turing tarpit.
Got it.

Show me a fucking server written in FORTH, idiots

What about scripting languages? Sure Javascript sucks, but surely you wouldn't write dynamic pages in C and require them to be compiled every time the user loads a webpage... We need scripting, not just C.

Yeah, ofc.
In fact, I know forth was popular for video game programming in the 80's, so I'm almost certain someone has done something like that in forth.

Join the discord server and we'll talk about more specifics ;)

>google "forth server"
boy, that sure was hard

huuuuu, I don't think you know what turing tarpit means.
You're not going to have to implement vectors in some sort of obscure logic system like in an esoteric language. If we're talking about what I think we are, then implementing vectors in forth would be trivial (no more than 20 lines).

embedded scripting is a great use for forth too, I agree

God, you're such an annoying 12 year old commie.
Look here, newfag, everyone here has gone through that phase where you route all your traffic through tor and only use meme programs to try and escape normiespace.

Grow up and learn to compromise, or at least don't try force your weaponized autism onto others. I sure as well wish the internet was fully anonymous and we could just use irc and gopher for everything, but that's not the case and discord is what our members use, so that's what I'm going to use.

>"only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" and all that.
God, that's one hell of a spook.

is there anywhere where i can download all of the pics of this godness?

i been searching for hours but i couldn't find anything

I remember easily finding her name a few years ago, can't find her again tho.
I thin she used to post on twitter when she was like 14 or some shit.
Good luck, fap warrior.

instagram acidjazzsinger, fap away, good sir