You will never know the pleasure of having this because you use shitty xfce

you will never know the pleasure of having this because you use shitty xfce

what's pleasurable about that UI? I'm not seeing anything.

He just discovered Linux, just tell him he's cool.

Literally called Xfdashboard.

Xfce also has an alt-tab menu, user. So does KDE. GNOME isn't special in this regard.


It's amazing how slow the icon pop up animation still is when you press the "show applications" button. It's slow even on my reasonably fast ryzen 1600 desktop.

The gnome devs should have implemented an animations similar to the ones the MacOS does on their "show applications" menu.

You're cool

Your a cool

>alt tab menu
this is super-tab menu. the alt-tab menu is a simpler version.

Turn them off.

Your shit is nothing compared to the glorious cube

Mac rip-off

I remember there's a project written in C, that enables GNOME like overview in any desktop. I forgot the name.
Far better than this

Why do people think the UI itself should be part of the "experience" of using a computer?

even fvwm2 looks better

KDE does it way better though

Not really, GNOME does it better.

I knew the pleasure. I live comfy without it.

I have no idea what Gnome is or does, sorry

why is it so HUEEEEG ?

>only option when animations are too slow is too completely turn them off
What a piece of garbage.


Sure sounds like it

My morning shit is better than GNOME.

skippyxd or smth?

looks terrible. only KDE looks good and the autism-wms that prevent you from getting stuff done