Void Linux + dwm on X230

> Void Linux + dwm on X230
>Can't get any work done because I am always ricing

Can anyone relate?

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I have my Master Thesis to write Sup Forums what do I do?

Hackintosh it.

>ubuntu minimal with i3 + few software installed on x200
>can get work done 10minutes after fresh install

I really like linux. But I am always either ricing dwm, improving Emacs config or learning something else (today I was watching a video on shell scripts). How do I overcome this urge to learn and apply it on something actually usefull?

well, try to find something that will fit that "hobby" but also require you to learn a skill that you want/need to learn. Got no suggestions though.

but its fine ricing, every linux 'enthusiast' has it, I had it too, but its under control now.

How do you not try to learn it all? I recently got into Emacs and man there is so much. Not to mention stuff like Gentoo and LFS. Everytime I sit in the computer I end up putting ours into this.

I am in a Mechanical Engineering Masters in the final semester so this is only a hobby but I am really eager to learn about this stuff.

> always ricing
I found a style I liked and perfected to my liking ~4 years ago and haven't changed from it since... I only change the colors and what not as I change the wallpaper so that it matches.
I used to be a massive desktop thread trip fag (irc and everything) 4 years ago and nothing has really changed (same tint2 config, same themes, only with modified colors). I'm waiting for the day someone from those threads 4 years ago notices and calls me out by my trip from ages ago whenever I post my desktop in the 'screenfetch' threads or w/e they're called now a days that show up from time to time

I stopped ricing years ago.
Still can't get anything done.

just use xfce and get your multiplexer hit from emacs or tmux

>tfw when you're capable of just installing a linux distro and using it without getting into autistic configs for days

It's not the ricing itself but more like the learning process that get's me. I find it all so interesting.

well if its your hobby, I see no problem if it takes up a few hours. People spend hours playing games, or playing guitar, or reading, or whatever. Just make sure you are also doing what you need to do and you're fine, in your case, that engineering masters

Yeah. I think I am going to allow myself to get deep into org mode, just because I feel it will be really usefull. Other stuff only at the end of the day when I want to relax.

tfw cant get used to tiling window managers. i can always try them for a while but i will always go back to a normal window manager.

Find a lot of obscure Latex packages to make it look extra nice and spend way too much time on editing.

I guess it depends on what programs you use. I use terminal, emacs and que browser mostly so it's cool because you are always using the vim keybings

I did this already when I made a presentation in beamer. The thing is that I am still in the beginning and I need to spend a month or more reading scientific papers related to my thesis.

>Void Linux + xfce on X230
>got it configured mostly like I wanted, now I lack the time and motivation to fix some small things but all work is super comfy

CRUX + i3. Not ricing anything ever, everything uses the stock look. All time is spent reading and getting work done. You need to install CRUX.

idk but things like the firefox file picker filling the whole screen or actually even more than that so the buttons are invisible can get annoying.

things will get better when you become an adult that need to respect deadlines or you starve. if not, you have an actual problem and need professional help, bye.

That's a dconf thing. The gtk filepicker has default size configured in there somewhere. I don't know why they make the default larger than commonly used screen sizes on laptops. I have a feeling GUI developers never bother with testing their designs on lesser machines. If it works on their Macbook Pro (Retina), they're not going to bother with testing for X220 users, or anyone else with a cheaper laptop.

No problems here


>tfw turbo brainlet because I'm scared to move from my DE (LXQt) to just a WM but I still spend a lot of time ricing
I think I may be more pathetic than you.

You're just relatively new. Once you find a setup you like you'll use it for other things.

Openbox + tint2 (+ orage) + nitrogen + xbindkeys + xcompmgr
You won't even realize you have no DE.

Might as well just install CloverOS then

Does Void with the same programs and configs as Arch use less ram or is Void just a thing because of musl?

Does that setup use fewer system resources than Openbox + LXQt?

Void has more packages in its main repos (both glibc and musl) than Arch and installs fewer packages on a base installation. It doesn't have an AUR equivalent so you end up building some packages from source using xbps-src.

>All time is spent reading and getting work done
he says, as he shitposts on Sup Forums

Shit, I realized I totally misinterpreted your post. Yeah, Void uses less ram than Arch using the same programs and configs.

Your earlier post was informative too, thanks.

Install a non-meme OS and spend your time working on your goddamned thesis

I call bullshit on this meme. Ricing is boring af. How do you have so little to do that all you spend your time on is ricing?

It's not the rocking itself. It's the learning about the system and other stuff.

I'm fairly lazy, I care a bit about aesthetics but I am not crazy about it.
Found i3 combined with xfce panel and a black background and a dark theme adequate.
Spent a fair amount of time meddling with config files and scripts for various bits and bobs such as i3, scheduled backups, swapping dGPU/iGPU depending on whether I want to boot a VM with GPU pass through or not, ssh, vnc, samba etc...

I tell you why.

You are probaby poor and the family fixing guy, and learning into computers is the general narrative of our generation on how to get something from nothing. By ricing and repairing your subconscious tries to trick the system into allowing you to become someone, while really it is just holding you back and back and back. Just like other computer related like gaming or vlogging, this is all just nonsense. Its societies way of keeping you busy. dont fall for it

Well that its not entirely true about being poor. But maybe there is some truth to that

I just installed Fedora with Gnome and started working

Man I tried fedora and I hated it. I really like the minimal arch/void like install for some reason.