Google Chrome: Flash Usage Declines from 80% in 2014 to Under 8% Today

Press S to shit on its grave

Because 98% of its functionality is now standard in HTML5.

Flash won.

Плacтмaccoвый миp пoбeдил.

It doesn't deserve a grave. Its corpse should be tossed into a fucking sewer for all the security bugs. Seriously fuck flash.

Also this.

and it takes a butt load of resources of moderns computers to do the same task a computer from 8 years ago did in flash.
javascript won ... for manufacturers the return of reliable upgrade cycles

Jobs was right.

>tfw no more interactive porn swfs

I still need it for muh gayms.

Youtube-dl is great

Anyone else been saving flashes from swfchan and the like? It's gonna feel nice having local copies of these when flash archival sites eventually go down the shitter.

>all those flash games and cartoons
>all those flash content sites
>gone... Like tears in the rain

Good. Flash is bloated and slow as shit anyway.

Offline flash player still exists.


eat your hearts out Sup Forums

we're still chugging along just fine in

>all those hentai games on newgrounds
kids these days don’t know what they’re missing

But the sites will still end up dying.

That's why you save good flash

Actually this shows how powerful chrome is, basically deciding everything. Not so good.
Think about it.

Shush user, daddy Google knows what's best.

We all know flash was a buggy dangerous piece of software that was used as an attack vector for years.

Just let daddy take care of you and it'll be all right.

This but unironically.