Tfw recruited by a big company after only finishing half of your education

>tfw recruited by a big company after only finishing half of your education

Feels good being a real software developer and not a neeet arguing about C on Sup Forums

>tfw recruited by Google after two months studying EE

> be on college
>try all sort of languages, frameworks etc
>fall in love with android development
> do some freelancing while studying, good experience
>get hired on BIG ENTERPRISE CO. as android dev
>6 months in, some other BIG IMPORTANT project is on fire and they need someone to put off the fires
>hybrid app that should work on tablets
>i know a little ionic, i guess it cant hurt
>the project goes on for another 6 months and now everyone thinks im good at hybrid apps, angular, back end, etc
>i hate it
>now i get put in a big project as a full stack dev, not even doing stuff for mobile devices anymore

that was 2 years ago and im still there

the pay is fucking amazing but my soul is being sucked out

OP here, I also got hired for a "full stack" position but I HATE configuring cloud environments. I just want to write comfy back end code.

I see the shitty troll post with reddit spacing
I see the shitty troll image exclusively used to trolling/shitposting
I don't see them proofs.

>Hired a few years ago by a games company
>dream job
>torrented porn at work
>got emailed by boss asking if i was downloading
>ignored email

I've been jobless for years.

why tho

>Just Sup Forums things.

You didn't get a job offer this year either?

C is for those big superstar jobs that you only get if santa gives you one.
For the whole rest, its using things made in C to be easier than C.

Congrats, user you faggot.

Why would you do that.

In my defence, where i live you couldn't get faster than 400kbps. Infact i only peaked at 200kbps. I dealt with that my entire life. I did a random speed test at work and found out we had 30MBps, i had stock up as much as i could.

>back end code
you made me smile, thanks

How many years ago?

0 minutes ago

for some reason i posted it on facebook, so 4 years ago.


Yeah, fucking sucks balls. Same thing wanted to do Android Developing. Ended up doing Ionic/Cordova. Its sucking the life out of me. Now Im trying to atleast change to React Native to feel a bit closer to native.

Neil please

and now I no longer feel sorry for you

I didn't come here for you to feel sorry for me.
I actually came here because i broke my girlfriends laptop watching porn and i need to get her work off it and buy her a new laptop before tomorrow. I was looking to see if anyone was also in the same boat as me right now.

God fucking dammit Neil

how much can a single man fuck up in his lifetime jesus christ

>finish math course in middle school
>top of my class straight C+
>300k starting anywhere i want
>tfw mfw desu senpai

baka desu fampai

It's kind of funny seeing people complain they can't find CS related work, like how autistic are these people acting in interviews?

Just lucky i guess.
To be honest i think that company wanted to fire me quite early in. I once brought myself some home made lunch and left it on the table and went home. It sat at my desk for weeks. My boss asked me if it was mine and i was too scared to admit it so i ignored the email.

maybe i should just become a labourer or something.

so you know when you accidentally post your facebook on Sup Forums... i think i just did that.

stop watching porn

Neil, did you ever think that you might have a problem with porn?

Give it back, Neil.

I never really had internet as a kid so it was pretty hype when i found it. I don't think it's that bad but maybe i should cut it out and get a job.

thats not "bad luck"

bad luck its an excuse for faggots that wont accept they continuously fuck up and never try to become a better human being

if you left a fucking sandwich on a table 1 day why you didnt pick it up the next day? or the day after that? are you that fucking stupid?

do you fucking think ignoring other human beings solves problems or makes them disappear ? jesus christ i fucking hate your kind

neil johnson, youre a fucking retard

>maybe i should cut it out and get a job.

Maybe. Just maybe.

Yeah... this is becoming apparent very quickly

hey neil

Neil Johnson, huh?

>covers a little picture on the bottom left
>doesn't cover his name in the top right

I love you Neil, God bless.

trolling is a art

neil do you honestly think this is a good haircut?

la creatura...

>0 minutes ago

>feels good shitposting on Sup Forums rather than shitposting on Sup Forums
what did he mean by this?

I haven't cut my hair in 10 years.

I don't know about you guys, but the pay is comfy for software dev.

I am senior dev with 3 years of experience and i am already earning 150k salary.

Fullstack dev + React.

neil, on top of fucking everything you are a horsefucker?

now i understand why all of this is happening to you

It was my sisters Christmas present. I just put it up for christmas.

At least you can find employment as a geisha.

back end is the best though

>don't have to worry about styling and pixel pushing bullshit
>don't have to worry about configuring dumb shit and provisioning servers (unless your company sucks, i.e. amazon)
>if you use the right framework and design patterns, 99% of the work you do is writing business logic

Anything related to front end is horrible and disgusting for me.

>be me
>think about doing AI degree
>phone rings
>it's google
>I invented an AI that then invented time travel and it sends me back in time.
>Turns out I knew the AI was going to kill everyone but wants to keep me as a pet
>thinks i consent so sends me back to hasten it's invention
>I come back to my past self and say I want to meet.
>sitting in a diner
>pulls gun on me
>says i need to die so that the AI doesn't happen
>matrix.exe activated
>hacked the universe
>turn inside out as bullet passes through me
>digest it and shoot it out my beiner
>blow future self's brains out
>start working on AI
>teleports behind you
>everybody gets on the floor
>everybody walks the dinosaur

On a much more serious note, if you know anyone hiring in London, i'd be happy if you could just send me their details. Thanks guys.


>t. front cuck


>claims to addicted to porn, work in a country that banned porn?

I did not claim to be an addict.
I want to work to buy stuff. Not because i want to work in the country i am in.



>puffy cheeks
>weakest (double) chin
>that hair
>the plushies in the background


I will solve those issues at a later date. Right now i need to fap and then buy a new laptop.

>law doctorate
>didn't apply myself at all, super middle of the field in every regard
>no good job offers
>decide to stay on and teach while getting a CS BA
>Send out my CV 3 times
>Get 3 offers as in-house counsel for p. big tech companies

And now I sit in my office with a retarded diversity hire secretary out front, waiting for shit to happen. Which it does about once a month, for about 10 hours of work total. I'm so bored I could puke.

thy degeneracy had found thee out

I was recruited by a corporation at the age of 14.
It is no big deal;;. Once I had left my statutory education they paid for me to attend a technical college and then university.Then they gave me an advance on my salary to take a year out between college and starting my job properly. A lot of programmers are recruited early on. it's not a big deal

>pickle nig

Secretly get a second job then

Not worth the risk - my pay and benefits are insane. I've accepted that my work day will consist of 7-9hours of slowly working through literal terabytes of audiobooks, shitposting on Sup Forums and microaggressing against codemonkeys in the company gym for about an hour every single goddamn day.

>be onsite A/V technician for big firm
>nothing ever goes down
>sit and watch youtube all day, taking twenty smoke breaks
>actually making 60k a year for doing nothing
it's agony, really

>7-9 hours +1 gym
>up to 10 hours
>doing nothing


Gotta get overtime somehow.

My condolences, dude.

cant you buy alaptop and do some light gaming?

If you have an office, get a laptop and mobile broadband for laptop, then do whatever you want short of masturbation.

>be me
>get nothing to do job in big bank
>open office seating
>everyone can see what i'm doing so I work non-stop
>constantly just sift through files and find work for myself or read code and learn how systems work.
>end up knowing everything and fixing heaps of shit way above my pay grade.
>watch diversity colleagues one day (black girl)
>she sits there for 30 minutes copying one spreadsheet to another one cell at a time
>spreadsheet has about 10000000 cells of trade data.
>one manager takes an interest in me
>she starts giving me pointless tasks all the time
>start caring less and less with all these fluff tasks every day
>female managers start giving me projects that are retarded marketing type things.
>get one that's like a "customer" decoration type project
>get team of like 20 people for this pointless shit.
>watch so many resources wasted all day every day
>start thinking what a fucking retarded company
>start realising it's all the female staff doing all the pointless shit
>start finding myself doing more and more pointless shit for female superiors
>they do meetings and lattes all day and talk about stuff they don't understand with buzzwords
>talk about efficiency
>more people talk about efficiency than actually work.
>start sitting there reading lebbit because open office and not game to Sup Forums. never work anymore
>eventually so dismayed at wasting life
>got enough neetbux in the bank that I can chill for a few decades.
>will probably end up flipping burgers at 50
When the workplace was all dudes was it this shit?

>Not flipping your shit and then resigning
Sad story /10

>there is a good chance that a good portion of the people on the blue boards are somewhat overqualified men stuck in equal opportunity hell
Depressing as fuck. Imagine you could work and share ideas with a group of equals while trying to achieve something that matters.
My father, when we talked about it last Christmas made an interesting comparison:
>you're there all day, doing nothing but waste time and work out, kinda like you see prisoners do on TV
That aside, I'm pretty useless already unless there's legal trouble, but think about my secretary. Only thing she does is put company/ board meetings in my calendar and occasionally attend unimportant ones when I'm too lazy to and summarize all the meaningless shit that gets talked about.

I dropped out of University, did nothing for 6 months and eventually I found someone who would hire a dropout with no experience. The salary was shit (way below entry level), no overtime pay (even though they expect you to work every weekend/stay late). But I stuck it out, some experience is better than nothing.

I started rewriting their software/products to the cloud and self studying/applying shit I never did in uni. My boss was super impressed and started giving me way more responsibilities (my own dev team and other managerial duties). However they didn't want to increase my salary. Fuck that I wanna code not be in charge. I Turned in my resignation, they offered me more than double my salary to stay, but nah I got another job offer.

This all happened in a years time. I learnt a fuck ton and improved myself. Today was my last day, before I left my boss shaked my hand and thanked me for all my hard work. I have never been so proud of myself.

>there are people here who do less work and get paid well complaining about not having anything to do.

>there are people out here wishing they get paid for doing nothing.


Why is your sister on your fucking facebook profile pic?

>after years dealing with a depression that delayed my graduation, receive BEng
>hundreds of CVs submitted
>dozens of group interview/dynamics attended
>got nuffin
>now too long since graduation, unemployable in own field


Software engineer here. I have a bachelor in press journalism.

kek software engineer

Being bored sucks, and you would only do it if you were getting paid. Having a ton of work to do sucks, and sometimes you wish you could get paid without having to do the work.

>Today was my last day, before I left my boss shaked my hand and thanked me for all my hard work.
He thanked you for all the time you wasted and earned him money.
You are a retard if you are selling yourself cheap.

>>torrented porn at work
>>ignored email
Unbelievable. H-how could someone be this much of a faggot
>I've been jobless for years.
These things I can believe.

>mfw I'm not Neil Johnson

How do you people actually enjoy programming or anything related to that shit?

I just graduated last year and got an entry level java dev job but I hate programming and the only reason I got a CS degree is because it's an easy way to get a job if you aren't a retard.

>tfw full-stack/systems developer, systems/network administrator, telecommunications technician (inside wiring, telephones), electrician, admin assistant (accounting, business operations mostly scheduling), and laundromat attendant at a small telecom/technology-solutions business with a laundromat in the back suite of their building
>18, fresh uni drop-out after pissing away 3.5 years of high school with 2 years of college finished, got to use a bad car wreck as an excuse
>started at $3k/mo
>making $1k/mo now
never never never go to work at a small business ever ever ever, especially in a dying industry (telecommunications and on-premise phone systems), especially when most of your wiring jobs are being done by electricians
our biggest vendor, Toshiba Telecommunications Systems actually closed their doors about the same time I started here and sold their assets off to Mitel
I'm still not Toshiba TSD certified in any of their platforms, ordering for their systems is impossible unless something pops up on ebay or a reseller (who's just going to buy that same part from ebay and mark it up), we have one full toshiba technician who can do the analog phone systems, the voicemail systems, and the VoIP systems and most of the adjunct products for it, and he's hardly ever available since he's the owner and has more important shit to do than go to work apparently
the people left working there we didn't lay off or fire are trying to sort through thousands of dollars of debt from the previous owner and 7 months of deliberate sabotage before the first bookkeeper left, and retardation of two diversity hires, and I'm working half days at 3/4 of my original salary since "IT isn't that important," when I've picked up more than enough slack to make up for there being a lack of IT service calls when I was already making 3/4 of my original pay
but at least I can smoke weed, because we're not at all a drug-free workplace


you are apparently an autistic retard, maybe you can apply for benefits.

>Go take a shit on a campus toilet after a night out
>Suddenly google recruiters urging me to sign up for a lead developer position
>Hot sluts start sucking my dick while the recruiters look at me pleadingly
>300k starting

it was an average day.

>>ignored email
this is what got you fired, not the porn.

Unironically this. Did 11 years at Blue Chip company from 2002 to 2013. The culture and workload went from frantic but productive to kinda chill but obviously time wasting garbage and it was 100% female and diversity managers spouting buzzwords. I took severance from layoff and went freelance. Never going back to corporate.

Should have lied your ass off. It is so easy to have a believable story nowadays, assuming they don't know the endpoint. You could have said you were downloading ISOs of Microsoft's software.

What the fuck, why would you ever do that.

I was offered numerous "hey drop out of college and come work for us". Always sounds like a terrible idea. What happens if the company goes bust, or you want to work elsewhere? God forbid, what if you were fired?

You're now an unemployed, with no degree. Some places don't give a fuck, but a majority still wants to see your paper.

I cant even get an interview with a BS in CS

Then it's entirely your fault. It's not the pajeets. It's not the SJWs. You're just bad at CS-related jobs.

Or autistic. Don't forget autistic.

>Not automating all of your coworkers out of a job
Shame on you, the best way to get your coworkers fired is to make them obsolete