DAAAAAMMNNN! That Sup Forumstard got completely owned by my man Janko!

DAAAAAMMNNN! That Sup Forumstard got completely owned by my man Janko!

ITT: we post-ironically contemplate the state of the industry

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I'm a systems engineer and I still go to IT when I can't figure out a driver issue within 5 minutes because we have standard issue hw and I know they've seen it before.

You aren't going to get a medal for doing everything yourself, quote the contrary when you have deadlines to meet that don't include troubleshooting your own machine. Maybe it's not that she couldn't, but that she had too many competing priorities?

Cucks defending w*men

what a surprise

Next you'll tell me that maintaining my Arch Linux desktop is a waste of time.

>good will
so basically they keep shit employees because it's a morally admirable thing to do? thank god that will backfire, costs them $$$ and hopefully kill their shit "business".

>Dumb bitch decides to download the divx player 9001 from fake movie streaming site
>Gets malware by pressing accept to everything without reading
>Tell her boss what she did
>You're fired???

If it doesn't decrease output or leak company secrets, it's fine. A business is only there to get profit, not for caring what do you have on your computer (but neither for all that team shit unless directly profitable)


guy is the biggest cuck

read that fucking post guys

Does it mean if you are not a bitter person, you must be a cuck?

You have no idea how she got the malware, also nobody wants a autistic/asparagus person on their team. They will make every ones life hell and lower every ones productivity.

no, it means that if you're virtue signaling that hard you are probably in big IT company AND a cuck


That reply made me understand a little bit better why Windows' code is such a shitty mess. Programmers are waaay too scared to be psycho-analized by the HR people and/or their bosses and be fired to tell them or their coworkers the crap they do.

So his point is that instead of pruning dead weight, you should appreciate and encourage it? I don't understand.

brb, gonna download malware on every computer there is in my lab and then defend myself by saying "but that mp3 had such a cool name"

The must grow up, the is asshole
She never do anything wrong
She need support,love and basic human empathy.

His point is that he wants people to work together, not fuck each other over. He will figure out if she needs to be fired.

>if you're virtue signaling that hard
Isn't that what you autistic spergs do all day on here?

That's true, would fire an autist in a split second, they are very annoying. But still, malware is something you have to choose to download, and it is really only linked to trying to do something illegal, or installing some arbitrary shit that they probably did not need. Really, when I design a network, I make sure regular employees are locked out from downloading and installing most anything, increasing reliability on myself, if someone does get a virus, I would be suspicious of their browsing history, and give a report on that.

>"now, in a way that clearly displays my superior complex, let me judge you based on one single post"

>SJW 101:projection

His point? It was that instead of being a whiny bitch and being a todler who calls mommy and points at others he should be a team player. This has nothing to do with the other person's gender.

The malware was on her own computer i think. Also a lot of things have malware, flash is the most wide spread example.

What part of my message is autism? Don't you understand that all these companies have a toxic totalitarian climate? You'll be immediately fired for saying anything that is remotely deemed as "bigotry", and god forbid you don't communicate your progressive views on twitter. If you don't act "affirmatively", you're already in the danger zone.
When you're a monopoly like Amazon, you can treat working for you like a privilege, like this. You can force whatever bullshit you want down your employees throats, and force them to act accordingly.

Um how about you man up and offer your job to a beautiful, empowered, strong, independent woman?
Do your part. Do what's right.

tl; dr


I think siding with the woman should always be the default.

You completely missing the point(becouse of a low eq ie autism). The point is not about her and her feelings, but that you should not be a dick and try to fire your co-workers.

Me too.

You should never side with anyone, not even yourself

See, there are a lot of contributing factors, if it was her personal computer, I wouldn't give a damn, but a work computer is a different case.

Unless she was on an ancient version of flash, you have to go to very specific sites to get malware. Sites usually having to do with illegally downloading or pornography. Honestly, anyone who gets malware is doing something wrong. I haven't got a malware since Windows XP was new, and tried to download DungeonSiege illegally.

I don't know about the "autistic spergs" you're referring to.
I was referring to the lecturing, holier-than-thou hotshot from Amazon. He is pretty much being a total faggot and an asshole in someone else's face, but it's "ok" to him because what he says is very "morally right" to him. Which means that it's realistically wrong but it complies with our Western, Christian morals so we pretend it's right.
Then people like you complain that your favorite software got compromised yet again by some liberal bullshit. Enjoy, you brought it upon yourself by tolerating this.

I already do that and society rewards me with a monthly payment

If they kept the gender completely ambiguous they would have never received such a fedora-tier answer.

Would someone who can't just remove malware, but acquires it in the first place, to be responsible for any sensitive task? It's easy to be cute and liberal until you put these idiots in charge of something a little more advanced than frontend web dev and they create a bug that causes your company to lose a thousand dollars.

If you hired a programmer that can't apt install, there is a big chance they could be a retard.

Not that dude, but the only case I can think of, as far as SJW takeover, is FireFox, in which case, they added unremovable botnets so hard that the company itself just became another data mining giant.

>hey added unremovable botnets
Prove it by showing the exact code responsible for the data mining and explaining how it can't be removed

>you should not be a dick
>your coworkers
"Being a dick" is not an argument. A worker serves a function in the company. It's not a "family" or whatever, and you're a tool if you believe that. You get paid for doing your job. An illusion of "family" only helps command you and pay you less.
If you want to make a better decision for the company, workers like that one with malware on her PC should be fired. Plain and simple. She's about to do real damage, and business is not a charity.
If you want to make better decision for yourself, depends on situation. If your boss is another moral fuck, it can backfire.

b-b-but someone on g-g-Sup Forums said it was true so I've just been repeating it like a brainlet

Lol just install more malware on her computer until there's 20 instances of bonzi buddy running. Eventually they won't be able to get any work done and they'll notice.

And what about Twitter, which became ban-happy? What about all the gaming companies bowing down to gender politics? And heard the news on FreeBSD yet?
But it was not my point even, because most companies in tech are already die-hard liberal, like said Amazon, Google, Facebook, and pretty much any other big name. And especially since they promote affirmative hiring so much, I assume you won't stay long working there as a straight white male, unless you don't virtue signal all day long. Because who is pushing for H1B visas today? It's big tech. Did you know Obama's policy gave companies tax breaks if they hired foreign workers over Americans in tech?
That's how bad it is. This was my point. That Janko guy is really pathetic, he's probably forced to do that to stay in high position.

Amazon has none of these gender politics issues you speak of, nor is it full of SJWs. I've not once encountered an ounce of this at work. These are his personal thoughts, they don't show up in repos, so I don't give a fuck.

you wouldn't support your wife, you need her to work to sustain yourself?
sounds like you're the c**k

> Cleaning up my PC is not my job
God I hate people like that. I work with one and the fuck would literally rather complain about how the techs forgot to switch boot devices rather than take the 15 seconds to do it himself.

Maybe less so for Amazon, but still it's the general predominant ideology in these companies, and Jeff Bezos is a liberal too. I guess Amazon has slightly less impact on media, unlike Facebook or Twitter who can affect public opinion more.
>I've not once encountered an ounce of this at work. These are his personal thoughts, they don't show up in repos, so I don't give a fuck.
Well good for you, so? Do you work there? In any case, you know better than me.

>10+ years of experience
>literally noone knows who he is
That's just sad

I will love read response if wife begin replace with husband.

You're giving him too much credit.

Go through his post history, he's just a LARPing white knight faggot

>he's just a LARPing white knight faggot
Yeah well that was my whole point bro

People will achieve better results without having to carry dead weight.

You're right, we should all ignore points of failure and never report it, that's clearly the way forward. We should all cover up the failures of our coworkers so that the superiors never figure out who keeps fucking up.

this at that point why bother giving advice online
just stay unknown

My bad. I thought you meant that he actually had a job. I wouldn't even give him that much benefit of the doubt

So let everyone in the company "forget" their job then, since that's not what they were employed for.

if it's not his duty he's 100% right
a company is like clock, if one of the cogs doesn't turn it's not your responsibility. I'd rather do what I'm supposed to do, not more not less. It's a slippery road that can go from "just one time" to "we expect you to do this" pretty fast.

bug men will defend Janko's reply. real men will not hire a woman to begin with because of the terrible ROI

>hate arrogant, selfish people

>tfw software engineer in the south and work at a major corporation in the semi-truck industry
>tfw all of my superiors and coworkers are conservative, and those who aren't keep their mouth shut

if you're a software engineer and you live in california/new york you're doing this to yourself

> Taking care of his work pc and tools is not a Software Engineers job
Here we have a perfect example of why so many Companies leak your data like a sieve.

>If they kept the gender completely ambiguous they would have never received such a fedora-tier answer.
It would have still been obvious that they were of some privileged group talking about some "other" since nobody would talk that way about a member of their own ingroup, nor would a non-privileged group blithely assume they held the power to get them fired.

We're talking about whining about something completely unrelated to job performance. Just, "They don't know something I know so I think they should be fired for not being as great as me," when of course they wouldn't believe THEY should be fired for not knowing a random tidbit another person knows.

yes it is. if you are a NEET doing it for hobby it's probably ok, but if you have a job and responsibilities in your life and still maintain bleeding edge, full manual distros, it really is a waste of time.

I wonder what the answer would be if alimony didn't exist, or it was the other way around. Glad I'll never fall for the marriage scam.

>we should fire this pilot because he can't fix his plane, so he's a dead weight
t. you

A requisite of getting a driving license is knowing at least the basics of how a car functions and how to maintain it in good condition.

No it isn't. My written test had nothing about the car and the driving test didn't even have me open the hood, never mind remove the engine, disassemble it, change the rings, re-hone the cylinders, reassemble and reinstall.

More like the pilot installing every malware toolbar and "PC TURBO" software from the internet onto the plane computer.

Is the pilot expected to do any maintenance of his plane?
Also, in most countries you don't even need to know how to change a tire to get a driving license.

Maintaining an up to date distro takes pretty much no time at all if you aren't a complete retard.

>No it isn't.
It is in my country.

> and the driving test didn't even have me open the hood, never mind remove the engine, disassemble it, change the rings, re-hone the cylinders, reassemble and reinstall.

that's like asking a computer user to dissasemble their pcs to check and diagnose a faulty piece of hardware inside or mess up with the os source code. Not getting malware or knowing how to remove it is basic shit, just as changing your wheels or checking the oil is.

No ones asking him to fix it, but if he tries to take off with the doors open then yeah, he deserves to be fired.

But the equivalent of the OP is expecting the pilot to fix stuck doors instead of letting the service do it.

>Not getting malware or knowing how to remove it is basic shit
No it's not. Just because it's in the realm of your autistic hobbies doesn't mean it's basic.
Basic shit? You probably don't even know how to write protect a 5.25 inch floppy.

go back to Sup Forums

Had it been a few years ago, I'd be surprised to see a SE who couldn't run an antivirus. Nowdays tho, I see this is way more common than I thought before.

Some people just don't see computers as a hobby. She probably never got her computer full of viruses for downloading cracked games in her teenager years, and had to fix it herself. Or format her own desktop, then a laptop and learn the differences when installing drivers. The result is that the person joins later IT for whatever reason (likes webdev, wanna build stuff, or interest in computers simply bloomed later) and can't do what, for us, is basic stuff.

Pic absolutely not related.

you make shit metaphors. if your PC is a "huge mysterious machine that needs a repairing engineer" for you, I'm not sure you're qualified for that job.
it's more akin to a boxer who can't push up and smokes. it's simply a huge red flag. and by the way, these businesses usually have a long list of requirements for hiring. I'm sure a short exam on one of these would yield very interesting discoveries about the employee

Looks like canada is where all the feminine men go to after being kicked out of their respectice slavic countries. This is very good to know.

I find it kind of ironic that he accused the poster of judging others based on personal beliefs and being arrogant, then proceed to do exactly the same and much more. Not to mention the original is probably a low effort troll.

Dude, it's a software engineer we are talking about here, not some secretary or just a plain office worker.

You're really not too swift, are you?

>her computer
Wow, sexist much?

A developer who has zero interest in computer security should probably raise several red flags.

>feminine men

Cold climate and snow seems to do that to men, i dont know why. Just look at almost all the nordic countries, especially Sweden.

>Alimony she deserves
I agreed with everything this guy said until here

>I want a hot girl who's like into like the same music and stuff as me and will love me unconditionally

Pilot's have a checklist they have to look over before flying to see if its safe. How is a computer programmer any different?

I don't get your point at all. Nobody can deserve alimony, it exists as a bandaid for the loss of career building a spouse submits to in marriage. To say a woman deserves alimony is to say that a man deserves to pay it, which is to say that the man should be punished for his wrongdoing in marriage without an opposite punishment for the woman's wrongdoing

The programmer is different because it's ITs job to perform the checklist

IT's job is to fix it when something goes wrong, not to start the computer and check it every time the programmer clocks in.

It's fucking basics, no you do not expect a Pilot to fix the airplane himself, but a pilot shitting into the tank and not knowing even the basics of how an airplane works has no business flying the thing.

It's more like asking him to keep the cumstains off his avionics and maybe not flash firmware onto them he received in a spam mail.

This is basically how the left abuses "the system." In this case the hiring system. That woman Software Engineer shouldn't have made it into the team if she doesn't know how to keep her computer team.

The abuse occurs because most professionals know what that cuck said was true. Sucking up to your boss by telling them about other team members deficiencies isn't particularly smart since, in theory, they were hired and passed all those requirements.

Then some SJW in the company eases the requirements to hire a minority or woman that wouldn't otherwise have been hired; knowing that typical professional conduct would shield them from criticism.

tl;dr The last thing bosses want to hear is a subordinate complain about other subordinates... no matter how right they might be.

What does programming have to do with installing software?
You're not too swift, are you?

of course it's a Serbian soyboy beta canuck cuck, please God let the Belgrade burn

>Only 3% of the 400000 alimony recipients are male, and women who have to pay their exes are leading the charge for an end to the payments.


>Note USA alimony could happened even if marriage don't had children

What does medicine have to do with hygiene? Would you go to a surgeon who doesn't care if his tools are covered in shit?

Programming is done in a text editor. You don't even need a text editor, you can do it on a napkin. The act of programming is OS agnostic. I do not have to know how to root an android phone to make an android app. I don't need to know how to open Google maps. I don't even need to know how to make a phone call. All I need to know is how to write an android app.

and this is how ransomware like wannacry spreads so easily, thanks divershitty scam

fuck off back to Sup Forums, you know-nothing brainlet.

>muh pol

Why even become a programmer if you have zero interest on how diff computers (because yes smartphones ARE computers, if you didnt know) or os enviroment work? Where is the fucking curiosity and drive to learn goddamnit

You're obvious. "Here, let me find one of my 80 IQ memes to insert into every conversation. I'M SURE IT'S 100% RELEVANT!"

>anything that disagrees with the diversity scam is Sup Forums
talking about someone being obvious,you have to go back retard

>why even become an actor if you have zero interest in how Blu-rays are made?