Apple shit

"you don't pay for the performance, you pay for the experience"

>$5000 for underclocked and throttled hardware from 2011-2012
>planned obsolescence out the wazoo
>can be killed by breadcrumbs


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Mactoddlers will defend this.

Why does he keep going back for more?

>ur just using it wrong lol! accidents never happen!

applel fanboyism is hard to quit.

>complaining about something you have never used yourself because you can't afford it
>being poor
lmao @ u

99% of Sup Forums tested a shitbook at a best buy or apple store. Do you still think we like them? No. Now gtfo :)

I swear Sup Forums posts more about Apple than actual Apple fans.

>being poor

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Just read this. Apple's truly amazing. Now you can be a disgusting pig slob without getting crumbs in the keyboard

I think it's just one particularly mad faggot with nothing else to do with his time.

They should have this already, unlike the current ones dying if a since piece of dust gets under it.

Ah yes it's the "must be poor" argument which only comes out when you don't have an actual argument.

>tfw Eastern European
>tfw basic Macbook Air with all hardware soldered on costs almost two whole months worth of salary
Yeah I could literally do apartment reconstruction or buy a car instead of buying a fancy toy.

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except you can't do any serious coding on a non-mac kek. And yeah I'm a dev.

>Wastes money on over priced products
>Calls others poor
Is mac just a status thing? Like do people buy them so others will think they aren't poor? Because they sure as shit don't buy them as value for money option.

Apple is a poverty brand.

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>Apple is a poverty brand.
Just like STARBUCKS.. everybody with a $6 latte /day habit cries about being broke.

eh mine's survived the 5 years of shit I've done to it, so macs are durable enough
I feel the quality has gone down in the last 3 years, the heyday of the macbook is in the past
in terms of price there's no denying it's overpriced

eh you can use >ganoo plus linucks
but ngl the usable unix thing macos has is nice

>Apple will be a trillion dollar company soon out of the idiocy of millions
oh nononono

What is this picture supposed to prove?

Does anyone have data on failure rates of other luxury brand laptops?

this is like calling someone poor because they don't wipe their ass with $100 bills

>Overpriced iBullshit
>PajeetSoft Wangblows
how did computing come to this?

Tim Cook is a useless faggot and the stagnating smartphone market accounts for a huge portion of their revenues. Don't count on them growing much bigger.

>planned obsolescence out the wazoo
For most of its run, Apple released one iPhone model a year.

In the same period, Samsung released three dozen.

No, but there is data on failure rates with macshit compared with budget lines from other brands. Apple is literally chinkshit for gullible brainlets.

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>planned obsolescence
Says you

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The air is a good machine
>tried and tested hardware
>easily replaceable battery
>fast ssd
>insane battery life
>runs Linux flawlessly because macos has shitty opengl support and no vulkan support
Its not even overpriced with a student discount

Kek, if any of you guys actually wrote software you would understand why macOS is so much better. Yea windows is great if you’re just a gaming NEET who doesn’t need to compile and execute code. Linux is also great but it hurts your efficiency to be constantly fixing things that break.


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This is so ironic, anyone with a strong computer science background would disagree. Almost all software engineers use macs. Granted you are typically not running any code on it but using it to access a server.

>anyone with a strong computer science background
Curry break's over Rajeet. Back to your shitting street.

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I don't use my MBP much anymore, mostly because I don't touch a laptop much outside of work. Kinda thinking of selling it and getting one of the retrofitted Thinkpads, like the X62

Also ironic because all the pajeet s use windows because they can’t afford macs. Always Lulzy being in the office and seeing pajeets using windows and everyone else on macOS. .NET is all pajeets too

Anyone with a strong computer science background would disagree.
You used linux for 5 minutes and threw a tantrum because linux allows low level control of all system settings and it was too confusing for your babby duck child mentality to handle.

It's ok, real computers aren't for everyone. Keep on making fart apps and webdev thinking you have a "strong computer science background."

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>it's a fart and piss app making poojeet macfag thinks he belongs on Sup Forums episode

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Lol i manage an entire Linux cluster and have a M.S. I do agree that Linux is the goat, but it’s just faster for me to do most of my daily activities on macOS because I don’t run anything that intense and don’t need to worry about anything breaking. Also macOS is a smoother experience than any distro. Also I can afford one.

>I don’t run anything that intense
>if i don't use it for anything it can't break BASED APEL!!
Just kill yourself subhuman.

do we need to have this thread every day?
some people like macos, some people like windows
seriously who fucking cares what computer you use, it depends on the tasks

>>if i don't use it for anything it can't break BASED APEL!!
It's the same story with any mactard you run into. The only ones that praise these poorly built soda can pieces of shit are the morons that literally do nothing with them, and would be fucking stupid enough to say the same shit if you stuck an Apple sticker on a Chromebook or Windows laptop locked down with a guest account.

What do you guys use for laptops? The only reason I'm using a Macbook is because of iMessage, and the only reason I have an iPhone is because Android doesn't have a good typing-SMS-from-desktop application.

A mactoddler has defended this.

Lol because like any sane person I offload any intensive computations onto a server. If you’re running intense computations on a laptop you are fucking retarded. MacOS gives me the smoothest experience and best interface for accessing other devices. I don’t care about hardware very much because I don’t push my hardware. Most people don’t push their hardware (because doing anything intense on a laptop is for retards) so they buy the laptop with the best interface and smoothest OS.

>panjeet has spent more on ebay MacBooks to post pictures on Sup Forums than the average macfag on personal hardware

I've never seen someone so autistically dumb on this board before. Do you even understand tech, curryboy?

>smooth experience
Good joke.

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>Most people don’t push their hardware (because doing anything intense on a laptop is for retards) so they buy the laptop with the best interface and smoothest OS.
This is exactly why nobody but brainlets buy macshit.

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Why do you just post utter shit every single day, open topics just to argue about them and reply to your own posts? I know a mod who left 2 months ago. I won't embarrass you by telling everyone where your IP address is from but my assumptions were always correct.

Also we found out you're a literal teenager and you live with your grandmother. Your move.

>t. mactoddler with no argument

My dad is Steve Jobs and he told me you're a faggot. Your move.

you seem mad.

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How does it feel to be so assblasted that Sup Forums doesn't like your gay faggot toys that you try to make up bullshit in a desperate shitflinging attempt to "hit home"?
I never even knew any of my grandparents much less live with them, but stay assblasted mackiddie. Your tears are delicious.

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>it's a mactoddler pretends to understand technology and thinks that anyone besides an ISP can easily trace an IP to a home address episode
Comedy gold.

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His post doesn't imply he traced his home address. Finding out he was a teenager living with his grandmother could just be looking at his other posts on other boards.

>t. assblasted mactoddler


Am dev, you are full of shit.

If you even understood English, you wouldn't have sperged about ISPs and understood the implications of personally knowing an ex-mod. You know, the people who've been banning you for the post 6 months or so for your 3rd world shitposting.

How does it feel to talk more about Apple than the people who love Apple? When are you moving out of your grandmother's? Want some Bitcoin to help?

Posting the same shit every time?
You sound a bit O B S E S S E D

>lol ur poor arguement
Show your paystub, nigger.

>serious coding

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>t. assblasted ifaggot ex-mod mad that he got himself banned

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>the amount of itoddler anal devastation ITT
Holy shit.

>iToddler banned

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>t. Buttblusted iToddler

How will macfags ever recover?

>"You know, the people who've been banning you for the post 6 months or so for your 3rd world shitposting."
>Gets Banned
Oh lawdy

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>sperglord neets repost applel threads every hour because apple lives in their brains rent free
>turboautism itoddlers lose their shit because they can't fathom a world where someone would choose other than "their" brand
every fucking day

I have two macbooks (I got them both for free from work). I had never owned an apple product before that point, and I used to be vehemently anti-apple.

Honestly, they are kind of amazing. I don't know if I'd ever pay for them, but they are easily the nicest computers I have ever owned. I'm not exaggerating when I say I have never had any sort (software) related issus with the computer. Though its a little cliche, they actually do "just work", which is great, because it means I can actually focus on doing work instead of trying to fix my computers.

Anyone who says Macbooks are underpowered are full of shit, and probably have never used one. I literally always have at least two VMs running on it, as well as slack and my IDE, and I have never run into a performance hiccup. The screen is nice and crisp. The battery life + functional trackpad means I can actually pick it up and move it and use it in other places other than my desk as well, which is very convenient.

>inb4 calling me a mactoddler or something
For anyone here who is actually on the fence and wondering if they should buy a mac, I really do recommend it. It's at least a lesson in learning that in aggregate Sup Forums is a bunch of angry children. There is reason why literally every single company that can afford buys macbooks for their engineers.

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>all these poor people ITT

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DESU, the situation we have now is a lot better than before.
With most iToddlers banned, now all the shitflinging stays in 1-2 threads, instead of 20+ daily "why dun u own mac/ifone u poor? lololo" bait threads.

>t. assblasted mactoddler
Macs are literally foxconn chinktrash that roll off the exact same production line as Acers before being diverted to be fitted with fruit logos, to then be sold to gullible idiots. Deal with it.

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I have a 2012 upgraded to 16GB ram, running MX Linux. Shit is god tier.

*blocks your path*

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I agree Apple has gone to shit the last few years but MacBook Pros from that era are fucking golden. Mag safe, fully upgradeable, no throttling those years. Fucking cherry.

I'm sure the neckbeards will appreciate not getting hot pocket crumbs in their keyboard.

>no throttling

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It's sort of the reason you'd buy a Ferrari instead of a Ford Focus. Sure, they both get you to the same grocery store. But there's a difference in experience using them.

>iToddler banned AGAIN

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>a Ferrari
A mac is more like a beat up Pinto with a Porche body-kit.

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> Even at their most expensive those parts don't equal to even half of 5k.


macfags dont recover they throw out and buy again

I'd imagine a exploded battery tends to destroy everything in that unit.

So never long enough to actually learn anything?

>replying to yourself
The state of macfaggots.

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Which two do you have?

>MicroGoog’s anti-Apple alliance
Imagine being this much of an assblasted delusional fruit zealot.

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>if you don't like it then you never used it!!!1111
You're not convincing anyone Pradeep. You'd think with all the money Apple dumps into their PR department they could at least hire someone to write some new shill material.

>iToddler utterly btfo

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Why do you think they keep themselves broke? no self control, thousands of dollars in debt with credit card companies, fall for all the trendy shit, can't focus to git gud enough to get a good job or start a business.

>Thinking anyone outside of Sup Forums cares what Sup Forums thinks

hmm, there are always a lot of those hipsters "working" on their macbooks at Starbucks...

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