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Technology #651
Does windows purposefully update when you are in a hurry?
Lisp tan is pretty cute why is there only one drawing of her?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why is KDE so smooth, sleek and responsive while Gnome feels like some laggy Android rom?
Post 'em
Did AMD single-handedly save the PC industry?
Will you be purchasing a snapdragon inside™ laptop, Sup Forums?
Tfw you realize one of the richest people in the world is a fucking malware distributor
Windows Ten
Comfy AMD Thread
Sup Forums humor thread
Be network admin
Why dont they make phones with removable batteries anymore
Facebook released a statement about the shitshow that is happening to them
So it wasnt exactly “hard” per se but god damnit portage takes literally hours to install a few packages why would...
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Check year
Prebuilts are cheaper now? Even in fucking small European countries! What the hell
Make fun of Apple for removing headphone jack
Why don't you use KDE?
What language would you use to teach new programmers?
Tfw every semi-normie programmer i know is using a mac
Day 62
Should the United States adopt 240V as the primary voltage for home electricity?
Tfw don't have a single reason to use windows at this point
Retro Sup Forums thread
Why is arch looked down upon here?
Installing GTK+ with code::blocks and GCC on windows
Current state of Sup Forums
Can a linuxfag recommend to me a good distro to start learning linux on? I plan to dual boot with Windows 10
CS was a mistake, EE and CE are much better
What does this room smell of Sup Forums?
Who else here feel like a programmer impostor?
Lmao you faggots told me Windows makes it easier to install programs than Linux
Anyone have some good resources for learning pic related?
Sup Forums BTFO
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How do I be a good consumer
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Letting boomers have internet was a mistake
/wt/ Watch Thread, Basel World Edition, What Will Noob Release?
Do google watch videos I uploaded on google drive...
Pls help if u can idk wtf to do anymore
The next Steve Jobs they said
Comcast is now injecting ads into the HTML of webpages you visit. I have seen this on two different machines
15-Year-old Finds Flaw in Ledger Crypto Wallet
I was a fool and spilled some tea over my Early 2011 MBP. I immediately switched it off...
Why do monitors suck these days?
Is it actually silly to wait™ ?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I love how people on Facebook all the sudden are mad and upset Facebook is stealing your info...
Oh look!
How do we solve the manchild gaymer problem?
Routers in 2018:
LED lights you can't turn off
99% of Sup Forums can't solve this
Is it actually a meme? Is it that hard to use? And is it harder to use than Arch...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Speccy thread
Prove to me that this buggy pile of shit is "better" than the stock YouTube app Sup Forums
So the "innocent pedestrian" killed by Uber's autonomous car turns out was a fucking cyclist crossing the road at night...
What's the best messenger app?
How do i recreate this game in Java? (only language i know right now)
Name me 3 (three) Linux exclusive programs that are better than Mac (or shitdows) variants
You know, this person makes some excellent points...
XFCE is canned sardines
Tech Forums Question
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Internet-free OS?
Are you a bat, Sup Forums ?
Tech will be female dominated by 2023
Favorite Mouse of All Time
Are you a digital hoarder?
How to Hack?
ANDROID IS soooo customizable!
Have a sister who's much much younger than me
Sup Forums tells me C programming gets the bitches and cash
Is Sup Forums's hate on Intel justified? What are the main arguments against Intel? I'm just curious...
What is the most satisfying type of cable to plug in?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Laptop advice
Name a flaw
Rotate image in gimp
What have you remapped your Thinkvantage button to ?
Smartphones age at ten times the rate of people
ITT: We pretend it's 1995
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Top tier web browsers
I can't for the life of me understand why someone would choose Gentoo over Arch
Linux is gre-
Anyone notice the lack of new porn torrents on RARBG and TPB?
Anyone else here doubt this faggot programmed anything...
I have been drawing in photoshop for a while now, but I loaded it up this time and the black doesn't look black
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Objectively, which is easier to use?
Locked laptop HDD
What's the best Python editor? I was told by this board to use Pandas, but by a tutorial to use Komodo
Linux desktop environment
Where do you have your computer battlestation, in your bedroom or in the living room?
Never obsolete
People who don't put their recycle bin icon in the lower right hand corner of the desktop
How to shut down any technology that gives power to the people instead of the government
Post yfw normies are just finding out that Facebook is collecting data about them
Only way to fix windows is reinstalling windows
RIP Bill Gates, founder of The Facebook
Have you customized your e-reader's software, Sup Forums?
Why is it people are using git in such a strange centralized way, like the way github works...
Is Microsoft trying to destroy Linux?
Font Rendering
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
A bunch of autistic fucks from Sup Forums made a game about crippled anime girls that people are still obsessing about...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Program an effect better than this
/wt/ - Datch Thread, Digital timepieces edition
He reddit spaces his code
Now that telegram is compromised, what's your excuse for not using xmpp...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How do you get these two PCs to communicate with each other if they have the IP addresses (PC0) and 192...
First computer you owned
Old uTorrent blocked on empornium
What is Java used for, and should I learn it?
Why are smartphones with actual buttons so goddamn rare? You cannot buy them with a plan...
There needs to be a change in Smartphone technology
Speccy thread
Friendly reminder that Facebook also owns Whatsapp and Instagram
Child abuse imagery found within bitcoin's blockchain
Just got this for my birthday, its fucking shit...
Just a quick reminder to #deletefacebook
Looking to buy a laptop to browse Sup Forums & do some excel work what laptops y'all recommend?
RIP Ryzen
How do I play japanese games on linux?
>VR is doing goo-
Blockchain Technology is illegal
C or Python?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
So has this surpassed Firefox? Is this what everyone is/has moved to?
What’s your excuse for not using the only decent Linux distro?
There will never be a comfier android phone
Anyone using this?
Jokes and toenail-consumption aside... is he right?
Why the fuck are so many programmers also furries/fetishists...
Why is the google pixel so hyped by tech reviewers again?
NOOOOOO! They weren't supposed to fit more than 6 cores!! AHHHHHHHHH!
OpenOffice v. LibreOffice
Be in Windows
Is this the closest to real UNIX?
*is bugged*
Name one reason why xmpp isn't the thinking mans messaging solution
Can you even justify your Linux installation over using windows or OSX Sup Forums?
Unix maximalism
How are the blue haired sjw facebook devs dealing with the fact that their product was used to swing an election in...
How do we kill GNU/Linux
How can I learn to car?
Anti-Apple thread please Sup Forums
Programming languages
Sexbot thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Facebook is officially dying
The absolute state of Sup Forums recommended apps
Yfw Apple becomes the first TRILLION dollar company
Why shouldn't I buy this, you fucks?
How does Sup Forums dress like?
If Sup Forums made CloverOS real, maybe, it's possible to make Sup Forums Desktop Environment?
Is machine learning a meme?
How do you go on about deleting Facebook? How do you minimize the information they have got about you...
/wt/ - Datejust edition
Is it possible that people whine about Sup Forums to get (You) or they really think Sup Forums is a left wing website...
Previous thread >>65157718
Everything is a fucking botnet what do you do
Net neutrality is gone and everythings still fine
What electronic device is the most aesthetic?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent to the Macbook Air?
It's 2018! C'mon, you cannot not have FB yet!
How much ram does your phone actually need ?
Why is Android still so heavily Java based?
Its jif guys i just joogled it
Linux distro for servers
Talos II
What are the best-looking GNU/Linux distros? Many people say Deepin, but it's an undercover chinese botnet
Facebook was trying to delete evidence of data breach
Everything is a file on linucks
Terry Davis Returns
Sudo apt-get
Why is modern Android so predominately blindingly white everywhere?
Retro thread? Retro thread
This is the only keyboard you need if you consider yourself a programmer
I mine crypto
What the fuck is an "enterprise bean"?
/smt/ - Software Minimalism Thread
Why don't we have real competition for MS Office?
For me, it's the iPad
When will we finally get a open source professional editing software better or as efficient as photoshop on linux??
Speccy thread?
Why are programmers / software developers so damn ugly on average
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
ITT: Your first graphics card
ITT ports you never use
Why shouldn't i buy this?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I'm legit thinking about creating a new desktop operating system
What are the technical reasons that make linux faster than windows?
I use linux
Why is Linux so fucking shit?
What's your job, Sup Forums?
B.S. in Info Systems
How do we get rid of this shit?
Will crypto come back?
Npm install
>BST - RichFagEdition<
Schools pushing botnets hard
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
He doesn't even know how to use sed for subtitutions
Firefox Master Password System Has Been Poorly Secured for the Past 9 Years
Anyone else think we need to go backwards in society and not be tied into the smart phone and computer daily?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux thread
In high school
Non-dogshit-feeling Windows laptops
RX Vega 56 - More efficient than a GTX 1070
Are there any linux DAW that isn't a piece of shit?
VLC is king. Prove me wrong
Facebook Security Chief Said to Leave After Clashes Over Disinformation
First day of job
Looks like I've found my new home for stuff about linux
I want to learn to code. Where do I start or begin
I've been putting my life on hold till the day I can get a new computer because I'm using this outdated piece of shit...
They killed the modded app that gave you unlimited adfree music
What browser does Sup Forums use?
Tfw java has not concept of const values (final is not a real const)
Where were you when Nvidia literally murdered AMD?
Why is this even a "debate" when digital audio is mathematically, objectively...
*walks towards you and the future*
Do you know your shit as far as programming goes?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Why is hashing important
Is there a way to convince those guys that they should include a calculator?
Serious question: Can chads and masculine people do STEM??
The amount of GNU/Linux distros could be brought down to three
T400 w/ Intel Core 2 Duo for $100 CAD, free shipping. No RAM or HDD (Both on hand), battery life unknown
Who will be held responsible for manslaughter?
Post fugly/weird graphics cards
Laptops before widescreen?
How do we kill Windows
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is the Galaxy S9 worth getting if I'm upgrading from an S6? If not, what should I get
Wasted CPU potential
Which do you use and why?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/mg/ - Software and Hardware Minimalism General
Which distro is most stable and up to date?
Self-driving Uber kills pedestrian
Uber's Autonomous car kills pedestrian
Forgotten languages that you enjoy(ed)
It seems the best computing technology comes mainly from Japan and South Korea
Hey, this is your Uber (lack of) driver. Am on top of you
/wt/ - Watch Thread, Soviet timepieces edition
Infinite scroll
Flip cord
Delete your account already
Skip Captcha 10 times
Operational systems
$799 $799 $799 $799 $799 $799 $799 $799 $799
When's the last time you disassembled your keyboard for cleaning, Sup Forums?
*rips your finger off*
/ag/ & /am/: audio general & audiophile meme
Jason Rohrer
Im looking for something like a potentiometer BUT it has to move back into a position over time...
He doesn't audit every line of code in all software he uses
Ω All are welcome here; the world is fucked and we are all in this together
Y- You told me Sup Forumsoogle was evil
VM as main computer
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What's Sup Forums best smartphone at the time?
Be me
Fucking Android is becoming another shit closed OS. You can't do a thing on it...
Do the top torrents for Windows contain malware? What are the odds I'll get jewed by a torrented Windows?
ITT: Shitting PulseAudio
I found a weird slide show on this hard drive
You used to laugh at the JavaScript script kiddies. Now they are replacing you
Kali 2017.2. with dual boot with Windows 10 pro x64
What SO does Sup Forums use?
/vape general/
Why aren't you using CBX Shell?
95% of /g can't write a program that does this
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
When you're so afraid of death you kill yourself
Install Linux
Is the internet bad for you?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What just werks for you, and why is it Ubuntu?
I just bought this thing
Replicant or Sailfish
Is using a phone ring when you're a guy gay?
PHP btfo Node.js
Is devuan good? is there a better friendly alternative to non-systemd distro?
Is the video card famine almost over yet?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Every other company is copying iPhone X
Why don't click bait sites deliver? They make the promise of righteous goods but rarely have that much to show...
Military grade security
Ink cartriges are a scam - genuine anger thread
Crt monitors
Are Thinkpads worthless?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Drinks while Computing
If you had an idea for a great new social network app that would change the game and definitely be successful
Hey LGR here...
What happened. Did the cianiggers get him?
Fitbit faggot here, I am getting a bit frustrated with Fitbit gimping its functionality so I want to get an Apple Watch...
System D hate thread
>makes concurrency super easy all over your code
PS4 emulator
/smt/ - Software Minimalism Thread
Java for some BS reason modify a fucking final const variable
Was it the peak od Android?
Does the T470 get the Sup Forums tick of approval?
G*d darn it Sup Forums give me project ideas so I can get fucking hired
Facial recognition technology
Does wifi pose health risks?
What's the name of the font on this pic?
Okay it's about time i stop fucking around with meme languages and learn something i'll actually get paid to use
Why are iPhone users so fucking stupid?
Nostalgia thread :3
What your committing "policy"? How much do have to change your project to make it worthy of a commit?
So how is AMD getting on with fixing those security issues?
Still no ryzen laptops
/wt/ - Watch Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So, these guys at are apparently in works of an optimized PS2 bios for the Raspberry Pi...
IOS vs Android
Microsoft Thread
R/linux anarchy week
Sup Sup Forums
Isn't blockchain techonology a big thing?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/w7g/ Windows 7 General
*randomly breaks your addon*
Would Sup Forums every change country for a job?
Is it worth it Sup Forums?
Linux accessibility
be me
Is Chrome dead?
Things that should be illegal:
Bought a used MBP (2011) for $500
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why Australia's Internet access is so bad?
What is going to happen to free software when stallman dies? Will it make it without him?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Firefox 59.0.1 fixed multiple vulnerabilities
Why haven't you installed gentoo yet ?
I want some kind of electonic notebook/organizer. Should I buy used Palm or there's some modern solution?
Why are linux distros such garbage?
Ryzen 3 2200G
/bst/ - Battlestations
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Post your favorite or most used cli commands
Mpv fags dont even bother to release a simple GUI for their secret club niche player
What's the best way to learn to program Artificial Intelligence?
Why do people hate phone posters?
He STILL doesn't have a Pi-Hole
Social Media
Why did this fat fuck write Memecraft in Java? It runs like shit and is a memory hog
Katie prefers to work in a terminal environment while koding on personal projects! Even though KDevelop is the best IDE...
Am I the only one noticing how Dell Precisions are cheap as fuck for what you get on eBay?
The state of KDE
Browsers and RAM!!!!!!
Can we all agree that C++ is the ultimate swiss army knife of programming languages?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
What IDE does Sup Forums use?
Is a physical keyboard even good if the keys are that small?
Why are Macs so damn comfy?
Smells like....victory
Why is everybody on this Board bitching about something
Let's be honest here, why do you all even use Linux when Windows can do everything and more
What will computers look like in 28 years?
Have you disabled your browser's cryptomining feature yet, Sup Forums?
I'm an upcoming influencer (or e-celeb if you want to call it old school) and I need a budget gaming laptop for a start...
Orange pi
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Why is AMD a soley Boomer Oriented company
Friendly GNU/Linux Thread /fglt/
Home screen thread
I seriously miss the good ole days of Windows 7. Windows XP was good but did have some issues...
He's a corelet
Nvidia BTFO
Is there an Linux distro that doesn't feel like it was put together with duct tape and wood screws in terms of...
Heya Sup Forums, my smart friends arent online atm and they normally give me tech advice, so here i am asking you...
If you think you're so fucking smart why won't you go ahead and fix this already?
Is there anything wrong with using W10
Since crypto is in a huge down trend mining wont be profitable soon meaning the market is going to be flooded with...
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Ubuntu has decided it wants to get to know you a little bit better
Ultimate con to trick cucks and soyboys to waste their mommy's money, prove me wrong
I'm tired of non-unix systems like Winshit, it's pig disgusting, and I'm tired of Linux and its lack of driver support...
Windows PowerShell is better than faggy BASH. prove me wrong. protip: you cant
Not using Void Linux with plasma desktop
Hey tech dudes...
93% of employed software developers are man
Pajeet here. programming hard for everyone...
FFmpeg general - How to make good anime reaction webms edtion
UNIX minimalism
/pmOS/- postmarket general
>he bought a smartphone in 2018
/GAI/ fingerprinting
Best chair ~$100?
HEIF vrs .jpg?
Mini PC thread anyone?
What's the alternative to captchas?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/wt/ Watch Thread, Windy Swatch Edition
The botnet arrived to the open source community
Proprietary Software
Now that crypto is dead, will we see GPU prices return to normal?
Which one?
Post your essential android apps that don't require root. troll posts will be ignored
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General - pour one out for the poor overcharged bastards in Europe edition
Mg/ - Minimalism General
Going to install debian along with windows 10,wish me luck
Prove your not a newfag
What the fuck does this do again?
Network+ Study Group
Recursion useless according to Sup Forums
Meme software
Go to Best Buy
Are you free Sup Forums?
What is the ThinkPad of smartphones?
E-book readers
Waffle makers are technically technology
Just switched from chrome to firefox. Best decision I've ever made, is this what freedom feels like?
FUCK this piece of shit OS and DE
GNOME and Fedora pretty comfy Sup Forums
If he were that good, he'd've started a business and/or applied for a couple of patents
Thoughts on waterfox...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Whats a good audio interface i should get myself?
/mpv/ - is haasn/madshi dead?
Gaming on Linux
Text files
His shell script only works with bash
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Internet Anonymity Should Be Banned
What language to learn for general programming?
Owning a mechanical keyboard is just as, if not infinitely more, retarded as being an audiophile
So why are you still using social media? Desu
All your ram are belong to me
Am I an idiot for thinking their shit looks ok?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Windows XP
Fecegook harvested 50 mil accounts with no consent or alert
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
ITT: must read non-programming books for programmers
Why do calendar programs suck so much ass?
Linus just works
/wt/ Watch Thread
Comfiest desktop experience
Masturbation and Programming
New speccy thread. Go!
P = U * I * 1,73 * cosPhi
Windows 95 UI has more features than GNOME 3 23 years later
Internet Radio
My g400 is dying Sup Forums, is there a better mouse in 2018 or should I just buy a new g400?
Android Custom Rom General
How bad will /fa/ggots ruin our precious space?
Home storage
I republished an android Sup Forums reader app, Chan Blue, I wrote a few month ago in Kotlin
Imagine being Mozilla in 2018
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Ultrawide monitors
Let's settle this
Update winshit
Riot chat client
I have wifi at work, but I don't want to use it because it uses your company ID as the login name...
Why does Sup Forums pimp so hard for i3?
Im off to study Computer Science with AI at University in September
Apple hits a new low
The absolute state of Y combinator 'start a startup' fags. HAHAHAHA
Can we have a thread about these fucking libraries and how they're destroying the web?
Is there a good keyboard that's:
R8 my rig Sup Forums
If you had to decide between keyword-based block syntax or indentation based one, which would you decide for?
S9 Already running a fully working AOSP build thanks to Project Treble
He doesn't know how to upload webms longer than 2 minutes
He thinks he's unique or intelligent because he has a thinkpad
Does Sup Forums repair xeir own electronics?
What is the perfect phone, Sup Forums?
Is there anything more obnoxious than decorating your laptop with stickers?
He has more than 700 packages
He doesn't writes his documents with LaTeX
I'm trying vim to see what it's like but I don't understand the supposed efficiency gains
Soylent is technology
Just found this old phone in my attic. How do I go about restoring it so I can use it as my daily?
Post your top-10 failed ssh login origins and your location
Hello Sup Forums
Windows 10 Pro
/lsa/ - Linux Sucks Ass general
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
Why do so many idiots buy brand new PC parts? Why not buy used parts...
Daily reminder that if you like ANSI enter key you have a small penis...
Enterprise-grade code
Technology board
Post a perfect phone that you just want updated specs on
You have 1 minute to tell me why you haven't rooted your phone yet
CTS is a confirmed scammer scum
What's in her hand?
Ubuntu is the comfiest desktop environment
Push me to finally switch to GNU/Loonix
Are you running the GNOME operating system yet?
Are modular synthesizers allowed here?
I had an app idea
Is this considered OK in 2018??
Fellas, do you ever glance over at your computer case and get sexually aroused?
Post your phone upgrade history
Fellas, what's really the matter with Windows...
Friendly *bsd thread /fbt/
I had a package shipped to my house 3 months ago...
ITT: your favourite monospace fonts
Okay so are there ANY downsides to buying THIS?
Post your best ascii boobs, i'm stuck on a text only browser and i'm very horny
What's so special about it ? Is it any good ?
Man I love this fucking board. Shitposting to no end pretending that we use Windows. That's enough though...
I want to go back to XP
What Distro is best for gaming?
How did chinese manage to make such beautiful disto?
Send help
Started watching this, is it Sup Forums approved?
/dpt/ daily programming thread - Julia edition
Coding Interview
I'm shit at Maths. Am I fucked for this industry?
Sup Forums's greatest ally
Okay, so OOP failed royally with Java, I get that
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are Google Pixelbook, Microsoft Surface and Apple Macbook the logical conclusion to computing?
Election Hacking
I miss 14.04 adware. Now they are including google and microsoft botnet on Ubuntu
The ultimate battle
4GB RAM on idle
Whats Sup Forums's favorite non-computer related technology?
Keep in mind that Unity games collect anonymous information
Hey Sup Forums
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Sup vir/g/ins, i reccently decided to make debian 9 "stretch" my single OS in my computer...
The /ez/ programming thread
I can't get a job and I hate working for other people
/wt/ Watch Thread, No Shitters Allowed Edition
Show me a KDE desktop that doesn't look like shit
EXtern OS
Do you have a smart TV, Sup Forums? Is it connected to the internet?
Congratulate this upstanding young IT professional, Sup Forums
Wat do. Am dumb
How does Sup Forums prefer their font rendering? Hinited? Unhinted? Only slightly hinited? Greyscale AA, or RGB?
Shitcoin mining : Let the bans begin
Why are east asians in the tech industry so fucking based?
I want to create a home network that can host a domain, email and a website. I want to use FOSS for everything...
I have a tummy ache :(
Just bought the s9
Adrian Lamo, a computer hacker best known for passing on information that led to the arrest of Chelsea Manning...
I was considering converting a word document into a pdf and putting it online...
Just bought a 4k tv. I usually only watch 1080p downloads. What are the best movies that must be watched in 4k?
Speed test thread? Speed test bread. NBN fags need not apply
Tech Police!
There's still Windows 95 code in Windows 10
Why are thinkpad users so autistic?
Ending all legacy BIOS support by 2020
Is this the best smartphone camera on the market?
/mkg/ - Waifu Edition
Why is windows 10 so fucking ugly?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Does asymetrical RAM hurt performance?
Itt buyers regret
What does Sup Forums think of Lunduke?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Mfw today I finally realized that most women in tech are actually treated quite badly
Here's your laptop bro
Why does Sup Forums hate him?
Uni thread
Fucking thing looks like ozzy osbourne
Why fy
/pcbg/ - PC Building General Sup Forums hates this thread edition
EU wants to require platforms to filter uploaded content (including code)
/ptg/ Private Turds General
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Daily reminder
Programming music
What are essential Linux commands? I know sudo and pwd
ChinkPad on suicide watch
Dell XPS is the new Thinkpad
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/smt/ - Software Minimalism Thread
For mobile is actually pretty fucking good
AMD taking no prisoners at CloudFest
Building your own PC is cheaper
Linux Firewall
Guys, what skills are most desired on IT market?
What went wrong?
Where do you get your music, Sup Forums?
Anandtech talks with CTS Labs
Stop admiring RMS, you fools. Free software is certainly one of the best contributions to humanity...
Does anyone else already feel alienated from a lot of technology and trends taking place among younger people...
Happy Birthday, Doctor Stallman
Which Firefox ripoff respects my freedom and is actually worth a damn?
Muh pajeets on Sup Forums
Muh pajeets muh WOMYN programmers
3 MONTHS after Net Neutrality was repealed
Today is the birthday of Richard Stallman
What are the best Firefox extensions and Sup Forums extensions?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Happy Birthday!
Offline computers in the current year
Sup Forums friends who still use Windows 7...
Is renting a modem for suckers?
I started Xorg to test it with startx but I forgot I had no input drivers installed...
Linux is free, if your time is worthless
The idea of a PCI-E based CPU addon card sounds awesome
It kinda sucks
How much RAM do you have?
Bad idea?
When will we invent FTL?
What got you into programming?
Make *.py files runnable
What would the computing world be like now if the Amiga had survived long enough to compete with Windows and Apple and...
ETH @ 10K by Christmas
Best version of ubuntu
BSD License
Should I take the time to learn this or is it just a meme?
Sup Forums is dead: What's a good GMS 1.X torrent place?
Why are Sup Forums's servers such absolute dogshit?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Hello, sirs
/gamingtech/ general
Why did Europe fall behind in tech companies compared to Asia and America?
Listen Manes
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why are several boards like Sup Forums frozen today?
Oh my god, what is wrong with this man?
Why is Taiwan stuck in Web 1.0?
Anyone else not use a tiling window manager, or a meme distro?
Earlier today (March 10th, 2018)...
No incoming connections
Choose your fighter
Speccy thread
When is Sup Forums coming back famalam?
Is Qualcomm Quickcharge 4.0 going to be in the Galaxy S9? Samsung went full dumbass and locked off Quickcharge 3...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
There is no perfect Linux starter dist
Kijiji buyer wants a refund?
Install Windows
Anyone have experience with this thing? How good is it?
SEC opens investigation into suspicious short selling activities of AMD shares
What the fuck just happened?
Main reason to learn programming
Is it true that Alpine Linux is free of GNU? So basically a pure Linux distro is really possible in the end
Post valid logically good reasons why you pirate Sup Forums
Do I need a degree to get a high paying programming job?
Daily reminder:
IOS General
Should i go with Linux fully?
Did you even care to actually READ copyright law before attacking & robbing developers on the high seas?
Oh, sorry
Been learning to program for a couple of years with breaks
What happened to the arch installer?
Sup Forums doesnt work
What is the purpose of virtual machines?
What are you doing to help women in tech?
New computer cases
What's it like having a job in the tech industry?
What did they mean by this Sup Forums?
Women can't progra-
How do I securely wipe a drive before selling it?
How do i get pst the ban twitter has put on my computer...
This shitty ass company was allowed to gobble up Time Warner and Charter and be the only internet available
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Start linux program
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Android Wear is now Wear OS
How should I go about making a professional sounding email address?
I'm thinking of upgrading me and my GF's Nextbit Robin...
Python's where it's at. You can do almost anything with it!
Salary: competitive
Does VPN even work? Redpill me please
From my desire if wanting to build a competitor to the OP 1. What is it that you'd like it have?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Entry level
Scored a Gigabyte 1070 for $80. I'll post ITT soon after I've tested it
Why does Sup Forums hate visual studio code?
Not using Windows 7
Sup Forums is kill
What's would happen if all the computers we have now stopped working...
I have 800 USD to buy a laptop to use linux exclusively
Is Navy IT/Air force cyberspace a joke Sup Forums? Are the job prospects good once you're out?
Mint, Ubuntu = TrueOS, GhostBSD
The apparent STATE of the Windows NT TCP/IP stack
How long has it been since you cleaned your keyboard?
What's the best text editor and why is it vscode?
/smt/ - Software Minimalism Thread
Escaping the Microsoft
Start menu is shit
Is Sup Forums ded 5-ever?
Modified version of windows 7 with bloat removed
Tfw you forget the WHERE clause, and overwrite 300,000+ rows
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Spotify Dogfood CORE
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Company gets attacked by Israeli company after pushing stagnated market to new era...
The perfect setup
How the fuck did flagship phones go for about $300-400 max 5 years ago, to $800-$1000 today?
What's your excuse, minimalism fags?
Sup ForumsWeb - An Autist's Paradise
What's the appeal of desktopfagging?
I have a challenge for you
Use XMonad, it's not that difficult. I promise you will enjoy it more than i3 once you get the hang of it
When is Linux 2 coming out?
/wt/ Watch Thread
This is what the modern home computer could render in 2007...
Why is KDE such garbage?
Speedtest - DSL - Fiber
Sudo Lectures
What is your favored botnet and why?
Buy bluetooth earbuds
How do we get rid of systemd? It's clearly an NSA scheme
/mg/ - Minimalism General
I am smarter then you, because i use linux
Is devuan just meme?
So we recently got spotify in South Africa so I no longer need to use a VPN and may sign up for a real account
Will technology ever be able to stop aging, thus preventing girls from turning into hideous monsters?
Apple shit
Gnome 3.28 released
I'm finally not poor
File Size: 433.57 MB
Stack overflow survey
What does Sup Forums think about console controllers?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...