*rips your finger off*

*rips your finger off*


Attached: Sanyo Denki SAN Ace 120 6400 RPM 3.0 Amp 12 Volt 120mm PWM.jpg (1500x1152, 251K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>36 watts of power.
Thats a lot of power.

Compare that to a traditional fan like the ones found in Hyper 212 Evo, that uses ~3w.


Discovery presents

How hurricanes are made

case fans are just cosmetic and do nothing for temperature. why get a loud asf one?

Those are specifically for servers

a thread died for this

For you


Wrong video senpai


he didnt actually put anything in it
what a ripoff

Why do people use mixtape.moe? Perhaps it's bearable in the US, but for me it's always shitty, slow and constantly drops connection.

even if he mounted it to the desk shrapnel would probably fly everywhere

i have like 30 of them laying around (full metal body 24v ones)

I can upload and download files at around 6MB/s. I live in Poland.

Heh. I have a couple of 120mm Deltas laying around, each of them pulling over 3A at 12V. One day I replaced the puny fans on my old Windforce R9 290X with them for shits and giggles. Temps under load dropped from high 60s (stock fans at 100%) mid 40s, which allowed me to overclock it to Fury X levels of performance.
I fear to think how much power the whole thing pulled, but it was fun.

How far could you push it? Using a raijintek morpheus I pushed my 290x to 1200mhz core. Since they changed the API i've had no luck with Trixx actually applying clocks (I use Trixx because it allows for 1.4v out of the box and thats the sort of insanity I need to hit 1200mhz core).

>nearly 400w

I was doing this long before vega existed.

Attached: 290x stress test 2.png (1811x965, 542K)

I can't recall the exact value, but definitely over 1200MHz in core with ~375GB/s memory bandwidth. I think it was close to what you're running. With three Deltas running at straight 12V the I got just over 60C on the core.
I didn't have the foresight to check the power draw in HWinfo, but if yours pulls 400W, then mine must have pulled around 500W after you add in the fans.

> then mine must have pulled around 500W after you add in the fans.

You'll struggle to hit 500w on a stock bios as 375w is exactly stock bios +50% power limit and iirc the windforce card didn't have a bios that allowed that sort of draw. The msi 390x however i'm utterly convinced has a 400w bios at (factory OC) stock and +50% on that is eye-watering.

The fans were on a separate plug since I thought the fan controller on the card might not be able to handle over 100W in fans alone (kek), so they don't count into the TDP.
I still get giddy over the fact that 3 Delta fans consume as much power as a GTX1060.

Besides I did mod the "Uber" bios to have a 300W limit (stock is 250W), so after maxing the power limit slider I could draw 450W.

What fan headers even support this?

Pretty sure the only ones that can support that kind of power are ones found on high-end dedicated fan controllers. Most fan-headers generally aren't rated for more than 12W

tfw my desktop fans are louder :(

>mfw no turbocharger for my computer

Attached: uhhh.jpg (630x518, 49K)

Only a mulex is really rated to power one.
I think they'll do 50W.
That's If you have a good cable.


Fan Power Ranking
>Elder God Tier:
>God Tier:
Delta, Sanyo Denki, NMB
>Pretty good for a consumer fan Tier:
Yate Loon, Poofans, Air Penetrators(RIP)
>OK but overpriced Tier:
EK Vardar series
>Cheap but will do in a pinch Tier:
Arctic Cooling
>Absolute trash Tier:
Anything with LEDs, RGB, "" maglev (not Sunon)"" fans
Prove me wrong.

Attached: s-l640.jpg (640x454, 51K)

Sanyo Denkis are based, I use their Panaflo siblings who run at half that speed.
Still loud as fuck whenever I'm rendering shit but during idle times they are pretty ok.
They also happen to be thicc 38x120mm fans.

Attached: c5e2da62-97b1-4206-92b2-c64ac5d316c6_1.aac8ddf08d8e464b4c382823be8ad8a0.jpg (450x450, 25K)

>no noctua

>not reading the post/knowing what poofans are
I want Reddit to leave

Attached: 1520115871470.jpg (496x750, 24K)

>during idle times they are pretty ok.
Do you notice any ticking or rattling at low speeds? Been thinking about trying some 120x38 fans but the Scythe Ultra Kaze has issues and the Panaflo lineup is what I'm looking at now.

Look again.

>Do you notice any ticking or rattling at low speeds?
Mine never did and I put them on a fan controller with those analog dials, the kind of old school like pic related, their issue is that under 4~5v they literally stop spinning tho so you can only really get 50% speeds minimum or more give or take.
On the bright side, I have had a set of 8 for like 8+ years and the motherfuckers are pretty much brand new, it's kinda bizarre for fans to last this long at least to what was used to (aka scythe gentle typhoons, etc)

Attached: sunbeamtech_smart_fan_controller_3_6.jpg (575x318, 48K)

I had the unpleasant experience of accidentally sticking my finger into a 120mm 4A delta fan. The blade dug a couple of mm into my finger before breaking off the rotor. Lots of blood but not particularly painful. I managed to fix the fan too.

If your poo looks like this you should see a doctor

Attached: nfp14s.jpg (300x300, 14K)

>trying to defend stupidity
its ok.

Attached: 1270666593416.jpg (400x337, 14K)

Enermax maglevs are pretty good and cheap.

Attached: twister02.jpg (262x189, 16K)

>their issue is that under 4~5v they literally stop spinning
The usual fix for that is pulses of supply voltage at regular intervals to unstick them.
The model train guys do it all the while so that their locos can creep away realistically.

I agree with this.

Attached: GentleTyphoon-D1225-AP15_01.jpg (800x600, 201K)

Are all the enterprise server fans loud as fuck? I suppose there's no reason for them not to be.

What's a decent high pressure fan (12cm) for radiators or thick towers?

I've replaced the fans on my cooler 2~3 times in the past couple years because the fans start clicking or vibrating from ramping up and down.

I've had the stock fans, and the CoolerMaster blade master fans which didn't have as much airflow as I would have liked.

Also had Enermax twister pressure 2000 rpm which are nice but one side of the push/pull config always start dropping RPMs or rattling after a while.

Was looking at the CM MasterFan AP but the round frame leaks air.

Unsure about the largely untalked about CM Silencios and they only have the 1400rpms here.

They only sell the Arctic F12 1350RPM versions here for 10USD a pop but they don't seem to be pressure optimized.

Noctua F12s are too expensive for me need 4~5 fans at a time.

Silverstone AP121s fucking suck.

Corsair only sells cases and not fans locally (asia pacific) dunno why.

I can't get hold of any Gentle Typhoons here at all and it would cost more than the Noctua F12s to import. They sell the KAZE JYUNI 800rpm airflow versions which aren't suitable for my applications.

For 120mm radiator fans with good pressure at lowish speeds, look at the Thermaltake Riing "High Static Pressure" fans. They'll push ~2mm-H2O at 1500rpm and can be bought in triple packs cheap enough.
I fitted the LNC adapters to keep them to 1000rpm and they're inaudible (I can just faintly hear my DDC pump over the whole system).
Don't like the LED? You can get the RGB pack with the fan controller and turn the light off, of just save your cash and get a solid colour pack, and cut the LED power cables.

Attached: CFAN-RIING12-RGB-B-large.jpg (960x2698, 278K)

They help with CPU power components on the motherboard if your airflow is set up right.

These? Spec sheet says they aren't PWM?
40.6CFM seems like they are on the low side?

They are going for $22 USD a pop here which is the same price as the CM MasterFan Pro Air Pressure which has a built in 1550/2250/2750 rpm limiter switch is PWM, does 1.45/3.14/4.6 mmH2O 35/53.5/62.1CFM

My current Enermax UCTP12Ps PWM are 1200/1500/1800 RPM, 55.62/69.53/79.96 CFM, 1.709/2.679/3.845 mmH2O and max dBA of 25 @ 1800 RPM, $10 USD a pop but one of them is developing a noise that goes away when I ramp the speeds up and then down again. They hit 1900+RPMs when I hit the CPU with a full load and temps stay in the low 70s.

Ambient temps hit 34C+ in the summer here with a constant high humidity all year round.

Attached: ring.jpg (590x590, 113K)

You don't have AC?

Power is expensive here so even with a DC inverter AC, it's only on for maybe 2 hours when I go to bed and only brings the room down to 27~28C, had to learn to live with just fans when I moved here.

What are some good fan controllers for server fans? I need to control 2x 45w (I think) nedic fans so I bought this but the speed control isn't very precise and one channel arrived dead.

Ideally I'd like to repurpose it for my rig once I don't need it anymore. Any form factor is okay. I don't really like drive bay ones.

Attached: IMG_20180320_100704.jpg (2574x1930, 1.83M)