How are the blue haired sjw facebook devs dealing with the fact that their product was used to swing an election in favor of their arch nemesis? The cognitive dissonance must be amazing.
Any insiders here?
How are the blue haired sjw facebook devs dealing with the fact that their product was used to swing an election in favor of their arch nemesis? The cognitive dissonance must be amazing.
Any insiders here?
>Rome was destroyed from inside
People still refuse to believe they can be brainwashed even though they pray to Jesus and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. They just can't believe a Facebook post could have any effect on them. #MAGA
Facebook didn't determine the outcome of the election baka
It's a business, they were selling whatever they could sell. Until it wasn't morally acceptable to do so anymore so they backtracked. Too bad you can't undo what you have already done.
If you believe what this pink haired faggot is saying then you must be retarded. It's slanderous bullshit done to undermine trump's presidency.
I was once contacted by this Facebook head hunter about 1.5 year ago. He started with the usuall bullshit and I just cut him off with something to the effect of "I would never work for a company as instanely immoral as Facebook".
The guy was silent for a moment and then came right back at me with "And you think Company X you're working for has a clean record huh?".
Yes, that is the kind of people we are dealing with. For them being immoral is just part of the game. Collecting insane amounts of information and the using it to refine your techniques of brainwashing is totally cool, since other companies use underhanded tactics too. Right goyim?
Fucking disgusting.
most corporate types that adopt progressive aesthetics are just sociopathic chameleons, so I doubt they give a shit
He's a leaf
The people doing all the actual development aren't the SJW's, those guys are just the face. The people doing all the real work are hidden away offsite, or in a basement somewhere, same with Google.
what was your answer?
you are wrong.
SJWs are the gatekeepers in these orgs. They are managers and engineers.
>t. silicon valley veteran
this, many people also think they are not influenced by advertisements
Something like:
>"At least Company X provides real services to real people"
I didn't feel like aruguing about "clean records" because it would be a shitfest.
Sersiously, if a company does not create a useful good/service than what is it's value added?
Fuckin' financial services, banks, accounting, jewbook, twatter. None of it makes a society better off. It's either moving around numbers, hoarding data, or manipulating people. I'd take toilet cleaning over working for a fucking bank or facebook.
[spoiler]most silicon valley types are opportunistic lolbertarian idiots[/spoiler]
>Fuckin' financial services, banks, accounting
You're retarded. Those are three things that, if you had your way and they stopped existing, they would come back out of necessity.
THIS! stay #woke
Only western cattle living paycheck to paycheck. Asians have long since realized pooling family wealth/resources/housing and growing it every generation eliminates all need for borrowing from (((THEM))).
A gay canadian vegan tells everybody that Facebook is selling their data, BUT OMG CHECK IT OUT IT HELPED ELECT DRUMPF.
These people need to be thrown in a fire.
"And it is classic, it’s typical of exactly what’s going on in Washington today. Take something that the Democrats are doing, and they’re getting praised to the hilt by the media for it, and then when the Republicans figure out how to also do it, they get criminalized for it. They become targets of criminal law enforcement, and they are charged and accused of engaging in criminal behavior. Cambridge Analytica doesn’t even come close to this massive database that Obama had put together with the assistance of Google and Zuckerberg."
Do you ever go outside pol? Cambridge Analytica has been swinging the democratic process in tons of African countries and their ceo literally admitted to using ukranian sex workers to plant dirt on politicians. Wake up bro; the elite are pushing the social division meme so that we are distracted. Right v left doesn’t matter when one group decides our electoral outcomes.
I like people being mad at facebook. I really want to see giant tech companies know what its like to be on the ropes instead of being so smug and secure. Hoping google dies in the next 10 years know i imagine i will likely die before that happens
oh no, you can't say the n word anymore. boo fucking hoo.