/hpg/ - Headphone General

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For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones
don't fall for the hd600 meme
Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

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ath-ad900 a cute

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Help me headphone gurus
>30$ - 75$
>Gaming > Musics > PodCast
>Preference for closed
>Comfort is a must have
>I don't want to spend money on amp/dac
>G430 and Sony Pulse

should I get the HD800 ? I think I can score one for ~550€

also discovered this band and I'm loving it youtube.com/watch?v=WUoBhQEdJQ4

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what are you currently listening to /hpg/?

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How comfortable are the AD500x? looking for something I can wear for long hours sub$100

You've gotten plenty of recommendations, now go and buy a pair of Porta-Pros already.

From last thread, I currently have the Uber schitt stack (magni/modi 2s) and have the Sennheiser HD 800. The schitts are good still but I bought them and the HD800 to be my first foray into audiophile world. Never meant for the schitt to be end game. I can get the woo audio 7 fireflies for a good deal should I jump in the deal or spend the $850 else where? Mainly game and listen to old country tunes.

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I own the ad900 which I believe has the same earpads but different padding on the wings. For me the stock earpads were too thin and my ears rubbed on the driver, but I ordered velour earpads from ebay and swapped them in and they were extremely comfortable. Similar to the HD600 but without the clamp

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People here usually don't recommend getting Schiit products, but if you've already got your stack then keep it.
Truth is, you won't hear any difference between most amps outside of tubes which don't really pair exceptionally well with the HD800. If you're happy with your current setup, then keep it.

Otherwise, consider things like the Massdrop THX amp with one of the newer DACs like the Topping D50. Largely overkill, but that would be a much better use of your money.
Difference between anything and your Schiit stack most likely won't be audible.

why would I go with Porta Pros beside a shp9500 or akg240?




Well I originally recommended Sennheiser 471i but you complained about budget. If you're seriously budget conscious, get Porta Pro

isn't porta pro small? my ears are large and it seems ugly

Arcano SH 80, macaco. Tem no ML.
É um Hi 2050 remarcado.

What said.

porta pros are awesome you won't be disappointed. work well with everything, everywhere which is what you need on a budget that tight.

what's a cheap ($10-$20) headphone stand that looks clean and isn't total garbage?

Chink wood.

why would I get a arc shp80 instead of the ones I listed in my reply? I'm willing to spend 110 USD in a good headphone and it all seems to be identical to me

So to experience variety switch out the headphones and not the dac/amp if staying solid state?

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Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
I'd go for it.

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I need some very comfy noise isolating closed over-ear headphones (velour/cloth earpads), these would be mostly to listen to podcasts, youtube, and conference calls budget up to $300 but the cheaper the better

Nothing makes a difference as much as switching headphones or playing with an EQ.

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Bose QC 35 II

I got these options together, which one would you guys pick and why?

Samson SR850 R$97 Aliexpress
Philips SHP9500 R$301 Aliexpress
Philips Shp2000 67 Submarino
akg k240 mkii R$340 CissaMagazine
Arcano Arc SHP80 R$185 MercadoLivre
Takstar PRO82 R$250 Aliexpress
Koss Porta Pro R$250 Submarino

1 U.S. dollar = 3.28482738 Brazil reais

You're the one asking for recommendations, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you to purchase something. Specially if "everything seems to be identical" which explicit shows your lack of knowledge and simple google search.
No one is going to magically demonstrate to you how different they sound. Guess why?

Beyerdynamic Custom Studio. There's not a whole lot of closed headphones tuned to sound good with velour earpads in the first place.
>Bose QC 35 II
pic related.

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What's better $75 headphones or $150 headphones

$75 because $150 is a retarded price bracket that no one should be buying in

I've googled about them, but I can't get the experience you all have about headphones in a gimpse like you think I can, it's almost like trying to ask a junior to do a senior job, just point me your opinion and let me decide based on it ;)

They just need to sound acceptable, as i'll be using them mostly to hear people talking and not music but due to very long use sessions (over 2hrs average) i need them to be very comfy

This cat is so lucky to have the world's best headphones resting on its back near its head.

>read a reddit post about loudness
>try to compute how I should set my Soundblaster X7 to have safe listening level with my Denon AH-D7200
>I should have it literally at half the lowest possible level

Fuck. And listening to incredibly compressed music, it does sound loud enough for normal listening.

Should I keep going with the volume that low ?
And what the fuck is with the sensitivity of these cans ?

The problem is that Brazil doesn't have that many options for a good price, so unless yo uare willing to import and rick taxation you are stuck with the stuff already available, which means none of them will follow a strict criteria as say, someone in the US looking for closed-backs (there would be plenty of options to chose from).
Out of the ones already suggested to you you get:
>K240 mkII:
V-Shape signature, ok comfort, detachable cable, a few extras like velour pads for more comfort. Semi-open so only moderate isolation. Big, not portable.
>Porta pro:
Bassy signature (more mid-bass actually), open, ok comfort, they are very light, but might put a little pressure on the ears, open-back so no isolation, cheapest good option.
>Philips SHP9500:
V-shape signature, good comfort, open back, no isolation, detachable cable.
Importing from Aliexpress might be a risky bet, you might get taxated or receice a counterfeit item.
No measurements available, but it seems to be more neutral than the Takstar80, closed-back so good isolation, good comfort. Same problems as the Philips due to being imported.
>Arcano Arc SHP80
It's a rebranded Takstar HI2050, v-shaped leaning towards neutral, same benefits from the other takstar models.

I do suggest you check a few of the brazilian high-end headphone groups on facebook since they will be better informed about the brazilian market options and import risks.
Also keep an eye open for HT forum, occasionaly they have very cheap, good headphones for sale.

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Wow, meze headphones are so garbage they actually fucking dare to quote artists who call their headphone bad sounding on their official webpage.
>These headphones not sound great, but they are the most comfortable cans you could ever put on your ears. I can wear them for hours on end without my ears getting fatigued. That is a huge huge plus.
I can't even.

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lmao that dicksucking paragraph about this shitty metalcore band


thanks for the info and I will keep looking for a good headphone

romanians would suck more than dicks if they could get some praise in return from their betters.

Right now the Phillips shp9500s are at $60 on newegg, i believe they do ship to Brazil now

Buy a preamp for better volume control


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will check that asap

Pretty sure it's a typo and misses an "only".

I would have thought so until I reached the "huge huge plus". Whoever spouted that quote sounds like a neanderthal. That's also the only place they couldn't afford to leave a typo on of all the things written in that page.

Thats not his head you fucking retard its his butt

I want something closed, velour stock pads and not hard to drive for under 300 euro.
I was thinking custom studio initially but realized the 80 ohms prob wont sound good from my mobo/phone.
I found the shure srh940 that sound promising however ive seen a bunch of reviews that the headband breaks or something turning me off.

How are the srh940?

>read a reddit post
You have to go back

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Make me.

Their headphones discussion can be more interesting than seeing stax shills, hd600 shills and that one faggot calling everyone millenials because they haven't bought a meme DAC/amp.

And that post about headphone safety was pretty interesting, you should read it.

Then just stay there if it's so interesting.

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I like Sup Forums better though, as far as the community go. Probably because I've been around for 10 years.

So you like the "stax shills, hd600 shills and that one faggot calling everyone millenials because they haven't bought a meme DAC/amp."? Because that's the community here.

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Yeah, I mean it's like a terrible bar where a fight breaks out every night. You get used to it.

>Should I keep going with volume that low
Can you hear? Go ahead. Can you not hear it? Turn it up.

i bet they laughed at you at they engraved this

I wonder what the people at JDS labs think of the sudden increase in anime related engravings

It's only a matter of time before someone tries to get straight up hentai engraved.

Well, nowhere on their site it says they don't do R-rated engravings

damn, now I want to engave some bent over spread anime pucci just to see if they do it

wouldn't be cheaper just to ask them?

that takes the fun out of it, kys

Any Sup Forumsentlemen have experience with the fiio K5 amp? Would you recommend it for mid-fi headphones (dt880, hd600 etc)?

Looking to buy this instead of an o2./schiit stuff as its cheaper where I live.

post pics with retarded people in headphones please

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>people in headphones
inside? odd requirement

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Is the HD600 + O2 the ultimate soyboy combo?




You can always buy just the aluminum enclosure for $13 and have that engraved

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Thinking about getting the FiiO e10k for my HD600s, since I heard the bass on the 600s aren't that good. I'm wondering if the e10k's Bass Boost actually does something.

I have it with all that gear
It's fine. There's no way you would have any trouble with midfi headphones on this considering I wouldn't even go beyond low gain if I don't use substractive EQ.

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It doesn't look bad. It's super-overkill territory of power though, unless you plan to drive really power-hungry planars with it.

Calculate with digizoid.com/headphones-power.html if you really need that much power to drive the headphones you want, unless you have possible output impedance mismatch issue with your current hardware.

god. You don't need hardware to distort your music. Software does it better and does it with far finer control (deciding which bands you'll substract or add to).
Get this :
It will allow you to get the bass you want far better than the dumb e10k switch which I never found worth using. Maybe you prefer a bass hump on 100hz? Maybe you only want more sub-bass and leave the 100hz alone? Use. An. EQ.

>since I heard the bass on the 600s aren't that good
You either heard this from Jamalbass lovers or our resident anti-Sennheiser autist. HD600's 30 Hz response is even with its 1 kHz response, which is excellent bass extension.
If you desire Jamalbass, you should use Equalizer APO, not spend money on hardware with a bass boost. If you'd like the bass to be well-balanced with the mids and treble you don't need to use EQ or a bass boost because that's how the HD600's bass is as is.

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you guys, people like hardware bass boosts because their only experiences with bass boosting is without an amp, aka shitty muddy bass.

you can't just tell people to EQ in bass. you need an amp.

Post the graph proving your point. The HD 600s lack bass extension, even worse than the already lacking Fidelio X2s

Not him, but he's right.
>in b4 you intentionally and misleadlingly post poorly sealed measurements as damage control

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>resident anti-Sennheiser autist
On the other hand, you are our resident anti-EVERYTHING-ELSE autist who shits on literally every single headphone that's not a HD600. Go away, human garbage.

Stop posting compensated and start posting raw :^)


leave audio-technica out of this :(

You are making an incorrect, baseless assumption about an anonymous poster.

Wow, that treble looks disgusting

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That's because you have never seen the treble of the rest of headphones

any bifrost 4490 measurements?

Sorry, can you repeat that again clearer?

Last question about my Schitt stack modi/ magni Uber 2 and my hd 800. Would I see benefits if I just got an HDVD 800 to replace the schitt?

I was thinking of getting something to replace the schitt stack

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isnt the hdvd800 like twice the cost of the hd800?

are you retarded or just trolling

>Last question about my Schitt stack modi/ magni Uber 2 and my hd 800. Would I see benefits if I just got an HDVD 800 to replace the schitt?
Sennheiser has the video of the unboxing therapy guy to try to sell this snake oil. That's all you need to know about it.