Sudo Lectures


Post your best lectures.

1. sudo nano /etc/sudoers
2. below commenting, add these lines:
Defaults lecture=always
Defaults lecture_file=/home/YOURUSERNAME/lecture
3. cd ~/ && nano lecture
4. Add in whatever you want and save.

Attached: pink.png (553x205, 9K)

Was there really anyone here who didn't know how to set their own sudo lecture? Did this really need a thread?

I didn't.

>post you're lecture
This sounds retarded

>He needs a warning when using sudo
Go back to windows

1) All commands run with root privileges are always dangerous.
2) Never run commands on an environment you are not willing to destroy, or able to restore.
3) Do not become root until you know what you are going to do.
4) Be sure of your command and what is going to be affected by it.

>L33t hacker pwns my box
>we are talking Zer0_C0Ol tier here
>all my binaries are 100% secured from exploits but he managed to crack my User password, said user is in sudoers
>$sudo pacman -Syu [proprietary trash]
>50 line custom colors Sudo lecture appears, a painstakingly made canvas of every pop culture hacker reference in history, bannered with the words "Mess with the Best die like the Rest"
>He respectfully decides not to mess with my system
Wow, thanks Sudo lecture!

yes, im new to linux and i appreciate this thread. laugh at me freely but his care for less educated members of this thread reached meaning

opinion discarded

OP is a faggot cuck

apk del sudo
apk add doas

Attached: 1474766026133.png (357x368, 108K)

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 49K)

A dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) is a type of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system that consists of two parallel systems: a dedicated system for delivering outdoor air ventilation that handles both the latent and sensible loads of conditioning the ventilation air, and a parallel system to handle the (mostly sensible heat) loads generated by indoor/process sources and those that pass through the building enclosure.

>not using yaourt

But what should I do with my booger hook?

Much better than the same shit-tier garbage posted every day.

>One abuse leads to a lifetime.

Attached: 1351077624862.png (1312x1014, 763K)

Rape causing pregnancy.

>I still type things carelessly into my terminal
>even using sudo
>need to remind myself how dangerous it is
>take the time now to lecture my future self about how dangerous it can be
>future self reads message and says, "fuck that guy, always lecturing me" and ignores it
>still fuck up the system

>not actually reading the PKGBUILDS

How does one use sudo to get someone pragnet?

Attached: girl.jpg (288x358, 46K)

how is babby formed