What's the appeal of desktopfagging?

What's the appeal of desktopfagging?

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Making something efficient, such as i3, look good and sharing it with others. That information you think nobody cares about is actually very important information.

What's the appeal of posting Sup Forums without knowing the basics and using botnets?

get over yourself, most people on Sup Forums use wangblows

Proven false

What's the appeal of that autism music player you use?

windows users are literally subhumans. Bottom-of-the-barrel retards that don't even know what a computer is. They meme about macs with the "what's a computer" ad but the Mac users on here probably know more about computers than the wintoddlers, because the wintoddlers are straight from Sup Forums.

>hurr durr wats a comppooootah
>its dah magic boxx dat make muh computah play dah gaymes!!!!!!

To understand that you need to think like a neckbeard that gets 0 social interaction.


but also this

Attached: Screenshot (890).png (1280x800, 811K)

Re/v/isionism right here folks

substantiate your claims

Sup Forums never liked windows especially not for games but when steam got released for windows back in 2012 the in/v/asion began

*But when steam got released for GNU/Linux

What's the appeal of enjoying things? Why not just be bitter and alone and hate everything? What, a sense of community and a culture built around shared interests? Outrageous! How could anyone in their right mind enjoy such a terrible thing?

Within a week of browsing Sup Forums i switched to Linux.
It may be a meme, buts its hands down the best meme I've fallen for.

Attached: comparison.jpg (1776x544, 125K)

Debian users look like...?

Attached: uWx62iWzES-iABbvPeFE8hfcksH4OsbKH1Zys9XfdpY.jpg (600x600, 63K)

>Why not just be bitter and alone and hate everything?
Sup Forums
>a sense of community and a culture built around shared interests?
bullshit, everyone here hates someone else tech choices. Most "community" threads are idiots bickering about why someone else is retarded because they chose some OS, DE, or whatever else

Attached: old-man-working-computer-23479619.jpg (600x900, 74K)

Not that bad, tbhh.

This image is more accurate than most would care to admit.

t. Fedora user

We aren't alone. We have Sup Forums. If you can't take the bants, r*ddit is down the hall and to the left.

Yep, I use GNU+Linux, Linux, and Windows. And FagOS.
I hate computers tho.

It's an addiction. We can't help it. Please send help.

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>implying old people can into anything but Windows XP

I cna take, it, in fact I love watching it at times. Its just that sometimes I wish people were more productive and not hostile towards others

No, he's saying Debian users are old because Debian is old.

There are some good threads here. You just aren't contributing to them because you're one of the same people you complain about. Stop seeking out drama and make better shitposts, or shut the fuck up and take it.

To show off your cute anime wallpaper.

Attached: neofetch-2018-03-14-08-08-33-24646.png (1366x768, 1.09M)

He was young when the most recent stable release dropped.

I dont usually comment in threads though. But your not wrong that there are good threads, but there's still a problem. Has nothing to do with me, im not the one calling you an ass bc you use X.

based solus poster

Solus is the ONLY true desktop experience arkshitters and ubunpoos can fuck off and die

You're an ass if you use X. Enjoy your screen tearing.

ITT: mad Winfag because no screenfetch and real customization on his Win10

screenfetch is for tards. neofetch for lyfe

Attached: file.png (633x758, 18K)

I have (I know, neck me) switched from Void Linux to Solus, seeing as I was using Budgie anyway and Void had some annoying bugs.

So far it's been okay. What irritates me was the lack of support of btrfs, custom lvm setups, custom encrypted setups, command line install from their installer, but hopefully things will improve.

Still hate myself anytime I need to use systemctl for anything though. Void's runit + sv was beautiful.

Me on the left

That makes me want to die.

Better than programming socks too?

Is this the new desktop thread?

Attached: Screenshot_20180314_192338-fs8.png (2806x900, 732K)

Post wallpaper

getting attention, you know this!
you're welcome btw

Chris-Chan finally installed Gentoo

>i liek vidya gaems!
That's awesome.

gib firefox css pls

what character?

>2gb of ram

Exchange of ideas presumably.

this is my waterfox userchrome

this is my Sup Forums CSS

both are WIP but you can use them as a starting point. you can also change the color schemes by just changing the color variables at the top of the CSS

thank you