Previous thread >>65157718

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Attached: apollo-rip.png (1034x739, 135K)

So.. Literally a botnet? No more hiding it?

I fucking hate apollo.
can we please stop giving it attention?

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How hard is it to get into RED and what content do they have?

Very easy, take the interview when you have time. Read the article on installgentoo and you will pass 100%. Red is mainly a music tracker but you can upload ebooks, audiobooks, comics etc. (dont use red for ebooks though)

Anything /comfy/ in AB TM forum?

hdbits recruitment


Taxi on the path to another day, another Kyle with complex inflated Nalas, t. Zed?

is there lazy way how to get notified about releases of my favourite TV shows? I don't want to write python script that will monitor RSS


Torrent clients usually have RSS parsing features built in.

why is ggn run by a bunch of furry faggots? pic related is in their birthday announcement

Attached: furry faggots.gif (150x166, 255K)

hey don't group us furries with ponyfaggots!

I don't give a SHIT about private trackers but the OP reads exactly like "Muh sekret club: The circlejerk"

Feeling pretty exclusive you bunch of faggots?
I have another pretty cool club that you CANNOT enter, it's called "The having a girlfriend club"

it's been there for a while
pic related was around christmas 2016, you should calm down

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s t a t s ?

sickrage i guess

I fucking hate apollo and red. Why is this sub so obsessed with shitty music trackers?

this general is dead. put it out of its misery.

dude your waifu is not your girlfriend how many times we need to go through this?

> Become AB PU because RED is too hard
> [Official]GGn recruitment
> Required account age is 3 months
> My account age is exactly 2 weeks
> mfw

Threadly reminder that curry is delicious.

Attached: 1499394746359.jpg (705x397, 58K)

>tfw in hdb and also have a gf

Attached: dogkek.jpg (804x805, 75K)


My gf uses my PTP account. No joke.

i and my vrchat gf agree

go back to apooloo

fucking die

Is that a red curry, user?

threadly reminder that GGN owns RED

Attached: GGN owns RED.jpg (1280x602, 107K)


never forget lasereyes

you have to go back

another day another net loss of 160 users and 200 torrents on apooloo

>paying to steal
Talk about cuckolding, lmfao.

>being mentally handicapped
was it hard being the slowest on the shortbus?

what are the best public trackers that mirror PTP releases? i've used RARBG + search engine and still have trouble finding stuff

get fucked


>your cunt
>latest file you downloaded
>how many people you invited


^ assmongled

what is a private tracker?

why is it better than using the piratebay and the handful of public trackers that host most of the torrents?

public trackers are for the lower classes

Availability and quality.

>t. Rajeesh

fuck off

public trackers get invaded by mpaa fuckheads who send dmca notices

that's not a problem unless you live in a third world country

wow, go fuck yourself douche bag

- Much better selection
- Much higher quality
- Climbing the pyramid is a fun hobby

- Significant amounts of autism
- Require more upkeep (money, time, effort)

eat dick


Attached: heh.png (540x525, 352K)

lotta hook shit ITT, lets keep it clean boys!

You sound like you belong on THAT website

Why is AB so shit? No one ever has images of what their rips look like, I'm just supposed to trust that it doesn't look like donkey ass?

What's the entry requirements for BTN? I have ptp. Is PU enough? Haven't uploaded yet, although i have a dvd i could rip and upload

>Adult Babies
who cares, you cock


got any invite to

fuck you

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>insane redturd spammer
You're as irritating as kyle. Die. I'll help you die.

Time to pack it in, boys. It's over.

Generals are for faggots anyways

This general was once useful. Now it's children and bitterfags who post the same memes over and over. /ptg/ is dead

t. Zed

shhh, zed made the OP

Nah it's just a shite time of day, shitposters gonna shitpost

Oh no. Next thing you're going to tell me I also can't be part of the having aids club! fuck you man. How rude to exclude me from something I don't want.

Do it yourself. You joined one so if you care don't be lazy.

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Every thread is 60% music tracker meme shit. It's dead.

Last thread someone told me GGn accepts applications at 4:20 AM. Was he messing with me? If not, how do I send mine?

what timezone?

CST I think. Check the last general.

Does the RED invite forum have GGn recruitment?

t. based mgtow

RED has everything you have ever dreamed of all in the power user forums

>everything I have ever dreamed of
>OT invites are not allowed

Huh, if only you could get to 25GB upload there

>thinking it's hard to get a measly 25 up
You are a prime candidate for aplollo

torrent lifehack incoming!

Mullvad is a VPN provider that lets you have unlimited 3 hours accounts. Basically just find a torrent on a public tracker, get your 3 hour account (you just have to solve an easy captcha to get it), then download away

Only if he actually wants music. RED is for invites.

really? why not?


But it is, user.
Right now I dl the things I want, seed 24/7 and sometimes upload requests. I'm at 16 up, including my "free" 5.
Am I supposed to autodl all new releases? I think that will just make things worse. I can't compete with these guys.

Puff doesn't approve of OT

puff is a failure

Nope. Just not a faggot.

Attached: 1518050294928.jpg (4800x2510, 3.03M)

>ripping movies from youtube and uploading to ptp
>nobody notices

Attached: 1492503499597.png (198x200, 2K)

What is your PTP username?

How do I get a jpopsuki invite? No bully...

If you're on AB I can send you an invite :D


>Am I supposed to autodl all new releases?
that's exactly what you should do, as long as you have at least 10Mbps up.
don't pump & dump though, keep seeding what you snatch for 3 months afterwards and you'll have no problem hitting a ratio of 1 on what you snatch.
easy upload plus you get to listen to a bunch of music at no hit to your ratio.

I've got 1gb up on my seedbox, but it still seems like no match for the "big guys". When I upload a torrent there are ~10 immediate snatches but my upload is only twice the file size.

You can also spend some money to fill requests.

or you can just go fuck yourself
