Best version of ubuntu

best version of ubuntu

>inb4 install gentoo

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10.04 was comfy

Debian Xfce

Anything LTS or server edition, install X and your favorite DE(or whatever) at your own discretion.


Kubuntu 16.04 with backports PPA. All the greateness of KDE with rock solid ubuntu base.

Literally install gentoo.
Or are you too stupid for that?

Ubuntu Mate is comfy

gentoo is perfect.

void seems to be comfy too.

Attached: cute OL straddling a chair.png (639x1000, 483K)

Installed Gentoo

>greatness of kde
Literally the worst choice for a traditional desktop

did you mean flavour?

Arch linux

I use arch btw

LTS is the only version you should ever consider.



16.04 LTS

I prefer Xubuntu. Lubuntu however is amazing on toasters.

Getting a new desktop soon, and am thinking about maybe trying Kubuntu.

I installed Manjaro on my ThinkPad and fucking hated it.

>Closing the laptop lid caused some retarded screen issue, managed to fix it
>Installed the most recent (((proprietary))) GPU driver, somehow installing catalyst fucked Whisker menu, and it lost my config
>Graphics performance somehow managed to be worse
>Uninstall and reinstall free drivers
>Things seemed ok
>Few days later random crash while Pacman -Syu
>Have to hard reset as nothing is doing anything
>Whoops looks like it somehow managed to corrupt lightDM and I have a cli only system now
>Use LiveUSB to recover light DM, recovery and repair seems to go well reboot
>Whoops looks like grub is now fucked and how have no OS on your system

And that's when I reinstalled Xubuntu.

Fuck Manjaro. If you're going to make a "just wurks" distro, make it actually work

7.04 or 7.10 after that is pure garbage

why do you post this shit everywhere, no one cares


Xubuntu or Lubuntu


Xubuntu 16.04

Anything else is shit

recently discovered ubuntu studio. any experience with it and its native features for audio recording / mastering / mixing?

> (OP) (You)
>did you mean flavour?

I quite liked 8.04 too, maybe because it was my first distro.
This is the best *buntu variant.

Ubuntu Budgie, feels comfy and straightforward (i.e. Not bloated).

Netinstall with only the packages you want

Attached: wiz.gif (300x245, 501K)

As long it's GNU

Ubuntu got gay.
I switched to Linux Mint

Not worth it from my experience. My audio interface already worked perfectly ootb with ALSA and the only good daw in linux is Bitwig (proprietary).

mint is good. Cinnamon is the only DE that doesn't tear my windows.

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I’m still using 11.04

i don’t care about the lack of updates lol, i love this ubuntu

the network installer, it's you install nothing but core Ubuntu then install and set up whatever DE/WM you want afterwards. but from the sounds of it you don't know what you want so just get the normal installer and then install a bunch of different DE's and test around, Ubuntu makes it really easy since you can just log out and change DE in the log in screen without messing with init files. have fun.

hmu with that pape senpai

Attached: 1511674001633.gif (640x414, 192K)

post pape

install cloveros and you'll have it

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>he doesn't want to install a operating system designed for anime
lol look at this queer

Unironically 17.10. I'd recommend plain jane 16.04, but since Unity is ded it wouldn't be sensible to get used to it when the next LTS. That being said, I'm looking forward to 18.04, hopefully it'll iron out a lot of the little issues in 17.10. Of course, I'm in the minority. I think GNOME is actually quite a nice desktop environment with a few extensions enabled.

Is a great suggestion, too. Budgie is wonderful. It's effectively GNOME without the bloat, and with a sensible default layout rather than needing to install a bunch of extensions. I'm excited for Budgie 11, since it will be moving away from annoying garbage like GTK.


Attached: suckmydiiick.png (2560x1440, 1.3M)

i like budgie but it is super finicky with what apps it allows you to pin to the taskbar, which is a pain in the ass to configure

>he doesn't want to install a operating system designed for anime
>install a operating system
>a operating
lol look at this brainlet

my first language is hindi please be nice

>calls me a queer
>then asks me to be nice
Indians really are scum eh?

I installed Lubuntu initially (after having used other distros in the past). It was serviceable but Xfce4 is substantially better than LXDE in my opinion.

Debain mate

Ubuntu is ubuntu.
Xubuntu, Kubuntu, etc are all Ubuntu, they just change the software that comes preinstalled.

Wow, neat, user!
I'm in Isreal, so we only have Jubuntu available here. :^)

>Literally install gentoo.
>Or are you too stupid for that?

>gains 0.2% in overall speed

"Heh, have fun with your binary distro kiddo"