How do we kill Windows
How do we kill Windows
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make it easier to get waifu bait games like pic related on Linux and Mac
Why bother? It's slowly killing itself anyway.
sudo apt-get binary-blob and recompile into kernel...
also gAMeS
I'm sure people said that when Vista came out
Ignore it and it will go away.
Full native PE/MZ support on linux.
Make an OS with the following things
>near universal hardware support with actual good drivers
>easy to use GUI that can be used to configure anything a user might ever need
Make something better.
From task manager
you don't
Windows has to die on its own
gui is bloat
port DirectX
Now we have android and apple.
Make games and adobe software better run on GNU/Linux, then there wouldn't no point in windows.
im sure everyone thinks your insistence on using the cli is really cool and you are the hackerman
Cute girl(male)
Delete System32.
this, macos has the gui and vsync but you need to buy a expensive machine to use it legally
make kvm easiar to do
Make games be able to run prefect on Linux and you have my vote. Until then I'm stuck on windows 7.
Also the office package. While libreoffice is as good, the compability is not perfect
The big mistake of OS/2 is the big advantage of modern GNU/Linux. For a commercial OS like OS/2, having high performance and flexible DOS/Windows emulation meant developers were only going to write for Windows and let OS/2 users emulate it. Linux needs a reverse Wine that runs on Windows. There are already projects that bring the Linux shell and much of the OS utilities. If there were a high performance full Linux emulation layer then developers wouldn't have any reason to write anything for Windows, they would just expect Windows users to emulate it, slowing brain-draining it the way Windows did to OS/2.
Crashing this plane
die, scum
tfw to intelligent too install gentoo
1.) Mainstream 3rd party app support
2.) Make installing easier for normies. - Aptget is scary for the uninitiated.
>based on memes, MS paid many sw firm to ignore other platforms
>all major distro have a gui frontend for their package manager
is this the new marie thread
girls are gay faggot
my wife marie is so cute
Make Linux correctly support DPI scaling, font rendering on *everything* (including Java), and HDR.
And have ShareX and other programs work on Linux instead of being forced to use "alternatives" that don't work 1/10th as well.
>lack of support is a meme
>microsoft is paying people to not develop for it
make up your fucking mind mate
Unironically, admitting that shit like Ubuntu is actually a good thing in a long term.
more justwerks less googling for terminal commands
But...that thing has physical keyboard. PHYSICAL KEYBOARD. Why is he using that?
Uhh... This is DoA character, right? How old is she, actually?
Whatever floats your boat. MS can be very evil sometimes, but kids and idiots have the memory of a goldfish.
What a gay weeb thread
Yes. 18. Obviously :^)
Whew, I was worried there for a moment.
goodbye anons
my wife marie wants to play suck the peepee
Hey, thats the new Link, right?
Dude people said this shit when XP came out.
Finally Windows will be a gaming platform for autists and a workstation OS
Basically this. Conquer the gaymers first and the rest will follow.
Too bad m$ gives everyone fat checks, so it will forever be 20 years away.
Refuse to use it.
Won't happen anytime in your lifetime. Too many businesses and govt. agencies depend on legacy windows shit. I don't think even x86 windows shit will ever go away for good.
Have gnu/linux preinstalled on some desktops
wine needs to be installed out of the box
a video on how to use the damn thing needs to be on the desktop, get mathew perry to be in it.
games need to be on the damn thing, yes i know it's gotten better but it's still not perfect
you would also need a support line, be it phone or even some sort of im system that they can use for support just pay some neets to read the arch wiki to them
GNU/Linux preinstalled computers.
with malware
I want to lick Marie's feet.
Educate people on WINE and make a program like WINE that can use Windows software like Photoshop, etc.
get .exe and a structure like "C:/Program Files/Program/Program.exe" on Linux so people can actually install and use stuff on linux
My mistake, I apologize.
>it's a girl
No thanks.
>get .exe
you can on Wine, just make Wine better
>structure like "C:/Program Files/Program/Program.exe"
FUCK NO. The file structure in Linux is far superior.
It is not.
Take a look to this and convince yourself that windows can be killed
I'm looking at her deviantart page right now.
why would we kill windows? do you want normies in our secret gnu+linux club?
>Windows XP 9,17%
At this point not even the most damaging of exploits can stop them and it's sad.
Marketshare can evaporate quicky, ask Windows Mobile, Symbian, and MacOS. Chrome, I think, can make the biggest dent in business marketshare.
True if there's a good alternative os to that has support for the people's favorite software/games and easy to use
"normal people" will never like using Linux and most people afford to buy Macs
*Can't afford
Multiplayer games that people invest hundreds or even thousands of hours in would have to be ported to Linux, stuff like LoL, PUBG, Fortnite, Hearthstone, Overwatch.
Valve already does it but it's not enough. Windows 7 support running out in less than two years is an opportunity for more publisher to follow suit.
>the most efficient way for humans to interact with an electronic device is bloat.
Welcome to the future friend, enjoy your stay.
easy; viruses
Port every shitty AAA game over. Games are the only reason why Win has a tight grip on the desktop.
>Valve already does it but it's not enough.
Well, do they? It seems they have lost interest. Does SteamOS even get updates these days?
rule of cool
>this many people on Sup Forums are out of touch
goddamn it's like watching incels discussing women
After the forthcoming collapse/slowdown/clusterfuck/??? there will be little use for proprietary meme software such as windows.
XP is seriously in hardcore use still
majority of them won't be counted in stereotypical market share methods either
windows 10 seems like a huge land mine for microsoft
you cant
learn to code and contribute
everything is a problem and problems either get solved by the wrong person, the right person, or they dont get solved at all. two of the three outcomes are not benifitial. learn to code and contribute.
>tutoring an autist I know CSC
>i open my thinkpad X200
>boot arch distro
>he gives me a confusing look
>"What is that?"
>"Its linux"
>"Thats so complicated. I dont use linux."
>"i have some distro dvds of ubuntu and other ones"
>"no thanks. I dont like linux because its a terminal based operating system. I use windows 10"
>~terminal based~
>this faggot wants to develop software and doesnt like terminals
windows will never die with retards getting degrees
>Too many businesses and govt. agencies depend on legacy windows shit. I don't think even x86 windows shit will ever go away for good.
I think the U.S. military is still using 8 inch floppies to control their launch sequence computers in nuclear missile silos. It will take probably to the middle of the century to finally dump that shit at the rate we're going at.
Teach me to how create my own software solutions.
1. Start selling enterprise-level desktop Linux with technical and software support like Redhat does with server OS.
2. Make it painlessly easy to install software like dotNet and C# on a Linux host
It really needs to come pre-installed.
Most people will never install an OS.
They just use what ever comes with the device whether they like it or not.
Click Start, select Shutdown
Thank me later