Serious question: Can chads and masculine people do STEM??

I'm a computer biologist and my field is literally full of soy. Soyboys everywhere, from the chemistry faculty to physics and everything in between.

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Fuck off to Sup Forums, Sup Forumstard.

Dolph Lundgren is a scientist so yes. It's a little more rare in America because our Chad's get great opportunities in life outside of STEM, so they usually take that path.

Chad my man! Post a picture of you're magnificent upper body, you testosterone drenched viking!

Chad Stems become military intelligence

They obviously can. They mostly don't. You're a chad, aren't you? You should know.
I feel like there are more threads that belong on either Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /wg/ than ones that are discussion about technology.

Alright but I warn you, I'm an underwear model.

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university pay is shit. Chad goes bussiness regardless of stem or not because of better $.

They can, because STEM like any field has a hierarchy of leaders and underlings, and chads and masculine people usually become the leadership while soyboy faggots are the majority underlings.
Savy? Go back to the corner to suckle on your soymilk now.

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I've met the smartest Chads in the defense industry.

Because the military industry is the one that originally started conscription and surveying of high IQ people from poverty ridden areas and lowest of classes, from as young an age as possible, which not only capitalizes on their IQ but also builds them into Chads via the social and mental education accompanying the rest.
They are also underpaid as fuck with a very small minority as an exception.

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In the science of kicking ass!

And the science of being a Chemical Engineer with a doctorate.
I bet Dolphy creates most of the high quality drugs in Hollywood for everyone, which is why there's not a single dirty or negative word about him from anyone in existence and he's liked everywhere.

why is it that leftists continually come on to Sup Forums and think it's just like reddit and get pissed off?

>computer biologist
Fucking what

No. Women are better at stem anyway.


>Chemical Engineer
>creates most of the high quality drugs
I know the name is misleading, but chemical engineers don't have lots to do with synthesizing anything

Maybe stop scouting youtube for role models, you sack of shit.

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I am not Chad and I suck at STEM. I do regular roid cycles and I was the best in math class during college. Still, I’m not Chad, I work as an IT Supporter and waste my time on the internet. Just your averageloser, really.

Well too bad for you that i'm studying Chemical Engineering, and the field here is divided into
- Chemical Processing Engineering
- Organic Chemistry Technologies
- Polymer Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Quality Control
- and Electrochemical Engineering
Ignoring the fact that you can already pretty much synthesize any basic drug with the two 1st year subjects of Basic Chemistry i+ii which involve learning all the lab equipment and techniques, as well as interactions, thus paving the way for easily and correctly following steps, 3rd year when you have chosen any of the aforementioned subfields pretty much makes you well educated well above the requirements for the process.

The virgin engineer:
>Does all the work
>Gets no credit
>Subpar pay
>Minimal vacation time
>Constantly stressed
>Apathy from woman

The Chad businessman:
>Doesn't do shit (just be yourself!)
>Gets all the credit
>Million dollar salary
>Always on vacation
>Never heard of stress
>endless pussy

used to be lanky AF. Then used to lift 4 times a week for a year. protein and keratine, whole deal. maximum hypertrophy. then I stopped, got a gf, and went to being normal.

Absolutely lots of top tier scientists are chad as fuck. This old geophysicist prof at my grad school was totally a chad he was just old as shit by the time I was there. Always wore a blue blazer with a white shit halfway unbuttoned with chest hair poking out. I know he banged a ton of students in his day.

Earth science in general may be a bit more alpha though than other STEM fields.

Yes, just young studies are neckbeards lack self-aware, just get a job in right place, avoid nerdlabs , get on cool medicine labs.

wtf is keratine?