Looks like I've found my new home for stuff about linux

Looks like I've found my new home for stuff about linux.

/r/linux has turned into total trash

> implying reddit isn't trash
> why did it take me so long to realize this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


At least we have a higher quality of shitposts I guess...

It's because the mods are throwing a fit about how no one appreciates them and are doing no moderation for a week

Same with me but with pcmr

>r/pcmr says it isnt a circlejerk subreddit
>implying that there is a place in reddit that isnt circlejerking


Oh, so its just like Sup Forums now.

>stuff about linux
Freetards here do nothing but cry about Windows and video cards. There's really nothing about Linux here.
Perhaps you should try a Linux distro forum?

I mean, we do cry about systemd as well


They're being autistic childs about it.

They stated "it's anarchy, no new bans" but then in another thread "this week has been great, it's telling me who I should ban"

Then when pressed about it, "oh I meant no bans *this* week but that means I can issue bans next week"

> But you let in Homer Glumplet.
> It says "No Homers" - we're allowed to have one.

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lunduke took time off the same time as the mods MAKES YOU THINK

can you just make a new subreddit and go back please

redditors are faggots, who knew

Ah yes, I forgot about that.

"Windows is a botnet."
"system MD is a botnet"
"Any talk of anything except 10 year old Thinkpads needs to go to

>volunteer to moderate an internet forum
>start imposing your own will on the forum
>reeeeeee why wont anyone appreciate me
mods are fags, this will never change

Attached: you have to go back.jpg (800x820, 149K)

Gotta go back man.

r/pcmasterrace was my big realization that reddit is just a slightly more mature 9gag. They devoted a PC gaming subreddit to talk shit about consoles. That's almost all it is. They talk more about how consoles are bad than about what's good with PCs.

The mod wants to ban people who shitpost during the week, but don't ban them after the week is over. Absolute shit show. reddit.com/r/linux/comments/85n8no/more_on_anarchy_week_no_new_bans_but_apparently/

I just went on reddit right now and this is the first thing I see. Why does everyone try to be funny and one-up EVERYTHING?

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the upboat system kinda encourages this

Fuck you, go back. No one wants you here.

>literally a reddit refuge

Gotta farm upvotes.


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I hate that shit. First/top comments in absolutely anything are long as chains of stupid cliche """humor""". As heavy as moderation and shit is you'd think maybe they could actually use it for something useful rather than just stupid political bullshit and SJW/PC censorship.

i called someone a retarded soyboy that should kill himself on pm

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Reset your router and do it again until he does.

yes this is what im going to do
also deleting cookies i guess

Godspeed user. Don't ever forget that redditors are a subhuman scourge of bottom-feeders r-seleced by the Jews, and must be eliminated for the glory of the Strong Men to one again rule supreme.

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>literal babbys whining about getting banned on reddit
>this thread is still up

>reddit can't handle a bit of shitposting
What a fucking surprise
Don't forget that we cry about other distros and DE.


The parallels are just too clear to be ignored.

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>the following content has been identified by the JewTube community as offensive
holy fucking shit the meme is real!

What can you even do with upvotes? Sometimes it seems like those guys wold kill their grandma over an upvote, I don't get it.

Could not agree more with OP except all of the trap stuff on this board.

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the trap stuff was here before anything else was tbqh

At least it didn't ask us to sign in, thank fuck. Shit is absolutely bananas. As fucking stupid as Rich at reviewtech is, he's pretty fucking vanilla, and I had to sign in to view one of his videos. Of course, he used the opportunity to justify and push his patreon.

what did you expect from an "anarcho-fascist"?

>implying the janitors aren’t reddit rejects themselves


I wasn't aware that's what Rich at Review Tech was.

That said, I find his views on politics to be extremely "baby-boomer," for lack of a better description.