How do i recreate this game in Java? (only language i know right now)

how do i recreate this game in Java? (only language i know right now)
i used to love this game as a kid

Attached: Helicopter_Game.jpg (773x629, 16K)

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Did you even fucking google it?

By learning Java

Google the source code
Put them to java code converter
compile them
wa la

It's spelled 'voilà'.
Just sayin, no hatin.

It's spelt saiyin.
Just asplaining.

Why Java? Try C++/SDL2. you can code games like these in 10 minutes.

probably because it's arguably easier and you don't have to worry about properly linking libraries and shit. not trying to defend java but newbies like it for this

It's spelled 'wew lad'.
Just sayin, no hatin.

Did it use a randomised or set path? Id use vectors do draw it and then fill the frame. Generate blocks based on % between or something.

I literally just googled it and the first result was the source code in java. Come on man.

Why not use game maker? Bet you could spit this out in under 2 minutes if you rushed.

Draw a square, set Y path to go down with animation, when space is pressed set Y+1. Done.

> forgets about auto generating map

Draw another square, set his X to go minus, when he gets at the beggining of map another one pops up, his X is Math.Random().
If square1 coords interjects with square2, game over.

Code necessary:
>Helicopter NPC
>100 NPCs representing the terrain elevation who draw from right to left, spawning in a specific order and then respawning on the right at a random height
>spawn on the helicopter
>jump of the helicopter
>gravity on helicopter
>collision between heli and terrain
Done nibbas

NPCs representing the terrain elevation who draw from right to left, spawning in a specific order and then respawning on the right at a random height
This can't be

You're right, I forgot about the invisible collision NPCs the terrain ones have to hit on the left to get sent back to the right.

use allegro lib in c++


nique ta mère