Are you a digital hoarder?
Are you a digital hoarder?
What does that image have to do with hoarding? That is a few small full drives on windows.
I guess?
I'm thinking of changing the set up to be on NAS and moving my [spoiler]anime[/spoiler] viewing out to my TV which I no longer use for anything since I've canceled my cable.
>Naming drives after dark souls bosses
But why
Certainly, just do it? They are pretty cheap to build.
Figures you might even use it as the htpc that plays back for said tv.
Some bosses are big. Some bosses are bigger. Some bosses are fast.
cute desu
I don't hoard but I have way fucking more TB's filled than you plebs do
>microshaft wangblows
>Are you a digital hoarder?
working on it. pika has been my longest running continuous snapshot machine. It only holds 1TiB but I've managed 1.6 TiB of snapshots so far... of shit I've literally deleted months ago
only have 60 gb left of a 1tb i was collecting porn on
my backroomcastingcouch collection is supreme
>Backing up the internet.
I was just complaining to someone that I have too many fucking images that I need to organize. This sucks.
I guess I am
# zpool list
tank 43.5T 41.4T 2.07T - 51% 95% 1.18x ONLINE -
The opposite, I keep about three text files and even those I can afford to do without. I don’t keep pictures, email or chat logs. I don’t keep any media.
It’s really comfy to have nothing to lose.
Same. I get an itch every couple weeks to work on it and I do so for an hour or two only to come away with a different, much more convoluted system than I had come up with weeks before and I have to scrap everything and start over.
I wish there was a good native "tag" system so I could just dump folder structures and switch to just typing key words for image searches.
>6 Tb
>Without redundancy
>on ntfs
you are describing literally any photo management software like shotwell or digikam
Well I'll look into those. The last time I did (a few years ago) there wan't anything robust that anyone was talking about that did what I was describing.
make sure you write the tags to metadata (exif) so they're persistent from one library to the next
I'll keep that in mind.
post disks
The pool is configured as raidz2, with small parts of the nvme as log and cache.
# lsblk -d -o NAME,SIZE,MODEL
sda 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
sdb 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
sdc 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
sdd 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
sde 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
sdf 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
sdg 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
sdh 5.5T TOSHIBA HDWE160
nvme0n1 953.9G Samsung SSD 960 PRO 1TB
Yes, getting tired of this life.
Specially now that I want a new clean looking case but it's getting hard and hard to find, not only a non retarded looking, but some that was 4 3.5 bays or more. That well, doesn't block the entire front with 9-12 bays or whatever, since the 3 intake with clear path is what I'm looking for.
Ditched more 3TB of data this month, wasn't painful at all.
Next move is to ditch 1.5TB. Later on [a few] TB of porn all at once, then would be time for my movie and music collection.
I think I still will end up with something like 4TB, but I guess it's fine, was already a great progress so far.
Fractal Design Define R5?
I have 8×3.5" drives in it.
what is read/write speeds? benchmark with dd?
and what are you hoarding?
With large linear reads/writes, above 1.5GiB/s; with smaller random i/o somewhere around 400MiB/s.
A better part of libgen, some VMs, and anime.
$ df -h | grep T
barge 3.4T 1.2T 2.2T 36% /barge
pool 10T 10T 337G 97% /pool
raid 0 and raid z respectively
Yes, just deleted 400gb of torrented files (mainly movies and tv shows)
hey sjw, *hug*
Probably all of your data would fit on a single HDD. Currently rebuilding my movie selection. Many content is now avaiable in 4K so I need space.
Do you guys use some sort of external file management system? I'm currently trying to reorganize my data and it's becoming a massive pain. The solution is to carefully develop a system that will work and stick to it but file names are not enough I feel like. Here's an example of the porn folder I was working on. Some problems already with this setup is that at some point I decided that I didn't want any capital letters in my file structures. I want to be able to slowly build a great collection over time of webms, books, downloaded youtube videos, music, anime, pictures, etc. There's a program called tagspaces that seems to do what I want but I'm not sure how that will work with external drives and stuff.
I have individual names for all of my files, except mass storaging folders, where I just number them under a keyword.
Eh, you just put everything that sees any regular use into NAS and pretend it is an internal drive.
Used to. I see no purpose now, when i die all of them seems useless unless i can keep myself alive for at least 200+ years.
Not really since it's pretty useless to do and you probably aren't watching all the content you download so waste of money.
I'm also using pfsense so that's like double sjw
this is the exact opposite of hoarding
What if it's 6TB in Botent Google Drive?
yeah, my drives are nearly full, 120gb ssd and 240gb ssd. have some music, programs and documents on externall hdd but thats about it
Yes i mostly hoard anime, and some selected games, a whole lot of wallpapers. I also have a stash of literature on fiction, wilderness survival, and cookbooks
But because i am a poorfag i hoard everything on my 500GB laptop HDD. I also have an external 320GB HDD, but its clicking and i am too scared to store anything too important on it.
Cloud storage is out of question because the download speeds in my far eastern shithole is atrocious, plus nothing beats physical storage
>he thinks he's a data hoarder now
Come back when you graduate from elementary school, kid.
t. 256TB ZFS storage in 8TB and 12TB enterprise HDDs-kun
>tells others to go back to elementary school
>can't do basic addition
Someone post the dude with the 32TB RAID0
A retard-a-you
Dual booting windows10 and GNU+Linux on a 1T hd for about 2 years.
$ df -hT . / ~
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda4 fuseblk 467G 35G 432G 8% /media/Windows10
/dev/sda5 ext4 47G 6.9G 38G 16% /
/dev/sda7 ext4 407G 42G 345G 11% /home
Except the right to choose
pic unrelated, I assume?
let's say im stuck with a laptop, but I'm also a complete fucking hoarder
What's the best, most cost efficient way to store around 10tb of data?
It needs to hold out for ~10 years until I get my shit together, graduate, have my own place and buy a proper desktop/file server.
I hope you'll all using dmcrypt and full disk encryption...
Yep, still a retard-a-you, as you absolutely don't get where I was pointing at.
Anyone got some recommendations for a not too expensive NAS with like 4 bays? I wanna start simple.
Get a synology 2bay and get 2x4TiB drives. Or, 2x10TiB in raid 1
Asrock J1900, 4GiB RAM, 4 drives the capacity of choice, pico PSU and you'r done
A slight hoarder perhaps.
two is one and one is none.
I thought this was a thread for hoarders?
nas00:/volume1/Public 39T 34T 4.1T 90% /nas00
nas00:/volumeUSB1/usbshare/ 1.8T 1.4T 403G 77% /nas00USB
nas01:/volume1/Public 11T 8.4T 2.5T 78% /nas01
nas02:/volume1/Public 11T 9.3T 1.7T 86% /nas02
nas03:/volume1/Public 25T 21T 3.5T 86% /nas03
Forgot the header for y'all that use toy OS'es
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
No because I'm not mentally ill. Or at least not in that way.
Yeah, I guess I am...
What are you lads hoarding?
what are you hording?
I want to start hoarding all the touhou doujin music I can to future proof it from shitty sites like and torrents being deleted on private trackers.
Any ideas how much capacity should be enough to start buying/preparing?
For now I want to focus finding lossless format albums previous to 2013 since getting anything pass that year should be easy by requesting it to people on doujinstyle.
thank you, based preservation user
not that much
of course the porn
hoard 72.5T 63.2T 9.33T - 13% 87% 1.00x ONLINE -
Yes. I want to upgrade this to 24x 10TB drives though. I'll probably make a whole new server for it.
Touhou Lossless Music Collection project already exists
I hope you have a lot of money.
You're going to need to dump like $2k into storage, dude.
4TB drive seem the best $/GB, so go for those. Grab 10 or so of those and RAID 5 them together with a good amount of redundancy, and then hoard.
I'm thinking of going with Supermicro A2SDi-H-TP4F and 12×10TiB non-SMR drives sometime later this year.
3 is 3 if it's 3 at max. His max is 3, but he doesn't get it.
Hydrus for webms/images. Filenames/folder structures usually work well enough for other things, especially when they have actual titles, but filenames are an absolutely horrible way to deal with loose images/videos.
freenas-boot 28.5G 2.98G 25.5G - - 10% 1.00x ONLINE -
volume1 21.8T 11.9T 9.83T - 16% 54% 1.00x ONLINE /mnt
Could be better. Someday I'll expand into a proper rack setup.
Not quite.
And 2x4TiB on a dock connected to my server, currently transferring media to them
I have 150,000+ images in an old hard drive
And around 80,000+ between mobile devices
All of them original, no duplicates and downloaded them one by one, I basically dl everything I like
How can I overcome this, help me please
>no smelter demon
Btw Ornstein isnt a fatty
> How can I overcome this, help me please
Shouldn't be any trouble at all to put on a two current 3.5" drive RAID1 array or something.
Actually that'd probably work for ~5 million images already.
And you can increase the array size a LOT from there without even going past what a single boring consumer desktop machine can handle.
Ornstein is the SSD.
user, you may have a problem
I know this feeling all too fucking well.
Not yet, but I'm getting there.
can I get this
>do this
>hdd dies
luckily the best ones were backed up on a private storage seems safer than these shitty platters and headers that just die