Is devuan just meme?

Is devuan just meme?

Attached: logo.jpg (400x400, 7K)

No, it's a viable choice if anyone wants debian without systemd and not interested in an up to date desktop.

The internet on it doesn't work and it's made by a fucking retard
Obviously it's a meme

It's pretty great, at least when i use it on vm. Btw mpv works weird in Jessie version but alright in Ascii.

No, Soystemd sucks

Stable is but the testing release is actually pretty good.

No, but you are.

The Refracta derivative is better.

Attached: REfractaExe.png (122x104, 6K)

> Still no stable Stretch release
Maybe they'll finish it by 2020.

no, I use it

soystemd has faster boot times tho

Who even cares ?

How is this even a thing people care about in current year

people who actually use computers without leaving them running for years ?

>this thing sucks!
>but hey, this thing has something better than every other thing of its field
>who the fuck cares?
absolute state of Sup Forumstards

I need systemd vs runit speed tests

because systemd has ties with alphabet agencies not to mention mostly unaudited. You should too because most linux fags complain about closed source os honeypot but use systemd Linux

gotta get used to it desu

>because systemd has ties with alphabet agencies
[citation needed]

i wish i could find a way to run runit on devuan

Way too outdated, the testing version is on par with debian stable and only has kernel 4.9 which does not support video acceleration yet on the amdgpu driver. The unstable repo doesnt work yet. If you want a systemd free binary distro look into guix.

>this thing sucks!
>but hey, this thing has something irrelevant for most users, but slightly better than some of it's competitors in its field
>if it's irrelevant then who the fuck cares?
>lol you're just retarded
absolute state of Sup Forumstards

>[citation needed]

Their devs aren't just anti-systemd, but anti-lennartware
Any distro that avoids lennartware is way better than distros that suck off lennart
Runit is faster at booting that systemd, but it's completely barebones
>what is Red Hat being the main software provider for the DoD and other security agencies
Perhaps by the next release :^)
They're finally starting to support OpenRC, so I guess they will start shipping other init's later
The kernel comes straight up from Debian repos, as do most of the packages. You can get the latest stretch-backport kernel, currently 4.14.something, in Devuan ASCII
Their repos do suck and keep breaking, with the repos being accessed over their Tor hidden site being the worst offender

Is calling things a meme just a meme?

just use void