I had an app idea

can someone make an open source antivirus that only pops up a notification at boot that says "Computer Safe" with a big green tick and just leaves windows defender alone to do it's job. I'd love for normies to just leave me alone and not stress out about the shitty antivirus they got scammed into paying for.

Attached: 1521233970482.jpg (605x864, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>be american
>download OP’s antivirus
>antivirus says computer is safe
>actually have virus
>lose data/get online banking credentials stolen
>sue OP

Wait, is it an antivirus or not?
If it's just something that pops a "Computer Safe" at boot even a kid could program that. Just make it yourself.

how about an app that lets you degauss your LCD monitor (simulated)

>disclaimer: "Antivirus removes 99.9% of all viruses"

Your idea sucks major fucking cunt ass. Go die

OP, see this idea is literally better then yours because at least it doesnt try to be useful

that's the thing, all the banks have AI systems that detect nigerian fraud and a fairly simple and forgiving claims system if you do get scammed so what's the problem? it's not like norton makes much difference when normies think they're downloading word and install chinese botnets. With that mentality every normie you charge for help is a liability.

Attached: 1521247995920.jpg (443x616, 42K)

This pic makes me uncomfortable

furthermore I should add that most of the viruses that I've fixed have been AVG installing a slow toolbar or norton or office 365 asking for the subscription to be paid.

I can't tell if you're pretending to be stupid or are actually this retarded...

Attached: goncern.png (600x500, 98K)

I had one person come to me for help, and the virus was that they'd emailed their credit card details along with their resume to a fake job ad on craigslist to "buy their uniform before they started" and all I had to do was look up the bank customer service in their native language.

They tell me that I might as well be speaking chinese to them when I ask basic questions like "do you want microsoft word or a free alternative?"

Can't you just install ClamAV?
It even has very basic protection against known malware.

So you basically want an anti virus that scans the computer before it boots? Sounds like a good idea if you want boot times to be in the hour range.

no, I want a "virus scanner" that reassures normies so they don't think that russian hackers have logged into their PC and that's every time they turn it on their AV asks for their credit card to renew a subscription.

So you are either retarded or want a virus scanner that doesn't do anything?

Attached: 1521083999251.jpg (645x729, 88K)

the not retarded one, glad we're all on the same page now.

It would be immediately called out as junkware and probably designated malware by actual antivirus software and the tech press.

This is a really stupid idea, OP.

Why, though?
Why not just install Windows Defender?
It's free as in beer and does not bother the user.

So.....you want Microsoft Security Essentials.

yeah, but it's gotta be "better than norton I paid $150 for norton at the store, I want the best, I am not good at computer" and definitely not pop up anything that makes normies feel sad or scared. AVG pops up things that make normies feel sad or scared when it gets time to renew the subscription "your computer is at risk (pay us)"

Why is every “brainlet” meme poster LITERALLY retarded, and unable to understand basic concepts?
>“I want a fake anti-virus that’ll calm normies, but not actually do anything”
Holy shit, I really hope you were only pretending.

>what is an offline antivirus checker?

fucking this

I don't know man, I try to ignore it and have a good time anyway.


and that

doesn't exist.

a lack of antivirus meme popups is for people who know how to use a computer