The ultimate battle

which one?

Attached: Debian-Ubuntu-Standoff.jpg (830x395, 69K)

Ubuntu has been trash recently
I dare someone to defend it

since both are botnet I'd go with ubuntu that has better gpu anti-aliasing

I double dare YOU to defend it

Ubuntu just werks.

>better gpu anti-aliasing

The only reason you might want to use Ubuntu is for their LTS which is both stable but newer than Debian stable.

For desktop Debian is totally the way to go, you can pull from Ubuntu PPAs if you really want, it doesn't matter. You just don't have the canonical in your system by default.

>Better gpu anti-aliasing
What meaningless shit. Install whatever video driver you want. Debian keeps up to date on nvidia non-free drivers, and their CUDA libraries.

Attached: 1507484209660.png (649x379, 46K)

Debian is shit. I'd rather use Mint or Solus than that garbage


Debian is the most beautiful linux distro ever made.

>Rock solid/Spaceship levels of stability and security.
>Great release cycle.
>Great architecture and conventions.
>Great performance.
>Great compatibility.
>As minimal or feature-full as you want it to be.
>Respects your freedoms in a nonretarded way.

I bet you don't even do anything with your computer.

A false dichotomy OP

>Rock solid/Spaceship levels of stability and security.

A slight exaggeration, and a lot of the security features in Debian originated in Ubuntu where Canonical ran bounties for a lot of low-hanging fruit fixups.

>Great release cycle.
Ubuntu has a better release cycle, the best of any Linux OS. But Debian has gotten a lot better this decade; the project used to be so deadlocked by politics that the release cycle was a running joke. The Potato->Woody->Sarge cycle was so bad that it was largely reponsible for the initial uptake of Ubuntu which was a flood of Debian refugees who'd had enough over the Sarge bullshit.

The rest mostly apply to Ubuntu.


A neckbeard hobbyist respin of Ubuntu without any of the integration testing, secure build infra, security management. Literally "original distro do not steal" sonichu tier.

Rolling release, dropped.

>great release cycle
I've yet to see a fresh Ubuntu release without walls of alpha-tier bugs. It's pretty much not worth upgrading till 2-3 months after release day.

Why must you lie?

I'm talking from personal experience.



They are both shit, use MacOS.

They are both shit, use Alpine

>overpriced hardware
>hackintosh laptops are unusable

>inconsistent release schedule
Sell me on it.

>not going on rolling release anyway

Fedora or openSuse

Not my experience with LTS. I've been running Ubuntu since 6.06.

I will try (btw I'm using Debian)
>Ubuntu comes with apparmor by default and with a well tested policy (mandatory access control)
>Debian does not, there is no mac policy, they are talking about enabling it in buster but not a guarantee yet
>Ubuntu LTS (equivalent to Debian Stable) comes with LTS enablement stack (newer security supported kernel and Xorg)
>Debian Stable backported kernels are not security supported, there are no backports for Xorg
>Ubuntu is easier to install and there is a minimal install option with zero bloat
>Debian is more difficult and almost opaque if you are new (though if you are a greybeard it's very easy and dependable)
>Ubuntu is better supported and more used as a desktop OS and (probably) as a server OS
>Debian, despite being the daddy of Ubuntu, is now the fringe OS (but still well supported and recognized, many jobs require Debian knowledge)
Debian has advantages too, like it's not opinionated, it's conservative, it just works, and will never let you down
Debian users tend to be more knowledgeable
But Ubuntu has advantages too

Linux newb here. How do I turn off Debian's root account and just use sudo like in Ubuntu?

Attached: linux-sudo-vulnerability.png (728x380, 203K)

Still, if you want to proceed
$ sudo passwd -l root

Also you may want to change the way aptitude authentication works
$ grep -i root /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00aptitude
Aptitude::Get-Root-Command "sudo:/usr/bin/sudo";

But since you are a newb you probably don't even know what aptitude is so ignore it

Are you in sudo group to have permission to use sudo?
What does this command return?
$ groups

If the above command doesn't include sudo (meaning your user doesn't belong in the sudo group and therefore you don't have permission to use sudo) then you must add your user to the sudo group
# adduser username sudo

Replace username with your username

Of course you must have sudo installed, I suppose you do?
Have fun!!!

The absolute state of companies


Also, when installing Debian if you don't add a root password the Debian installer locks the root account automatically and adds your user to the sudo group (just like Ubuntu)

Keep that in mind when you hose your system and have to reinstall

canonical is a botnet


Hey Sup Forums I'm planning on installing debian ad my main distro and im currently running ubuntu. The only reason I haven't gotten around to doing it yet is because im using a wifi usb dongle, it worked straight out of the box on ubuntu. How big of a chance is it that it'll work straight out of the box on debian aswell?


if it's not obscure chink shit it's probably fine. Debian has pretty good generic drivers. You could google the brand though.

If you aren't installing Debian purely because of freedom reasons you might want to install the nonfree ISO. That has even more chances for things to work out of the box.


>Rolling release, dropped.
Rolling release is a great idea, but only stable gentoo do this in a "just ok" level.

>until debian 6
>debian 7
>debian >=8
Most of flavor lightweight flavors beat their "Debian version".

Ubuntu has been trash

Selinux > apparmor

>How do I turn off Debian's root account
don't do it faggot.
Just add your ass on sudoers and leave root alone....Just don't use it.
It will come in handy later on.

>Most of flavor lightweight flavors beat their "Debian version".
what?i cant comprehend this sentence

>Debian keeps up to date on nvidia non-free drivers
Yeah when you use sid. And you shouldnt if you have anything better than ricing to do. Also vulkan support is terrible on both stable and testing. I always say that Debian is better than Ubuntu, but Ubuntu did a better job offering multiple versions of nvidia drivers.

I would stick with Debian. Ubuntu is shit now.

not him but i've always had trouble with sudo on debian so i've never used it
name@laptop:~$ su
root@laptop:/home/name# adduser name sudo
Adding user `name' to group `sudo' ...
Adding user name to group sudo
root@laptop:/home/name# exit
name@laptop:~$ sudo thunar
[sudo] password for name:
name is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

If you're using Debian as a desktop there's little reason not to using test or unstable. Stable is too out of date, even borderline for servers.

Even if you wanted to be on stable there shouldn't be any issue pulling the nvidia-driver from testing or unstable with package pinning.

Attached: 1493665966416.png (448x367, 63K)

mint cinnamon

I've installed Debian 9.4 twice to be met with immediate freezing at the log-in screen. I installed Ubuntu after that. It worked.

>name is not in the sudoers file.
Not trying to shit you, but did you add beforehand "Name" into sudoers file?

Windows 10 LTSB

I think you have to log out once with that account before it starts working.

what's wrong with newer ubuntu versions? i keep hearing they're shit but no one wans to elaborate

Don't all Debian based distros have a back door? Some user said so recently and I'm inclined to believe him cause he also said Intel ME was a backdoor

>Some user said so recently and I'm inclined to believe him
'nuff said.

If Linux Mint is SonichuOS
Ubuntu is ShadowOS
Debian is just plain good ol' Sonic

No bro. Intel ME is something that comes with all modern CPUs lately. Mostly 2004s or 2005s chinkpads are the latest hardware that doesn't include this "backdoor".
It's not a "backdoor" by itself; but indeed is something to worry about if some crazy ass russian hypermind creates a exploit for it; which I see it almost impossible to happen.

Debian by itself is really secure. All other distros like Parabola, Gentoo, Arch, etc etc are secure as well. Linux Mint is NOT secure.

Attached: mint.png (660x734, 38K)

I must add. Intel has fully access to your computer with this Intel ME thing.

Which compromises your system from a privacy "government" point of view. Scary, but we can't do shit about it except buying old hardware.

Or buy AMD... The PSP doesn't have a network stack. Stop trying to get us to buy Intel. Not gonna happen

You are right honestly. But I never said to buy "Intel". I despise Intel.
From the "Hyperthreading" closed source software, to the jews trying to fuck AMD up.

AMD is way better than Intel.

Rolling release is a shit idea. No testing of integrations, configs change. Stable means version stability.

Thanks user, this is what i was looking for.
Heres my upvote.

Attached: FP.jpg (1920x1049, 194K)

ubuntu is based on debian. Any changes ubuntu makes is possible to be done in debian as well. Debian tries to be a universal distributor, which is why a lot of features aren’t enabled by default.

The only thing I love in Ubuntu is its Debian base...