Their adverts are now showing iOS bugs and nobody working at Apple even notices.
Apple hits a new low
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Holy crap. Why are those bezels so huge? Aren't they supposed to be small or something?
If you read the comments you see shitloads of macfags defending it.
Simple UI bugs like this give me the feeling the backend wont be tested properly as well
could you elaborate on what this bug is doing? i see a basic ability to view most recent texts from the lockscreen. i must be missing something?
Once you throw 1000$ for a piece of tech worth 100$ you start butthurting when some tries to diminish it.
You fucking blind or something?
the text is not supposed to appear before the background animation is in the right spot for it to be.
Attention to Apple is a part of their PR too.
Forbid Apple mentioning and discussing.
Preaching to the choir, OP, nobody here uses or cares about Apple. They are completely irrelevant.
this is the most time wasting, nitpicky, dumbass autist bullshit I've ever seen. Apple "hit a new low" once they added more moisture sensors to their mbp's to easily void your warranty if it gets a lil misty. but this...what miserable fuckin crybaby bitches about the most arbitrary miniscule "bug" or whatever on a device you or the writer of the article would never even want to own to begin with? you gave in to the Slashdot meme dude. their job is to sensationalize bullshit as much as anyone else is. you are perpetuating the most minor and asinine thing in the world to even mention. go outside n get some fresh air instead of basket weaving bullshit. what's sad is youre a man. i can tell because women have better things to worry about, like spritzing their pussies with cheap japanese cherry blossom bed bath and beyond shit. but you. a fuckin autist. i think today is your day dude. I'm sure you have the money so go put together an exit bag and fuck the fuck off.
lol who cares
enjoy your xioxomi mipoo phone poornigger
this is true but 90% of the people who write these kind of message on Sup Forums own some combination of
>headphones/IEMs/amp/DAC that sell for 3 times what it costs to manufacture
>mechanical keyboard, maybe even something like Topre
>latest memephone, just not the iMemephone
and if you question any of these purchases they will defend them to the death.
lmao crybaby. that's the dumbest shit to complain about. faggoty ass titty baby. lol
>false flagging this hard
>small dicking this hard
>crybabying this hard
botnet get out
what did she mean by this?
>text doesn't fade
Without this the expanding card animation would't even work or look good to begin with.
>projecting this hard.
congrats. you're now in complete denial. holy fuck you faggots need to get over yourself. bitch about apple some more whiny lil baby bitch. hahahah
>logical fallacy this hard
Get back to your PAJEET Hardware and botnet/malware. I'll enjoy my Blackberry.
jokes on you faggot, i communicate by carrier pigeon. fucking racist nigger
>relying on proprietary birds
Use your fucking legs nigger
>assuming i have legs.
you really are quite the ignorant bigot today, jew nigger autist
>This somehow justifies Non-Free fauna communications
I'm disappointed in you cuck. Get off my forum.
cuck? that was your move? i fuck my pigeon on the daily. you can't fuck flowers. holy shit you're fucked.
Idk, I got my meme headphones for $150, MSRP $300.
Overpaid for a mech keyboard @$100
And I'm running a 2 year old phone, and am only going to upgrade because my battery is dying, and it's cheaper just to upgrade.
Idk, I could be wrong, but I feel this is fairly average for Sup Forums users
what's the meaning of this ad?
are they promoting their bad security?
because the girl can unlock her phone/her locker and after she can unlock other's lockers.
oh wait... this happens with iphone x
>being this mad about people liking phones that you don't like
>Steve Jobs rises from the grave, claps his hands once, holds dramatic moment, and states:
>The all new iLagLikeAFagAndDefendItToo(TM) iS2.
ITT: Butthurt iToddlers.
Wait, that's a thing?!
Would this even work?
I thought Apple was all about quality and polish.
In marketing only.
>Their adverts are now showing iOS bugs and nobody working at Apple even notices.
Not sure what software companies you've worked with but I've never worked at one where the marketing team knows anything about the products beyond the most surface level details.
Fucking Gnome 2.26 was better at bugs.
>I'm disappointed in you cuck. Get off my forum.
I don't see why not.
Some home theater setups have vibrating chairs to simulate heavy bass without alarming the neighbors or causing damage to your years.
gets me every time
they are added in with cgi so you can tell where the hands stop and the screen begins.
and? iOS is complete memeware garbage
as this thread has shown, they arent doing so hot in that regard either.
confirmed feature
Screens are superimposed in post. The animation was simply done incorrectly. Not present in iOS. Not saying iOS 11 is not full of bullshit.
This is the best timeline.
>Latest memephone
Bbbbut it's ok ttto buy ppppixel 2 as first sssmartphone rrright?
Did this deserve a thread?
Perfectly worded post, user. Have a cookie.
Apple users are the best consumers on this planet.
iToddlers have defended this.
>an apple shill has defended this shit
Saw it coming lmao
Hahahahahahaha they're just fucking with people now to see what they'll put up with
Tim Cook needs to grow a leadership backbone and start firing people in a high-profile, high-visibility way.
>It’s interesting to note, but I agree that it’s of little significance. Moreover, while it looks odd, I can’t say with 100% certainty that it’s a bug at all (though if I had to bet, I’d bet it was), given that it allows the eye to start processing the text before the animation completes, which may have been an intentional decision. There are numerous examples of companies intentionally making odd choices of exactly that sort in order to enhance usability, even if it comes at the cost of what looks correct when you go through it frame by frame or pixel by pixel.
Jeaus the shilling is intense.