Tfw you forget the WHERE clause, and overwrite 300,000+ rows

>tfw you forget the WHERE clause, and overwrite 300,000+ rows
I am so damn lucky we do nightly backups.

What's your worst fuck up, Sup Forums? And did you recover from it?

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uninstalled php on a production web server because it had same beginning hostname as another

also, learn to use MySQL transactions boi

No offense dude but you sound like a retarded nigger

Fucked up GPO in a way nobody could log in without a 30min+ wait.

>running manual queries on prod database
I'll bet you don't even regularly test restoring your backups. You're lucky it worked.

Manual running as opposed to what? Someone's gotta write the statements. And you are correct on the other two things.

Nice. Also, yeah, I may look into them.

Damn, that's pretty good.

>What's your worst fuck up, Sup Forums? And did you recover from it?
was installing a mail server and forgot to set the reverse DNS settings properly so the mail server was blacklisted. The company I was installing for didnt know - and we never figured it out for a day or two. found our way through it and never owned up to the mistakes

So no mail got through for a couple days? Nice. I don't blame ya. My boss isn't back from a meeting yet, but I'm not excited to tell him about it.

I was troubleshooting a customer VPS and rm -r a directory they had which I missed contained a space. wiped their entire website. I quietly restored that shit from a backup we make

Holy shit, dude. Did they notice, or were you quick enough?

chmod o-r ./.*

Don't do this inside a dir like /root

Kills all the services including SSH. I had to physically go to the server, boot in emergency mode and fix it.

Fucked up my life.

This is back when very few people knew about linux and even fewer had installed it. Sometime around the beginning of the century. Install Linux at home start thinking I was a guru after a couple of months. My brother in law sees me using linux and asks me to show him by installing on his computer at home. I put a spare hard drive into his computer. gonna make that shit dual boot with windows. Remember this is back in the days of LILO and the routines for partitioning drives were a bit confusing etc etc etc. So I boot up red hat from a CD ...Hmm what was that drive I stuck in again? oh shit this is confusing yeah it must be this drive" wipe wipe format format format install install install whirrr click clunk take disk out of cd drive reboot DISK ERROR YOU ARE NOW FUCKED ! ok take linux drive out of computer error message :HEHEHE TRY AGAIN PUNK ! take all disks back to my place - oh fuck i wiped the windows drive.
Brother-in laws face goes red then purple then a sort of pale yellow then purple "WHERE ARE MY FUCKING FILES where the fuck is all my work gone?
spent the next few weeks learning how to recover data after a format, I forgot whether I even recovered them, For some strange reason he wont even consider trying linux now

>Won't even consider trying Linux now
Most mysterious

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As opposed to them being executed from the context of software which undergoes testing and code review

You should have a "non-production" version of your system, with separate copies of the database and servers involved. Ideally you have a "nightly" (automatically built and deployed, used for development) "staging / nonprod / qa" (should be treated just like prod, only you make changes here first. Pushing this environment should happen before any pushes to prod, with a day of soak time in between), and "prod" copies of your entire system. It is also common to have "canary" instances of your server which get only a percentage of traffic, and still talk to the prod databases, but get released first.

The first time your query is run on a populated database shouldn't be in production. You should at the very least run it on a copy of the prod database first.

Oh, ha, yeah nothing like that here. All db's are production. We only have dev branches of our websites, but the betas use the same tables as the productions. Once I become SA though, that'll change.

whats wrong with the Sup Forums servers?
