>update winshit
>page faults
>system is bricked.
Windows 10 is free only if your time is free.
Update winshit
>install Arch
>package deprecation
>system is bricked
Arch Linux is only free if your time is free.
Clean the fucking display you scum
>people pay for this
>people don't pay for this yet bitch and apologize for a paid product
How to spot a shill 101
Installing Arch is faster than any other OS.
*opens browser*
Yeah really fast manually calibrating your entire operating system. Install Gentoo you fucking tryhard.
You can't be a shill if theres no money involved. Arch is just trash and everyone should know it.
Fuck this shit is fucking broken
Works on my machine.
Because you have the time and lack of responsibilities to polish your OS constantly.Using Arch is like trying to dry your clothes in a monsoon.
Arch "werks" it just doesn't "werk" very well.
>You can't be a shill if theres no money involved
Windows is not free, faggot ass pajeet microcuck.
Arch is ironically far more stable than wintrash circa 2018. Stay rectally shattered.
Works fine for me.
>"""recover wincuck"""
>it fails too
>update winshit
That was your first mistake, kid. You don't update Windows 10.
Ok Weeb. Good luck doing work on your machine. And no, clearing excessive packages and desperately fighting to maintain stability isn't "work."
Windows isn't perfect but atleast being a sadomascochist programmer isn't in the product description.
This gif is patently false. I can name shit like that and it still finds things. In fact, I haven't been able to stump it yet. Even in zips.
Format that filth out of your system
>Either you sacrifice security updates for the sake of stability
>Or keep crashing every weekend and get security patches
Life of a wincuck is truly painful
>I got owned: the post
Your tears is delicious, gaymer manchild.
Arch-kiddie must've had to update his fonts after they crashed, because he completely missed the point of my post.
>h-he completely missed the point of my post.
lmao the absolute state of manchild gaymer. Close the tab and pretend you never came to this thread stupid wincuck.
OP here. What's the latest version of windows is optimal for running in a VM?
Are Arch-Kiddies capable of defending their OS or even sticking to an argument without resulting to
>N-NO U!!!!!
The absolute state of Americans.
If anything missed the point it's windows, user.
>use Antergos to install Arch
>pretty much just works
Though desu, it's a lot better to do a base install since Antergos uses LightDM for fucking everything.
I feel bad for you user. You sure its not a hardware problem?
>>Either you sacrifice security updates for the sake of stability
Security updates are a meme and a half.
LMAO wincuckold trash feeling too salty that he can't literally argue haha
>Windows 10 is free
It's not though. Neither free as in beer or freedom.
No, I dual boot with Manjaro. In fact I just booted into windows half an hour ago.
Is the maturity of Arch users? Damn...
>muh americans
Neck yourself, pajeet shill. I'm rejecting your H1B visa.
Americans are universally acclaimed for being incapable of arguments. I'm sorry but its true.
Refer back to the advice I made to you in
audible kek
Go reformat your kernel, Tyrone. You're nearing your bi-daily system reconfiguring in order to use the GUI
>G-Go reformat your kernel, Tyrone.
kek cry harder, maybe mommy will get you your tendies after she's done playing horsie with uncle tyrone.
Poor wincuck, all you can do is complain about it in 4chen LMAO
I'm getting a russian cracked windows 7 for my VM then s.m.h
>reusing MY meme
God damn Arch users truly are the most sniveling and jewish facets of the Linux family.
>use da gooey
how did you make this post without a GUI?
>Microsoft defense force to the rescue by complaining about Arch
Times are tough, ey?
He uses w3m because it makes him feel like a hacker.
Such is life for Arch users, user. They aren't cool enough to use Gentoo so they use the watered-down version called "Arch"
No we're okay, people actually use us for Jobs and Lives unlike Desktop Linux.
> people actually use us for Jobs
Installing windows wont get you jobs, except for maybe shilling microsoft online maybe. How much does microshit pay you anyway?
>implying I'm paid
I'm bored. I only use Windows in the workplace, as it should be. Let me ask you a question user, do you think Microsoft's hold on the workplace will last, or will Google overtake it in the next decade?
>No response
As I thought, microshit apologists on Sup Forums don't actually have jobs.
>implying I'm paid
No, I was making sure. Have fun working in your imaginary "workplace" on the weekend.
>Let me ask you a question user
Not interested in talking with a NEET.
I thought you were the smart user who didn't default to Sup Forums projection but ok sweetheart.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
lmao, what a sad NEET
Wow, the grasping at straws involved in this image is absolutely pathetic.
Get linux, i main windows on my desktop, but use linux for everything else.
>this image
and that post too. Surprise surprise, poster is actually a LARPing NEET
Download windows 10 LTSB
It's what my office did and we've had few problems so far. RAM usage on boots sits at like 0.5GB too.
I know your pain, son. This happened to me twice on Windows systems I used solely for gaming with completly default settings (wasn't concerned with privacy because there was literally zero personal info on this system). I haven't had a similar occurance on a Linux system since something like 2012. I can't even make a valid criticism of Windows, because the systems just bricked without any indication as to what the problem was.
>virgin window cleaner
>chad monitor massacre
>installs rolling release
>updates 1 time every 6 months
>complains when something goes wrong
You asked for it.
Im using windows since 98 and I never bricked my system, also never bricked any Linux system.
t. smug user
>RAM usage on boots sits at like 0.5GB too
It depends on full volume of RAM. Plus, you seems to using x86 version of Windows. That's not really impressive at all. For example, fresh Windows 8.1 Enterprise x86 only takes 350 MB of RAM from start.
If a windows system doesn't work it's most probably windows' fault.
If a Linux system doesn't work it's probably users' fault.
Prove me wrong.
I would usually not mind Sup Forums linux anons but once when my windows updated from 1703 to 1709 it actually fucked the system and I had to submit an assignment, for all that time all the Sup Forums popped up in my head saying install gentoo and I was also like "I wish I was not a game faggot and should have settled on crunchbang"
>not using Windows 7
It's always wise to have a secondary machine with a stable distro on it, user. Just in case.
Just format and reinstall you ass this shit happens. You should have a separate drive for backups so this should not be a problem. If you don't have a drive for backups because your a retard create a Linux boot drive and mount you windows os drive and pull your important data. Windows is fucked not the other files.
>using Windows at all
kek using macOS, two years and never had to fix anything ever. Still smooth and fast as fuck.
>Mayo Clinic
Is that next to the Ketchup Hospital? Or the one around the corner from the BBQ Hot Sauce Firefighters(TM) - "Fighting fire with fire"?
>>install Arch
guess how I know you are retarded
Sure, but installing anything on it takes longer than travelling to our nearest neighbour star
Yeah but wankblows 10 has more driver support for our stuff. Shame, I kinda liked 8.1
never happened to me. on the other hand, linux failed to boot up after the graphics card driver updated. this should literally never happen and you shouldn't have to write hacks just for this.
>install OpenBSD in 10 minutes
>install additional packages in another 10 minutes
>have a working stable system
>go to Sup Forums and see all those stallfags, linooxfags, and wingafs screetching
So what? 3 states have walmart as it's largest imployer, everyone else is healthcare, education or other
>Wow I'm such a Chad i have shit on my screen.
99% of the time OP is lying and it's a hardware error
2/10 shit deflection
>make Arch GNU/Linux install script which automatically does everything for me
>installs base system in 5 minutes
>installs everything else in 10 minutes including config files (xorg, drivers, xfce etc)
>laugh at retards who can't read the wiki
Fucking shit crashed on my Surface not once, but twice. I sold that shit and bought a Thinkpad X1 Carbon, I'm running Linux Mint on it. I'm still getting to the quirks and annoyances of using linux nut at the very least I don't have to fear every single time it restarts for an update.
>t. never used Arch for more than a day
Chuckled, thanks
he did...
>Has bad hardware
>Blames the software
Yep, sounds like Sup Forums logic to me...
>make Arch GNU/Linux install script which automatically does everything for me
How long can you use such an install script before it requires modifications to keep it up to date?
I've been thinking about doing the same but I fear it will be useless in, say, 2 years from now when my I actually need it.
Why Windows and FagOS literally always shits itself with PAGE_FAULT error, but Linux (yep, Linux, we are speaking about kernels here) doesn't, even at high memory loads (like GNOME)
In Linux everything else breaks: Xorg, bash, gcc... But not fucking kernel.
bash breaks? 18 years I use it, 18 years I never see that. I have seen more kernel panics than bash breaks in my whole life.
Actually this month MS fucked up big time with some updates, they pulled them from Windows Update but can be manually installed still (check update catalog, march 2018 updates)
Windows is more picky about the hardware it runs well on.
>install Arch multiple times
>not making a single image, copying to the disk and installing it again
>reinstalling Linux, ever
>dist-upgrade Ubuntu
>broken packages
>desktop environment fails to start
>regular updates now fail
Ubuntu is only free if your time is free.
This also happened to me. I'm thinking of installing debian and running winshit in a VM from now on.
>using Windows 8 or later
>not using glorious 7 Ultimate x64
With pci-e passthrough for games, of course
I have the same issue as the gif