NOOOOOO! They weren't supposed to fit more than 6 cores!! AHHHHHHHHH!
NOOOOOO! They weren't supposed to fit more than 6 cores!! AHHHHHHHHH!
>Available this summer for the low low price of $2,400
I'm all for Intel trying to fight back because they've held the performance crown for the last decade, but POOZEN has them in a bind. If it weren't so hellishly expensive to build a computer right now I'd upgrade mine so a 8 core ryzen without much question.
>8 cores
Oops, added an extra 2 and a comma. :^)
The options:
1. stripped down, shitty cores
2. huge cores with even worse yield rates
They really stand no chance against zen's "glued together cores"
>Still 14nm
Intel 10nm never
More than likely they'll find some way to disable some of the more esoteric instructions used primarily for development and make those only available on Xeons (to force industry partners to continue using Xeons).
This would allow them to price the desktop i7's more appropriately.
Since it's still on 14nm, it'll be expensive, power hungry, and likely won't clock very high without bursting into flames.
>overclocking on a $150 Z board for those cool and toasty 350W will surely not produce magic smoke or magic sparks
inb4 it's only usable on Z390
Unless, they decided that glue is actually good after huffing some.
>2.2 GHz
Fucking LMAO
And they're gonna stick turtle shit on it and you'll need a industrial chiller to cool it properly.
poozen btfo once again
>2.208 MHz
ayy lmao
>The clock may be a base clock, but it could also be a misreading by the software.
Careful, you're both getting a little desperate trying to cope there.
The only thing trying to cope will be your industrial chiller.
I know, but it wouldn't be surprising if that was the real base clock. It could be like the i5-8400 that has only 2.8GHz base but 4.0GHz boost.
and then everyone would buy ryzen because they would want processors that aren't designed to be limiting
Given that it has to fit into reasonable TDP and a mainstream chipset that shouldn't be too expensive, it wouldn't be very surprising if it was clocked pretty low.
Yeah, I don't think it's unreasonable. Imagine if Intel went back to solder for it so they didn't have to compromise on clockspeed as much.
you all intel jews should be thanking amd for bringing competition.
>Look at thumbnail
>See man
>Remeber song title
>Top kek
So Intel considers Pinnacle enough of a threat to rush out a 8 core.
That, or Icelake will be so fucking late they don't have a choice but for a 14nm++^5 8 core or Zen2 will tear their asses apart.
I bet this will require yet ANOTHER socket.
I am liking this war between AMD and Intel.
Does the new AMD require it?
No, AM4 is supported until 2020 with new generation motherboards just coming out with every release
Dunno for TR4
Its a lot easier and cheaper to solder and release it as an improved thermals version with more coars than actualy create better chips
>2.2 ghz
After the whole meltdown thing and them withdrawing the microcode patches, and then hiring Israeli shills, I'm never buying an Intel chip ever again. I just ordered my first AMD machine and I'm exploring other manufacturers for desktop use.
I wasn't a fanboy to begin with, but now I'm gonna go out of my way to avoid Intel kike trash. I'm fucking done. What a great way to alienate customers and then cheat them out of fixes. What's not to love about the lies and manipulation?
Best part is that AMD just has to keep stocking the shelves and doing honest business. You niggers are digging your own graves. All you had to do was apologize and put out the fucking microcode. But you didn't. Now my shekels will go elsewhere.
Sup Forums told me Intel was sitting on loads of super chips ready to go to BTFO AMD when ryzen released to keep AMD bankrupt this year FOR REALS THIS TIME GUISE.
No they didnt
Intels designs apparently do not work well on 10nm
Which is not suprising is it is basically a marginally reworked P3 Tualatin
who cares about cores, how many bugs does it have?
> 2018
> not buying am4 + ryzen
Intel Napalm Lake when?
Am I supposed to buy or sell shares?
Lets be honest 95% of us only need a nee build from games and amd sucks dick at gaming. Its sad how many get memed into using that in their gaming build
Are you Intel nigglets so poor you still game at 720p for your CPU to make a difference?
Never forget.
Never forget 1800x gets btfo by the locked i5 at half the price in games
Take em out, darling.
gets an 8core listed some days before ryzen+ hits the market
with bigger clocks lower tdp and many hardware bugs fixed...
intel really bought amd marketing team
Interesting fact that the Intel $600+ CPUs look retarded in these tests though.
Darling, take out those beads, you'll need to sell them for the new motherboard, cooler and delid job next month.
So according to these what's the point of the i7 or i9?
>twice the price
>5.2% worse
>its nothing
There isnt. You buy the i5
Twice the price of what? 1600X does the same in games as a 1800X, 1600 is even better since they all OC the same and it comes with a good cooler and you can use it on a $90 mobo.
That's like saying the 7980XE is shit because it's
>5% worse
>5x the price
>6x the price
Fixed that for you.
so they can fuck us again, 10nm will launch a few months after people buy all these up.. (in 6 core though, then in a few more months 8 core)
Buy Z390 goy
>move goal posts
>1600x which is still more expensive
>and 5% worse
>OC on 90 dollar mobo LOL
Pic rel, its you
7980XE would be fucking amazing if it was $1500 tops and was soldered.
Also no RAID keys would be nice but I can live without that nonfeature.
As it stands it's really shitty now, even ignoring it being a 1000W housenuke
It's okay Rabbi I can pretend to be retarded and buy expensive components for no reason too instead of using my brain by buying cheaper and getting the same performance.
Thankfully I'm not a anal loving jewkike subhuman.
You paid more for the worse product LOL
Where can I get a 8600k, OCable mobo and capable cooler for $260 in unused condition, Rabbi?
>moves the goal post again
8400. 60 dollar mobos are not "OCable" btw unless you like to kill boards
>20 game average
>AMD poozen
Garbage, it gets demolished by everything outside of gaming, it's Microsoft's fault all modern CPUs perform literally the same with 5% variation in games nowadays anyway
I never said $60, you can't even OC on A320 Mobos anyway, I said $90 and they're more than capable of keeping a 1600 overclocked fed since they use shit for power.
>190 + 90 =260
Actually retarded lmao
If all you do is game then just sperg out on Intel. I need a cheap CPU with good upgradability and cores. Ryzen full fills those needs and you're just a Intel shill worried about MUH GAYMES
1600X costs $190 you dumb nigger spic.
>amd sucks dick at gaming
>its actually not
why you lie?
Okay Rajeesh, lets assume your magical 1600 costs $190, where can you get a 8600k, OCable mobo and capable cooler for $280 in unused condition, Rabbi?
He said 90 dollar mobo jamal l2r
8400 illiterate monkey . 180 + 110 = 290, so 10 over for the better performing product.
Yeah, 170+90 = 260
That's the price of a mobo and Ryzen 1600.
The price will probably be even lower in a few days once the new price drops hit all stores.
Its okay when it doesnt suck dick
>tfw your credit cards are on fire
You can OC just fine on a B350 board.
Its 190
Sure until it fails like this
Sure, but I'm happy not going past 1.3V.
8400 is garbage you dumb spic, as are all non unlocked processors, only the 8700 is good since it's quite a bit cheaper than it's K version.
>same shit in gaming
>30% slower when running multithreaded shit
No point, also no SMT and still has the laughable Intel cooler.
>8400 is garbage you dumb spic, as are all non unlocked processors, only the 8700 is good since it's quite a bit cheaper than it's K version.
The overclockable Coffee Lake CPUs are all overpriced, with the exception of 8700k.
>MSI board
that's like shooting yourself in the foot and then asking why it hurts so much
You dont do "multithread shit" anyway so why pay more for it?
So at this point there is only a need for intel if you play the latest games? Is the AMD better for everything else?
>He cant tell the difference in single threaded performance which is way easier to optimize
>He tells the difference in multithreaded (16 cores!!!) performance where the most mental programmers can even try to make something useful of
The absolute state of amdrones.
Pretty much will be when the 2700x comes out yes.
Amd is better at "multithread shit" but who knows what that is other than running cinebench. Nothing i use can actually benefit from 12+ threads
Yeah, surprisingly one of the more price efficient parts of the lineup.
All the i5's should really drop another $30 to be competitive, 8700k is fine where it is, but for gaming only there's really no point in it since everything else will do the same unless you start getting fanatical about resolution and gfx settings to put maximum strain on clocks and mem latency, which is kinda retarded.
>You dont do "multithread shit"
Your browser does "multithread shit"" all the time, your OS does too, all the time, ever ran a 2-3 games at once, a browser with 50+ tabs, a 3D map application, and maybe a VM for compilation? That's why cores exist, if you don't use them might as well get a console.
>$60 G4560 is 8.1% slower than $400 i7-8700k
I remember when glued together PentiumD was their response to AM2. They never took the crown from AMD, AMD dropped it with Bulldozer and now they're back.
>ran 2-3 games at once
Are you a Chinese gold farmer or something?
>50 tabs and 3 games at once is why to buy amd
>browsers use 12 threads
>compilers use more than 1 thread
Multithreading is a red herring because it completely ignores multiprocessing - running many processes at the same time. Which is, undoubtedly, the sane way to do parallelism.
Why are you surprised? The last time CPUs dedicated game performance was in the single core era, that's where these low res benchmarks and gaming "IPC" come from.
If memory and GPU prices were not so fucked up it would an AMAZING time to upgrade. AMD must be really pissed about that.
I remember when my OC'd Celeron 300A was *faster* in games than then top-of-the-line PIII-500, good times.
>0nm process
How are they doing it?