>infinite scroll
>lazy loading
>please install our app
>login to continue
Infinite scroll
Other urls found in this thread:
>please disable adblock
>Page loads, scroll down a bit, suddenly modal popup with some bullshit (like us on facebook/subscribe to newsletter/make an account)
>page needs javascript to display text ......
>Was this page helpful?
>didn't even get to see the page yet
>Open page in new tab
>>lazy loading
The SJWs at mozilla made lazy tab loading into two settings now
stupid numale cucks
>modal immediately pops up to enter your email address
The absolute worst is when the options are:
>no thanks, i hate receiving discounts and being cool xD
>i hate not being a faggot and succing dicks
>try to change tab
>script detects mouse leaving the tab area
>modal shows up saying shit like "PLS SUBSCRIBE BEFORE YOU GO"
>i wasn't even planning to close the tab, just switch it
>24 scripts loading.
>8MB initial pull
>Chrome processes running at 60%
>javascript smooth scroll
>popup can't be closed any other way than clicking the tiny x
>autoplay video
>video follows you when you scroll down
>ads/suggestions/whatever follow you around and reload every few seconds
> "popup" that asks to subscribe to their email newsletter
>No, thanks.
>facebook frogs
> Page loading, can see text just fine so start reading it
> Page finishes loading.
> text disappears
> "Please disable adblock/enable javascript to use this site"
>hear loud sound
>"would you like to talk to our support on live chat?"
>duckduckgo search
>finds the result I want, nice
>lazy loads other crap that pushes the results down as I try to click it
>go back to using !g on every search
How would they even hide the content if javascript is disabled?
>infinite scroll
>lazy loading
>have you tried our app?
>you should try our app
>use our app to make everything go faster
>install our app
>please install our app
>login to continue
A hidden checkbox that toggles the size of a div to 0%
Probably because noscript blocks on a domain basis.
It was probably completely blank at first, then I enabled for the main domain, but it couldnt load shit from all the 3rd party domains so it blocked it.
Horry hell that shit is annoying.
Its always when Im on my phone, looking for shit.
> looks like a link that might work
> go to press link
> finger is 3nm from the glass
> loads some random shit that makes me click something else
I swear devs use the "hover sensing" (or whatever it is called that senses when you are almost touching the screen) shit on phones to do this shit.
>open page
>no content
>30 requests to 12 different third-party domains blocked by uMatrix
>JS smooth scroll
It wouldn't be bad if designers weren't that retarded to not put in a fallback for noscript.
You basically put the image you want in a noscript tag before the lazy loaded one, and hide the other one if JS is disabled.
It's also really easy to identify and serve most HTML content wether it's enabled or not.
Usually you just use a body class "no-js" and hide the content that requires JavaScript, and on the first line of js remove that class and add "js".
Easy peasy, no shitty framework or anything, but I guess most web developers are retarded, are on a time restraint, or they want you to enjoy 84829049271 ads on a page.
>internet of things
>images are far lower quality until JS is enabled
If I turn smooth scroll cancer off, I want smooth scroll cancer off.
Why are webdev niggers so fucking retarded? Is it because webdev has the lowest male:female ratio from pretty much all *dev?
I meant images lazy loading.
I agree that Smooth scroll is really retarded.
>use Linux
>page scrolls like a shitty version of Mac
>your password must be between 8-12 characters, contain at least one uppercase letter but no more than three, contain at least one lowercase letter but no more than three, and contain one special character but no more than three
>your password must be
It's treason, then.
oh man, how will I ever guess that person's password now? It's not like I can just plug all of those very specific parameters into aircrack and find out the password much quicker because of how stupidly fucking specific it is.
reported to mozilla
> Video moves to corner of screen when scrolling
> Coin mining
> Checking your browser before accessing
> I’m not a robot
> Connect with Facebook to continue
whats wrong with lazy loading?
we do this for people with potato internet.
Please disable firewall.
>we do this for people with potato internet.
That's what Opera Turbo is for.
>whats wrong with lazy loading?
Takes a little load off the site's server and puts an unpredictably heavy load (which depends on how shit the script is) on your machine.
Websites do this?
>using the mouse to change tab
Clicking on the tab is faster than Ctrl+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab+Tab
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Hover sensing is a thing?
But that's simply false
>not using a trapezoidal motion profile to arrive at the desired tab
Google "hover touch android".
> "choose your password"
No notice of requirements
> enter password
> ERROR! your password must contain the following
Yunotell me sooner?!
>scroll down
>i5 CPU at 45%
>(Ad Here) 5, 4 ,3 ,2 ,1 *Press ok to conitune*
>please disable adblock to continue
>please sign in through google/facebook to continue
>click all images of cars until there are no cars left
>please try again
>please try again
>please try again
>you must enable cookies to continue using this site
>you must enable javascript to continue using this site
>please sign up for an account to see all items in one page
>tfw maintaining one of those terrible websites
Good men do evil shit when forced to
First time I saw this was on the Xperia Sola, followed by the Xperia SP.
>move cursor to top left/right corner
why are they allowed to know my cursor's position anyway? it didn't consent
>site.com is now fullscreen
>press [esc] to exit fullscreen
Thanks Firefox/Chrome, that was hard to figure out. Please stop re-enabling these notifications on update.
>>please install our app
>>please update our app,daily
Which retarded botnet loaded site does that?
That's evil, but I like it. Going to build that into the next webapp is shit out for my company
>reading article, scrolling down
>Subscribe banner fullscreen
>Nothx.svg close this shit
>keep reading, scrolling
>reading article
>scroll down
>subscribe banner shows up
>leave the page immediately
They have metrics for this shit, if they find out more and more people are just leaving they'll stop doing it.
>open page on smartphone
>everything dances around changing size for five seconds before settling down
>scroll down
>everything dances around for another five seconds
>click on button
>oops, button moved a split second before the click, now a new tab has opened
And I did so, wishing for some online equivalent gesture to flip em off
ctrl or alt depending on your browser and settings + the tab's number
ctrl + t (not tab) for a new tab
you're welcome
>implying I don't have 30+ tabs open at all times
>having more than 6 tabs open
Get your life in order.
>Turn off no-script on main domain for something advanced like search
>Noscript dropdown overflows off bottom of screen when I go to turn it back off
>'window' pops up over webpage
>can't close it with ESC
The only real use case for lazy loading is when you have a bunch of images and that it's important to load them in sequence.
Like a comic reader.
Unfortunately there's no spec in HTML or CSS to request shit to load if and when the image enters the viewport.
>open website on phone
>everything is responsive and nice looking
>suddenly box asking if i'm ok with cookies appears and fucks up the whole layout
I know keybindings, it's still easier to just click the damned tab than count which is which and type the number.
I'm doing perfectly fine, head over to if you want to pretend to be Dr. Phil
>page needs javascript to display text ......
>open console and delete loading node
>text displays as normal
t. brainlet
If I were the King of America I would pass a law saying that it's illegal to inform people about cookies, just to cancel out that shitty ass eurofag law that mandates that warning.
I'm surprised there isn't a well known browser extension or ublock filter list that just blocks that shit.
Well, my friend, it's your lucky day!
that's browser issue, retardo
>not using Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDown
Fuck you, it's your kind who is responsible for all the junk browser makers try to put in new tabs. about:blank for new windows and tabs is the only way to go.
ctrl pgup/pgdn for left/right
ctrl tab/shifttab to browse through in last used order while holding the ctrl key
>dark grey text on a light grey background
thats why noscript and ad-nauseaum are mandatory.
Also use archive.is on every clickbaity article to deny them clicks.
developers who do that shall not escape the day of the rope