Tfw don't have a single reason to use windows at this point

>tfw don't have a single reason to use windows at this point
Why haven't you liberated yourself Sup Forums?
Even the EROTIC GAMES work perfectly.

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-03-21 13-58-44.png (1600x900, 874K)

Other urls found in this thread: source/systemd/ bug/1449001

>those temps

not bad

I would never use windows if there was usable CAD software.

Is the private server for that legit? I went to install it a while ago and my antivirus freaked out

I love the art for starless but it turned disgusting for me really soon :(

have you considered a VM with GPU passthrough? you can run windows for CAD/gaymes and linux for everything else

Norm temps if mobile.

ubongo mate actually, basically I was too fucking lazy to install debian stable and set it up. Arch or Gentoo with an LTS kernel would have been fine too, but I just want to study, shitpost and play stuff without my autism nagging me to rice my zsh install or update for the 10th time that week.
My single issue with the install is that it set up the encrypted LVM with just a / partition, i like having a separate /home so I can change OS's on the fly without needing to backup data. that's just my autism though.
It's easily the best way to play PSO. if it works flawlessly through wine it'll also work on windows proper

That's not true, a lot of the eroge I play won't work in Wine, I have to use a VM for that. Recent example: baldr sky dive2


I definitely need to repaste my school laptop. Also I'm sitting next to a heater kek.
You gotta power through it user. Once you start fapping to the scat scenes because the art is *that* good, you'll reach true degenerate nirvana.

here's a meme desktop I made a bit back.
How the fuck did WINE get so good in just like 5 years?

Attached: Screenshot_20180104_231220.png (1680x1050, 2.09M)

The separated filesystem and hardware requirements make that option much less attractive when "everything else" works on Windows too.

if all I need to do is install a non-networked windows XP/7 with QEMU or virtualbox to play my slideshow simulators I'm perfectly content.
every single classic windows game works ootb at this point, including shit like deus ex, the half life games, diablo I + II, starcraft etc.

Because Linux power management on laptops fucking sucks and there are no thumbnails in the Firefox file picker.

>165 F is normal to you
Check yourself before you wreck yourself and repaste your shit, nigger. You laptop is gonna die from acting as a goddamn space heater. My laptop stays between 110 and 130 degrees.

Top tier taste I'm considering uninstalling.

>ubongo mate actually
I always confuse mint and mate
still excellent de

fair enough. i myself have a windows machine for gaymes and such. i would have swapped over to a GPU passthrough VM + linux if my motherboard supported it

>Why haven't you liberated yourself Sup Forums?
Game dev, I need directx if I don't want to fall out of the loop.
If vulkan becomes industry standard then I will gladly switch as pretty much everything else I need for personnal projects work on linux.

Not true, my ancient 5 year old machine gets 4 hours on low med-brightness doing productivity work, and that's with a full voltage CPU and a worn 6-cell battery.

Here are my normal temps with a bunch of Sup Forums x tabs open and like 8 libreoffice docs running + mpv w/youtube dl with music.

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-03-21 15-13-13.png (566x440, 65K)

allah willing it will....kek who are we kidding, the kikes would never let a superior, FREE, api like vulkan become mainstream

MATE/gnome 2 is easily the best computing interface man has come up with.
I hate the filepicker too, but I find myself not minding dragging and dropping images from the my file manager.

>ancient 5 year old machine
The state of Sup Forums in the year of 1953+65.

considering that mobile ryzen and the new quad core intel chips have like 4x the performance of this thing I'd call it ancient

>Gaymen hardware
We don't like consumerism here. Please refer to .

>cpus are now gaming hardware
maybe you should fuck off back to plebbit?
And where did I say that I was going to buy something?

>Hollow Knight still doesn´t run good on my MB
fucking team cherry

it runs like shit on my machine too and my specs should be enough
Maybe the linux port is bad?

>cpus are now gaming hardware
Who are you quoting? No one said that.
Ryzen and Core are. Otherwise you would use Xeon or Opteron.

>And where did I say that I was going to buy something?
Saying a 5 years old computer is ancient is consumerism.

>>Ryzen and Core are. Otherwise you would use Xeon or Opteron.
imagine being this retarded


Theres plenty of games that don't even cooperate with wine, I couldn't imagine how bad something complex as a CAD program would run.

the russians are throwing a shit ton of money at wine and it's making insane progress
probably is factoring into why microshit is starting to make moves against linux

how does one install cracked games in linux?

You mean no CD cracks?
You install the game like normal, and move the nocd.exe to the appropriate directly in your .wine folder (or wherever the prefix is)
The absolute state of Sup Forums

Well, I'd say games are actually more complex to run on a computer.
CAD shit is ressource hungry because its programmed by business people and not virgin nerd progamming wizards like most games.

Ironically Hollow Knight runs better with WINE than in the official ports.

I might give the windows version a shot when I get the time then


werks4me with no slowdowns or anything on my relatively ancient desktop (FX-8350, 7870), so maybe it's a laptop-specific problem. Like having to switch to performance governor instead of powersave

>Even the EROTIC GAMES work perfectly.

but why does wine crash when i try to play games with animations?

>tfw pso2 doesn't work on lunix

Attached: sad wojak.png (691x653, 27K)

install xact and quartz with winetricks.
If it still doesn't work then just go into the prefix and delete the video files, it's a problem that's being worked on.
BB is better than that p2w shit.

>BB is better

Attached: oh you.jpg (400x400, 85K)

>install xact and quartz with winetricks

didn't work

>If it still doesn't work then just go into the prefix and delete the video files

what video files?

Some of us actually use our computers to do work.

the intro videos that are crashing wine are stored in the programs install folder. Just delete them and it should work.
Or wait on the update that fixes the issue.

might as well just disable animations. guess i have to wait for that fix.

glad to hear i'm not the only one with that problem

happend with starless for me, just needed to delete the into video

How did you get bb running?
I tried for days using wine and gave up.

> no reason to use windows
> use windows by running it inside vm in linux

Attached: dawg.jpg (500x323, 18K)

ephinea literally works ootb

how is that any different than using an emulator?
The host OS is still linux

.NET dev environment has me by the balls

>Check yourself before you wreck yourself and repaste your shit, nigger. You laptop is gonna die from acting as a goddamn space heater. My laptop stays between 110 and 130 degrees.
I don't understand fahrenheit, sorry. I have had a lot of laptops, and 50-60 deg c in idle is OK, as well as 80-90 at full load.
What CPU? Temps are OK. I recommend not repasting/cleaning, until they are 90 deg, or it throttles.

Debian user here, I do everything on linux and have a minimal win7 qemu vm with only office on it. Linux let me do everything I need to do for my work

systemd is as botnetted as any closed source os

Sup Forums always claims that but no one offers evidence.

Can i just install cracked games the same way i installed them on windows using wine?

My N'Wah

Attached: fgoviv.jpg (300x303, 15K)

it makes way more sense to use Windows 8.1 on bare metal, and if you feel like fucking around with a toy OS you can run Linux easily in a VM. Linux doesn't have the advanced features that save energy and keep your machine running at peak performance. Linux also lacks pro software and games. It's fun to play with though, but why on earth would you gimp your rig by putting that shit on bare metal? real computer guys uses Windows sothey can tap the full potential of modern hardware

I suppose you can, but I always download precracked games.
If the cracking method is simply replacing files you just need to go to the folder were the game was installed. Otherwise you can try to run the crack with WINE.
Here's a personal tip: Skidrow/Reloaded installers don't work unless you select windows version as windows XP in winecfg.

no it fucking doesn't, BB is notorious for being unplayable even in modern versions of wine (last time I checked)


I use windows because I enjoy playing current-gen games. I mostly use linux for dev stuff, though

i lost all interest in modern AAA games. that shitshow isn't worth the money to keep my computer up-to-date. switched to linux and now live the comfy life with old games

I don't even play many """AAA""" games though. I play a lot of indie games that are just not linux compatible

>he still uses traditional cad software made for brainlets

but can't it run SAI and CSP tho?

server is under maintenance but here
It works on friend's mac air too with a wine wrapper
literally all I did was just run the ephinea setup

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-03-21 20-24-41.png (1600x900, 655K)

Memes aside someone explain why you can't port games that work on windows to linux for a brainlet that knows nothing about operating systems.

da joos dont like linux
excuse me?

How minimal is minimal? And what did you do to get that? Is QEMU viable for that one game that refuses to run on Windows but isn't too extreme to require passthrough?

I will wait until Win7 is unusable.
Given how linux is progressing, until there it will pretty much do everything i need.

check wine db
it can pretty much do everything you need now

gpu passthrough requires specific technologies to be present in your cpu, motherboard, and gpu. not all computers can do it.

It runs unity like garbage on my current (admittedly slow as fuck) computer.
Other than that, its pretty much almost there.

sure, if you're an intel/novidya cuck
it's literally copy-pasting commands with AMD

again, you still need support by the gpu, specifically support for uefi boot mode
mine does not support it, and it is amd
in fact it is the only part in my system that prevents me from using gpu passthrough

>>tfw pso2 doesn't work on lunix
pso2 is hard enough to setup on Windows if you don't speak waponese


servers are back up
literally runs ootb on a clean prefix, just make sure you have the good bad ugly gstreamers installed

Attached: pso.png (1600x2700, 2.71M)

>How minimal is your win7
~20GB VM, fresh install with all updates, nothing more, not even .net or cpp redist.
>What about this game on win
My t470s is a work laptop, I don't play games on it

I usually play through openMW but vanilla morrowind has nice water.

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-03-22 00-10-17.png (1600x900, 988K)

Luddites like this guy really gets to me.

I fully agree, 5 years isn't new, but it's not dinosaur status just yet

Xfce is superior to mate so, no.

>Xfce is superior to mate

Attached: 1521681558972.jpg (1066x600, 68K)

>wanting to play run-in-circles star online 2

Exactly my thoughts

Why aren't you running MATE tweak right now to change this top+bottom bar layout to literally any of the better options?

PSO2 is ded. Everyone moved on to Monster Hunter.

You can play 20 year old games on linux? Nice

> E6440
I like you

can't run honey select
linux is shit

I don't think systemd is too botnet, but defaulting to Google as fallback DNS does raise some privacy concerns. source/systemd/ bug/1449001

If I wanted to make a game on linoox would I have to release my source code?

>the russians are throwing a shit ton of money at wine and it's making insane progress
If this why the default compatibility reached 7, recently?
If only ReactOS would reach 0.5 already, so they can use wine 3.0 properly.

>99% of muh steam games

Allegedly there is a way to get the adobe suite on linux. But anyways, linux? More like lino

I don't even care about muh windows software or muh bideo gayms, for some reason I just can't enjoy linux on my desktop PC. I have it on a laptop and will gladly boot it up over windows any time but on my main PC I just fucking can't.
The main reason for a while was screentearing and I haven't been able to fix it properly without having a major performance loss no matter what I do. I bet this is because of Novidia, specifically the 1070 not being supported that well.
What a shame