
>I may make jokes about Microsoft at times, but at the same time, I think the Microsoft hatred is a disease. I believe in open development, and that very much involves not just making the source open, but also not shutting other people and companies out. There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred.
> Linus

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nice pr linux tech tips.
who forced him to do cuck statements?
Linus doesn't care is he is associated with people who swear a lot, or people that are intolerant, he says what he thinks...
but it seems that someone made him do the "cuck".

It's always been his stance?


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he always never gave a shit what others think about him or associate him with.
He gave the finger to novidia, he bashed intel, he had a lot of shittalk with other companies about their practices.
He isn't someone who cares what others think about him.
I wonder who made him say that.

I guess now that Microsoft pays his salary, he'll shill for them

>but also not shutting other people and companies out.
And yet he doesn't understand the MS hatred?

It's literally the same thing. What's so hard to grasp about him "not giving a fuck" about the Wangdows vs. Linux drama? He may still dislike Microsoft, just not from a freetard point of view. It's literally all spelled out in the first two sentences.

I mean hes not wrong. That "Micro$oft" shit is childish, and this is coming from someone who hates C# and .NET for existing on linux at all.

Why would you hate .NET? I'm developing software for linux with mono and it's comfy

The same reason I hate java. The very idea of it is fucking bloat.

Coming from a guy who excludes GNU and spreads hate against the free software community. The irony!

>1.4 billion dollars have been deposited in your Foundation's bank account

We're not running our machines on 150MHz CPU and 20MB RAM
productivity > efficiency

Yes. Keep adding more bloat so you keep needing to upgrade your hardware.

Too bad your platforms never solve the fucking issue they were intended to. We keep solving the same problem over and over again at different layers. Java makes all systems act as one platform! Opps, that didn't pay off. Now lets run everything in a VM. Opps, that didn't pay off. Now lets run everything in the browser. Opps. Etc.

>hurrrr we're not running 150mhz machines
>open webpage
>3000 scripts
>takes 20 seconds to load the text and another 20 to load graphics
>web browser ram usage goes up to 3gb


We can thank Linus for his kernel, but I don't see why we would have to agree with his personal beliefs. Though he is obviously biased, since Microsoft has given him a lot of financial support, he can say and believe what he wants. Hopefully Microsoft ruins Linux, however, so we can revitalize development on Hurd.

from my 2 unrelated frends who both just happen to be STEM dropouts, they are currently trying to find jobs to do rudimentary work in this 'see-sharp'. is 'see-sharp' a new pajeetlanguage trend?

should i further my knowledge in client & server-side js or join them?

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>Yes. Keep adding more bloat so you keep needing to upgrade your hardware.
Buy some RAM, nigga. It's all that is holding you back.

>.NET and JAVA is to blame for JavaScript and it's frameworks

There's no point in optimization where it's not needed.

That's literally his fucking point.
>keep buying more hardware to account for the shit bloat being piled on
Also it turns out the "more RAM" isn't compatible with your motherboard, time for a whole new build!

Why should I have to upgrade my system because you learned to program from a pajeet code camp?

It's the same mentality that produced both monstrosities

But it is needed. Do you really think this is a good long-term plan?

What's your problem with all the scripts your browser runs anyways? Buy more RAM, better CPU and you're good to go.
Or you know, block them?
>hurr durr, can't access website
stop visiting soy websites

Source on quote is pretty old tho.

Productivity is code for companies can hire pajeets to make bloatware for cheaper.

>hurrr we're not running 150mhz machines
>open java program
>JRE overhead
>30 different libraries to do basic shit
>passing shit to objects of different classes from those libraries adds even more overhead
>suddenly your java application used up all its memory and starts aggressively garbage collecting
>cpu goes nuts
wew lad

>Why should I have to upgrade my system because you learned to program from a pajeet code camp?
You shouldn't. Just don't use my shit if you feel so strongly about it. That's how you choose virtually everything else in life. Why pretend you're helpless in this instance?

I have 16 GBs, cunt. I hate it for what it IS, not because my system is slow. It's like hating fat chicks for being fat. All they have to do is stop fucking bloating up, but they just can't help themselves.

Do you really think bloat will build up to the point where hardware will be incapable and we'll need new hardware?
At some point bloat will stop, surely, it's not possible to bloat to infinity and if some framework or something will fail because of bloat, then it will fail.
Besides making yourself angry, what will you change by hating it?
There's no point.

>Implying this quotes wasnt way before Microsoft's membership
Freetard damage control, lol.

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yes, bloat is for imbeciles to get better jobs, because in near future low tier jobs will be scarce.
Bloat is good, start liking it or ignoring.

>Do you really think bloat will build up to the point where hardware will be incapable and we'll need new hardware?
That's literally what people are telling us to do. "If the bloat is too much buy more".

>At some point bloat will stop, surely, it's not possible to bloat to infinity
Web browsers currently use as much memory as what is required to run Crysis. Yes, the bloat can continue into infinity.

>implying AI wont be generating ineffecient code to replace you because it's "good enough, buy more RAM poorfag"

Just wait until Linux Foundation sold out completely and people will start working on a new kernel or a Linux fork.

Then get better profession? If AI will advance to the point where it can generate sophisticated code then surely there will be maintainers who will fix bugs

The REAL problem of C#, Java and JS is that due to GC their latencies are unpredictable, which is absolutely critical for gui applications. C# and Java are more fit for servers, where throughput matters more than latency. JavaScript is simply trash though, its RAM usage comes mostly not by the design, but due to the way browsers are optimizing it.

This is not a very informed opinion.
Microsoft hates Linux and seeks to destroy it by exclusion. The extremist nature of the GPL is the only thing that's kept any of his work safe from tampering from Microsoft.

>it's not possible to bloat to infinity

If you see how happily Linux devs are helping with the "Windows

JS is pretty neat when you realize it's a half-point between scheme and java while java is a half-point between common lisp and C++.
It's not very cool when you realize it'd be just scheme if it wasn't for Oracle trying to push their shitty java memes onto new markets.

You can't call something half-point if it's missing the point and features of both those languages.

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Don't take what linus says too serious. He's known for being edgy and "I hope you die a painful death" posting.

>The REAL problem of C#, Java and JS is that due to GC their latencies are unpredictable, which is absolutely critical for gui applications.
One of my first android apps was so unoptimized with memory consumption GC ended up freeing rarely used objects, including some interface elements... bad times

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>Furthermore, I claim that anybody that hasn't noticed by now that I'm an opinionated bastard, and that 'impolite' is my middle name, is lacking a few clues.

>I think the Microsoft hatred is a disease
be interested to hear what he thinks after the GWX malware and windows 10 forced telemetry

>He may still dislike Microsoft
he hates all those companies that took his job without respecting the GPL.... and that includes microsoft.
Microsoft has raised a lot of obstacles at linux and other unix kernels and one example is acpi.
I don't know why he plays the cuck here, maybe it's the new MS money flowing into the kernel team.

>I don't know why he plays the cuck here, maybe it's the new MS money flowing into the kernel team.
That quote is pretty old, dingus. I doubt that would have applied back then.

Linus power trips sometimes and I quite personally enjoy watching it.

Hey Sup Forumsigin take dick out of your mouth and then talk. Didn't your mother thought you not to talk with your mouth full?

He is just another "revolutionary" that hated the "mega corporations". Now he's been bought by one of these "mega corporations" he'll be sucking corporate cock until the day he dies. But hey he'll be much wealthier in the years to come so will he care what people think?, like fuck will he.

>"revolutionary" that hated the "mega corporations"
I'm unfamiliar with this narrative.The freetard aspect of Linux mainly comes from adopting GNU as a matter of convienience, not politics.