E-book readers

I was looking to buy E-book reader but realized I know 0 about them.
Can someone recommend me something that would fit these parameters ?

>zero botnet, no ads, no other shit
>can be hooked up to pc to download books
>display must be top tier comfort on eyes and switch form white-on-black to black-on-white
>must be able to read in total darkness without straining the eyes.

Best would be >100€, but I could go to 150€ if it there would be significant difference

Attached: ebook-reader.jpg (658x370, 53K)

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I was looking at something like this, any opinions ?

Attached: ImgW.ashx.jpg (1090x674, 130K)

Come on guys, bait thread about women cant into programing has 250+ replies and you wont help brother out..

Attached: sad_pussy.png (675x547, 50K)

Bumping cuz I'm in a similar situation. My specific case is I have a lot book pdfs that I want to read but reading on a monitor is aids. Any suggestions for this?

I've seen the Kobo brand thrown around a good bit OP. Specifically the aura

Get a Kobo

I'm in a similar situation, from my research the Kobo Glo HD is the non-botnet alternative to the Amazon Paperwhite, you can drag and drop books to it instead of using the Amazon service to e-mail them to yourself. All of the storage is even done on an internal microSD card which you crack open and use if you want.

I would get one but nobody fucking sells them new without a huge price spike.

The Amazon Kindle is pretty piracy friendly however, but you literally have to email your ebooks to them to forward them to your device. Depends on how paranoid you are, if you're not just get a Kindle. Amazon backs them like no other and have been known to replace them long after the warranty is over.

Attached: iu.jpg (629x810, 46K)

Is any ebook reader capable of displaying Wikipedia pages, or has a bare bones web browser of the sort?

>email books to yourself

Wtf, I want something pc-cable-internalmemory style, I dont even feel need for WIFI


Get a tablet instead

Which manufacturer is the least cancer ?

Energy Sistem

I was looking at one of those Onyx Boox ones. Apparently they have decent Debian support, too.

Finally an ereader thread, what do you guys think of the Onyx Boox Note? Thinking about pre ordering one for PDF reading

only ereader I ever got is a second hand kindle classic 5
bought it based on Sup Forumss advice
I'm super happy with it

kindle paperwhite + calibre

Why everyone says kindle ? Doesnt it show you ads ?
I really like the Inkbook style more with the buttons

I have Kobo Glo HD, and a Kobo Aura One. They're the best hardware for the money. You have to join botnet very briefly on the first boot (email address only), but from then on they work fine with wifi disabled and zero botnet. They show up as a removable drive and can read standard formats. Even better, you can put koreader on it, it's alternative open source ebook reader software specifically for Kobo ereaders.

don't bother with ebook readers, seriously

they absolutely destroy the formatting

What happens if you give them a false email address? Do they send a confirmation email or what?

I have kindle classic 5 and callibre
I never linked it with an amazon account since I put my books on it by wire only and haven't seen an ad once it has ambidextrous physical buttons and great battery life, would recommend to everyone


But I want to read large amounts of text contained in pdfs dam it! What do?

>buy a kobo they're less locked down than kindles!
>literally have to sign up via email to use it
lmao. i have never once even had to connect my kindle to the internet.

I use a jailbroken Kindle with Koreader. Makes PDFs not as much of a hassle.

only text MIGHT be fine, but pictures or weird symbols will get butchered

the only good way to read pdfs on the go is a tablet right now

As I recall they do send a confirmation email, so it has to be a real email. But it certainly doesn't have to be anything you care about. Use a junk/throwaway email.

I agree that that part of it is shit. But kindle hardware is expensive for what you get (in Canada).

Alright. Will look into it then.
Does Koreader solve some of the problems with pdf formatting?

Have you actually tried reading PDFs on an ereader? It sounds like you've only ever experienced PDFs converted to epub or mobi format, which is god awful. PDFs are fine, but it's nice to have a large screen ereader.

Its good enough for my Calculus book, and it reads a bunch of other formats as well.

just use 10minutemail or something similar

Get a kobo with a highdpi screen. Thank me later.

I went Kobo to avoid the Amazon botnet. Their store isn't totally DRM-free but it is offered as an option so at least some publishers are on-board. Overall quite satisfied with my kobo aura

I'm planning to get either of those for reading manga and maybe some programming books. Which would you recommend?

paperwhite just works for text, which is all you should need

> Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.

Get the special edition Aura One that has double the storage. Or if you need literally your entire manga collection with you at all times and don't mind the worse screen get a first gen h2o since it has an SD card slot.

different user here, can ereaders actually handle manga? considering that they can't handle pdfs

I love my Kobo Aura One, it's a bit pricey but you won't have to suffer with amazon tier bloatware because you can install KoReader onto it


Attached: Kobo_AuraOne_H2O-Gen1.jpg (2307x1713, 686K)

sometimes you need to zoom in to see details. its not too bad. on my paperwhite 2 i don't have a problem with textbook pdfs, i just use landscape orientation. the problem with pdfs is poor reflow and processing power, so things like double column pages don't render well, and are designed with a larger viewing size in mind than the average 6 inch reader

I hope you're getting paid for shilling because you've just sold me

Thanks! Not the type that stores a bunch at once so will go with the Aura One.

Reading manga is better if you use Koreader instead of the stock reader: Nickle. You can directly use pdf, zip, cbz, rar, cbr, etc instead of having to convert to epub.
If you can follow basic instructions from mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=293804 then you'll have no problem.

you can downconvert your cbzs or whatever with kcc to ~50MB per volume

More or less yes. I have a kindle 4 and read manga on mine occasionally. I resize and pack volumes with mangle before loading the zips onto mine. I used to use calibre to convert to mobi but that forced margins into it which made reading on the small screen difficult sometimes. By using zips I lose out on some features like progress tracking, chapter jumps, and get a glitchy display when going back a page(fixed by going forwards) but I get beautiful full screen paperlike quality. I imagine these issues would disappear with a newer e-reader.

Would recommend/10

When can the chinks make E-Ink Monitors?

Even a 8-12' would surfice.
I just want a little static console that pulls barely any energy.
It's enough frames for terminal orchestration for SSH.

I don't need anything faster for muh games or videos.
If it can hold a image burned into it for extended periods without power that would be even cooler.

The demand for e-ink monitors isn't clear yet and not all related patents have expired.

Name is E-Paper than.
Also nothing has stopped the chinks before with copyright...
They make Iphone clones and they distribute the GPL without source.