Sup Forums is down so let's talk vidya and related technology here. Whatcha playan, Sup Forums?
/gamingtech/ general
Get the fuck off my board subnigger
Obvious bait/false flag but Sup Forums's full of autistic manchildren that'll sperg out over it anyway
Best emulators for PS3/360?
I'm fixing to start a no-save playthrough of Homeworld.
All my playthroughs are no-save since my saves don't work.
Fuck, I think Windows Update fucked my working widescreen install of Homeworld.
whew, setting the registry back to opengl32.dll fixed it.
I mostly play PUBG, but a bit of Rocket League, Just Cause 3, and GTA V too. Also run a youtube channel on hardware benchmarks which crops up on Sup Forums occasionally. I am both your greatest ally and your worst enemy.
Is this it for me? Is this the end?
Well put.
fite me fa/gg/ots
>TFW I have a 1080 Ti
The only thing I playd in the past weeks was a lot of Age of Empires 2. New games are shit. Maybe I'l look into PUBG again, I enjoyed it but my friend stopped playing when it was so horribly buggy and its boring alone.
Is there any wy to get AOE Definitive running under Windows 8 or in a VM
Or should I search for the AOE I original CD and istall it, I'm finished with all AOE II campaigns
Playing minecraft right now
How many mods?
>that image
Well, it do describe well people that call themselves gamers.
Cringeworthy pieces of shit, circled by cans of mtn dew, doritos and razr gear, while playing dota 2 on the intel IGP despise having an expensive videocard because he connected the screen to the wrong plug.
How many frames per second will my HD7970 get on this with Anti Aliasing turned off?
As fast as windows can give it the thread.