Still no ryzen laptops

>still no ryzen laptops

Attached: 1486810667607.jpg (568x612, 66K)

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OwO what's this delete this thread

Attached: Screenshot_20180319-123004.png (1440x2560, 617K)

>gaymen laptop for billionaires
not an argument

>$2~3k = $2~3kkk

>wants a full desktop cpu in a laptop
>wants a MXM or full desktop gpu in a laptop
>only wants to pay netbook prices

Damn, i miss when technology was a niche thing.

Dell Inspiron 15/17 5000
Lenovo Ideapad 700
HP Envy X360 15Z
Acer Swift 5

That's 5 laptops that have Raven Ridge, with more coming.

>JUST laptops

Ryzen thinkpads coming next month.

ThinkPads with Ryzen are being announced in april, just be patient you nigger

Also, this guy, for something a bit more premium.
Ryzen 7 2700U (Vega 10)

But I never said I wanted these

It has single channel memory. Avoid.

The problem isn't that there are no Ryzen laptops, because, obviously there are some. The problem is that there are no Ryzen laptop with good build quality.

Which is why you should wait for the thinkpads.

multiple channel rams are a meme tech that offer no visible performance improvement

>thinking this matters
You probably enable jumbo frames too

The Envy is pretty good

t. Envy owner


Attached: dual-vs-single-chanel-Ryzen-2200G[1].png (1200x675, 111K)

This is just telling me to buy faster RAM and I'll get better performance regardless of if it's dual channel or not.

look at it again


Attached: Sony_Xperia_Z4_Tablet_Ultra_leaked_specs.jpg (600x400, 61K)

>moving the goalposts

DC DDR4-2133 better than SC DDR4-3466



Attached: firefox_2018-03-18_21-52-49.png (531x159, 6K)

720p benchmarks don't mean much anymore, don't $20 wallmart android phones have 720p screens?

also nice html editing

But this tablet wouldn't even be able to run the game at 720p 30 frames per second.

Gosh damned moron. Kindly kill yourself, nigger.

Probably but what does that have to do with gaymen when even cheap chink gaymen laptops come with 4k displays now?

>can't even form a coherent argument

>inspect elements

You're right but it also shows a clear benefit of faster RAM. Personally I'm running dual channel 3200

at low resolutions, it neans jack shit on modern 8K computer displays

>posted within 30 seconds of when I took the photo

>having a display you can't even drive
is the point

>no data to support this present

There ARE both ultrabooks and gamen laptops running ryzen. Close this thread.

too late :^)


Attached: 1516895479537.jpg (387x437, 40K)

fucking hell you macacos are poor

as if you'd buy one

>full tower PeeSee (((rectal design))) + RGB and CD-ROM

i'm a literall brainlet
can someone literally spoonfeed me Dell Inspiron 15 with new AMD apu ? cause i can't find it on dell's site @_@
thanks anons

i hate nu-Sup Forums memes