>he has more than 700 packages
He has more than 700 packages
>he has more than 200 packages
Sorry for actually using a computer
What do you need other than Firefox, emacs, twm and mplayer?
no excuse for bloat
what distro are you two using?
>he cares about package counts
oh, I though you two used arch. thank god that wasn't the case
He's not productive
>his windows manager has more than 100 lines of code
If that was the case, it would have been part of post 1
Arch combines packages so It's a lot more bloated than you think.
You mean pulls dependencies?
>he doesn't do anything with his PC or uses arch bloating packages together
No, arch literally has bloated packages with lots of unnecessary shit in them that other distros put in separate packages
Gross. I had no idea
>OS doesn't split packages and installs unesscessary bloat
>but muh package count
You mean development packages. For us devs, arch makes it easier because we only have to install one package instead of several ones (+ adding repositories). It just werks
>he cares about quantity, but not quality of packages
Pathetic nolifer
::::. '::::: ::::' michiel@necronomicon
'::::: ':::::. ::::' OS: NixOS 17.09.3129.1dcd022f01b (Hummingbird)
::::: '::::.::::: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.14.23
.......:::::..... :::::::: Uptime: 3d 10m
::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. Packages: 4817
::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. .::::' Shell: zsh 5.4.2
..... ::::' :::::' Resolution: 3200x1800
::::: '::' :::::' WM: XMonad
........::::: ' :::::::::::. GTK Theme: Arc-Darker [GTK2/3]
::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: Icon Theme: Numix
::::::::::: .. ::::: Font: Sans 9
.::::: .::: ::::: CPU: Intel Core i5-6200U @ 4x 2.8GHz [25.0°C]
.::::: ::::: ''''' ..... GPU: intel
::::: ':::::. ......:::::::::::::' RAM: 1480MiB / 7831MiB
::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::'
.:::::::: '::::::::::
.::::''::::. '::::.
.::::' ::::. '::::.
.:::: :::: '::::.
Life of a gnulinuxer install package. Install dependencies. Bla bla. Youre wasting your lifetime on an inefficient system. Every time you try to install shit you need dependencies. Even ms office doesn't work there. Not even with wine. The Linux meme. Fuck off m8.
What do you want MS Office for? Enjoy hunting online for proprietary drivers.
>he actually cares about package count
Im sitting comfy with my 2000+ packages and my gnome bloat system, must suck not having up to date hardware
>he has more than 50 packages
pls no bully :(
>he has any packages
>He only uses his computer to download porn and play mame roms.
>go to install literally anything
>48 packages will be installed:
What's a computer?
>forget to put node_modules in .gitignore
>accidentally commit 6000+ files
and nothing wrong with that
This is why AppImage is the future
>he has more than 1 package
>not she
the absolute state of neo-Sup Forums
No one is saying it doesn't work, but it does make it appear that you have fewer packages installed than say, an equivalent Debian install
er.. you need dpkg -l | egrep ^ii | wc -l
ah sorry, my bad
>he has computer autism so bad that he cares about package count
i feel sorry for you
>he's a phoneposting newfag who can't even greentext
>doesn't even compile shit
You can still have metapackages, you know.
>his computer can actually do stuff
how does greentexting work?
You write words with this '>' symbol and suddenly become cool and smart.
>his penis is longer than 2 cm
> You mean development packages. For us devs, arch makes it easier because we only have to install one package instead of several ones (+ adding repositories). It just werks
Nice bloat
I am Arch user and I didn't bloat my OS?
so when debian says it has a shit ton more packages, it really doesn't, because it's a bunch of individual packages that are all installed together?
code tags man, code tags.
Their dependencies, I3 and Palemoon
Yes. 1.500 PKG on Debian are about 500 on Arch.
I'm just too lazy to uninstall packages that I no longer use.
>he uses his computer for nothing but shitposting crappy threads on Sup Forums
>What is "symbols button"
>doesn't understand how dependencies work
>blames an operating system for not being able to run apps that weren't made for it
>having a machine in the first place
I use my computers for everything, it's great. Why would you limit yourself?