Why do monitors suck these days?

Why do monitors suck these days?
Feels like it's impossible to find a decent monitor (IPS or VsmearA) with 144+Hz and a decent resolution.
It's either 21:9 100Hz 1440p or 144hz but 1080p and they all cost an arm.
Same goes for 16:9, all those 27" with 1080p res and gimmick leds for over $500...

Where are all those awesome 1000 lighting zones, HDR 200hz monitors we kept hearing about?

Attached: MaxPNG (2).png (1200x1200, 465K)

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Fuck if I know. I'm sticking with my 30" Dell 2650x1600, thing is ancient yet there's barely anything out there better wtf.

Why the fuck do tiny little phones get like 8k and for a giant monitor 1080p is enough? Fucking ridiculous.

complaining about monitors and you're looking for widescreen? get out of here. I'm buying decade old monitors at retail price just so I can get something that isn't fucking pathetic 1800 vertical resolution.

My thought exactly.

And what about quality control? I know it's much easier on a small screen but you barely see phones with dead pixels, clouding or backlight bleeding. Yet it's almost impossible to get a good screen on the first try with monitors.

I feel you, somewhat. I'm not a huge fan of 4:3 especially considering our wider field of view but I wish 16:10 was the standard for everything.

you 144HZ faggots are ruining everything with your overpriced shit

literally just stick to TN 144hz and let adults dine in IPS 60hz screens

Benq are the best gaymen monitors price/performance wise

what constitutes a good monitor:
>color reproduction
>color stability
>color uniformity
>backlight uniformity
>Bgr or Gbr LED backlight instead of W-LED trash
>no PWM flickering at low as fuck brightness
>decent electronics, including high-bit writeable LUT for hardware calibration and uniformity equalizing circuits

what Sup Forums thinks constitutes a good monitor:
>muh $BIGNUM Hz
>muh $BIGNUM MPix
>muh $TINYNUM reaction time

It's like digital cameras market in the early 00's all over again; people will buy any crap as long as its given nice looking $BIGNUMs.

Figure this is a decent place to ask. How good of a deal if a samsung cfg70 27inch for 200 bucks? Worth it or should I deal hunt some more?

Waiting for this bad boy:

Attached: VP2768_4K_Left.png (800x450, 319K)

16:9 and wider monitors should be illegal.

Attached: 1518464518216.jpg (957x621, 90K)

>hurr look how contrarian I am
A gaymer will have a better experience gayming on a high refresh rate or high-res monitor than on a 1080p 60 Hz one with good colors. Same goes for programmers and big high-res monitors. All the things you mentioned only matter to the degree that they have to be non-shit, unless you work with photos/video, or have a ton of money and want to get the cream of the crop.

>3 competing display technologies with different benefits/drawbacks
>OLED that is pretty much better than all of them but suffers from burn-in and is expensive as fuck
>microLED on the horizon
>interface standards that just recently started supporting anything above 60 Hz at 4K
>manufacturers have to compromise on either refresh rate or resolution because of GPU and interface limitations
Gee I wonder why monitors suck.

>he watches movies on a 4:3 monitor

You do realize some movies were made in 4:3 right?

iiyama prolite is alright but you're gayman so it's not 4u

Just go back to /v and stay there. You can easily get a good business ips monitor for sub 300. Heartz are completely irrelevant for 98% of all activities besides playing video games.

Attached: 1517821238448.jpg (1206x1734, 186K)

>muh gaymes
>muh neetsports
fuck off buddy

what OS is that thing running? looks Aesthetic

Honestly who cares about Hz, it seems only gaymer manchildren care about such inane shit.

How about you watch movies in your living room TV instead of holed in your room like a human rat.

looks like windows 3.0/3.1 to me

Literally this.

ancient windows

> what is a TV

when can we expect microLED monitors you think?

Display tech all moved to mobile and large TVs (40"+).
Monitors get to keep their old shit for another decade.

All the technologies are available, but of course companies will go for the biggest market.

And that is as somebody has mentioned before the mobile market and the TV market.
Nobody cares about you moronic PC gaymers.

Professionals have their professional monitors.

Can Sup Forums recommend a monitor which incorporates the follow? At any price point.

-27' IPS
-No 'gamer' aesthetic hardware

All I can find anywhere is red-plastic asus and acer garbage jammed with muh LEDs.

Viewsonic xg2703-gs?


Attached: 1521652852066.jpg (2544x4000, 906K)

Same here but you must have a special model, mine is 2560x1600 o/

>The year of our lord
>Being poor

Don't worry user, it will all work out some day. I believe in you.

It's ont always about gaming. You clearly have never used a high refresh monitor, it's one of those things that once you get used to it it's hard to go back.
Everything looks more fluid and natural, also movies are not played with a 2:3 ratio of frames and therefore you don't have that stuttering you have when you play a 24fps source on a 60Hz screen.

Screen resolution and sunlight visibility is a major selling point of smartphones. Its also way easier to manufacture small panels.
There is no real driving market factor for desktop displays. There are already panels with incredible color gamut and accuracy. There are panels with low enough response time. Who is demanding all of the above? Nobody. People who do photo and video editing don't need super low response times. Gamers don't care about professionally calibrated color spaces.

Its nice that things like Freesync and HDR are a thing, but they aren't major selling points. People aren't demanding them.

I don't get g-sync. For the extra money of a gsync you could buy 3 1080tis, thus always having your fps over your monitor's framerate and never actually needing g-sync.

It's impossible to watch movies on 60 Hz screens.

Marketing OS 2.6 LTS

A great example is that instead of the industry moving to full 10bit panels to reduce banding effect on consumer grade panels, everyone decided to say "fuck it." There is no push for actually quantitatively improving static image quality outside of the professional space, so everyone is still selling brand new 8 bit panels, or 8bit panels with FRC to improve color space. If we got anything at all we got a bandaid fix so they could still nickle and dime people. Instead of producing higher quality image scaler ICs and designing lower latency circuits to improve the back end of the display they gave us backlight strobing.

We just have to face the fact that displays have already long since passed the point of being "good enough" for 99,99% of the market. Most people aren't wanting anything better, they won't even be aware of areas where their current panel is deficient.

I just bought a ViewSonic XG2703-GS and am very happy with it. 27"/1440p/165Hz/G-Sync is the perfect combo for both desktop and gay men use. Took four tries to get one without backlight bleed, but it was worth it. Could do without the PRO GAY MAR aesthetic, but it's not like I'm ever looking at the back of it.

Attached: ViewSonic-XG2703-GS-6.jpg (4032x3024, 781K)

Just get a decent VESA stand and you will be good. Also, I have seen that it has a (new) logo that looks like shit, rip it off or cover it, and do the same with these green/yellow plastic border on the bottom.

A native 10-bit panel is overrated in my experience. Most high end TVs have one these days, but I'll be damned if I can tell the difference between one and an 8-bit+FRC panel. I own both and they look the same, even with HDR content. Maybe for high end colour work and very specific content you'd notice the difference, but for games and movies and stuff it's irrelevant.

2019 or 2020

I'm tempted to buy an Acer Predator XB271HU for £600 but it's 3 years old and I feel like I'll buy it then something better comes out soon. Also it has a dumb gaymer logo.

Drop IPS, it's a meme.

If you're blind sure

madvr smooth motion fixes it, but 120hz should be the standard.

Get a VA panel, it's more affordable than IPS and has similar image quality while retaining TN panels response time

Samsung's "QLED" panels are pretty decent.

Exactly, it's a shame anything over 1080p Samsung sells is overpriced as shit

>800 bucks and still had to do the backlight bleed rodeo

no thanks

High refresh rate is god-tier you fucking Hzlet

Just use what monitor you like

Go Samsung qled meme va if you want horrible grainy colours that look as if you have a thick anti glare coating applied to the screen.

All the reviews I've seen seem to contradict you, pal.

I own one, buddy.

>IPS glow
>input lag
But it looks good at steep viewing angles!

You forgot the lack of piss filter

I look forward to buying my affordable 8k 43" display in a decade, mobile phones probably will be on 32k by then, and by then it might be wiser to just buy a VR headset instead of a monitor

Prove it

Where the fuck are the OLED gaming monitors at?

Attached: 20180321_200230.jpg (4032x2631, 2.11M)

OP there future is already here! If you can't afford it get a 2nd job. These days you can get one of these bad boys from sale or used for $500.

I've had this Asus PG279 for over two years now. Maybe next 4k 144hz when someone makes one.

Attached: pg279.jpg (2319x1212, 618K)

So you wouldn't recommend it? Even after you spent so much money on it?

I don't recommend it. If the anti glare coating was lighter and not as grainy then it would be fine.
(google it, there's some other blokes complaining about the CHG70 having grainy coating)

But are you sure it's not a defect on your part? The reviews have been praising them like crazy. I wonder if this is a VA panel issue or just Samsung

I just miss 16:10 monitors

Anyone have or know Ilyama monitors? Japs surely know how to make quality, right?

Well if it is a defect then multiple people are having the same issue. It's probably not a problem if you're used to grainy anti glare coating or if you sit far away.

Not sure if this is a VA panel quirk or if it's actually the anti glare coating or something to do with the QLED meme.

21:9+16:10 best combo

Is it really worth it to get replacements? I have the U2718q and i the only backlight issue is you can see some uneven lighting when screen is completely black from a certain angle. The only other gripe i had is that is seems less snappy to wake up than 2k 120hz dell monitor dg something that I chose it over

I only paid the equivalent of $564, so it's not so bad.

If you're happy with it, keep it. I just have autism and find any small imperfections immediately in anything I buy so that I can stare at them and drive myself crazy. It's not like the other ones were even bad for backlight bleed or anything - they just had a couple of small patches each. But I wanted a perfect one and eventually got it. Thank god for Amazon's free returns.

>tfw ips AND 165 hz

Attached: smug.png (239x205, 75K)

Real question is why the fuck doesn't every monitor come with a remote? So fucking tired of these stupid ass button menus that are a chore to navigate.

It's not a TV, you should only fiddle in the setting once

My 43" monitor came with a remote

I'm looking for new monitors.
This would be the perfect monitor if you ask me:

>24" size (needs to fit three of them on my desk).
>DisplayHDR 600 (400 is kind of meh, and 1000 isn't really better)
>120Hz (divides perfectly with 24, 30 and 60)
>2560x1440 or 4K
>Decent stand, or at the very least VESA compliant.
>Maybe some adaptive sync technology like G-Sync, but not really necessary.

I don't get it. Are there no 1440p 144 hz 1ms monitors that aren't ugly as fuck TN or full of defects and grainy Samsung VAs? Everywhere I read both panels have issues that stop them from recommending. What kind of fucking monitor should I get then?

If by "full of defects" do you mean IPS glow/backlight bleed? Because literally every IPS panel has that.

Attached: MG279Q.jpg (640x480, 25K)

>120Hz (divides perfectly with 24, 30 and 60)
Came to post this. 120Hz is the best refresh rate.

What's the reasoning behind 144hz? Why is it even a thing?

Bigger number I guess? It seems so confusing, because the only common video refresh rate it's compatible with is 24.

If I were a better conspiracy theorist I'd say they were trying to normalize frame interpolation, but I can't think of a good reason for that.

>Perfect monitors don't exi-

I got an Asus MG279Q before they shot up to £500 over a year ago. It was one of only two monitors with all the features I wanted:

>144 Hz

Annoyingly both it and the other one that ticked all the boxes have pretty bad backlight bleed. I tried 4 monitors before giving up finding a good one. Fortunately I don't use it in the dark so it's rarely noticeable, but it's a red line for a lot of people I'm sure.

Monitors are pretty shit these days. Kinda wish my old 1920x1200 MVA panel never died, it had great blacks and no backlight bleed at all.

>input lag
Lol no
Standard is like 5ms and there's absolutely no perceivable difference between than and 1 or 2ms like gaymer fags cling so desperately to like retards

You have different needs than others, that doesn't make you better faggot

Newer TN panels are nearly indistinguishable from the IPS ones.

>Asus MG279Q
I just purchased one, still in transit. This post is making me even more nervous about it now. My room's always dark so I really hope this shit doesn't drive me insane.

I even waited for so many years for monitor technology to get good, and it just never did.

You like bad boys, don't you... ;)

How much of a dumb fuck am I for spending $700 on this? Acer XB271HU. I feel like I got got honestly, my much older 60Hz IPS PB278 has better color quality as far as my eyes can tell. The 144Hz and G-Sync is nice, but not worth the asking price at all. Calibrating it's a bitch anyways, and I've tried numerous recommendations and while it doesn't look awful, it still doesn't look as good as my nearly 6 year old Asus that is basically just a Samsung IPS display underneath.

Don't make my mistake, just get a much cheaper TN panel or a cheaper IPS.

Attached: acer-predator-xb271hu-11.jpg (1500x844, 155K)