Everything is a file on linucks

>everything is a file on linucks

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Even your brain, which is a symlink to /dev/null.

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redpill me on soft links vs hard links

takagi is so precious

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>what are network interfaces
soft links are like the "create shortcut" thing in windows except any program sees it as the original file
hard links make 2 indistinguishable copies of the file that only take up the space of one (and if you change one it'll change the other) and you can delete one without deleting the other

I see, thanks

Are there any situations where you'd use a hard link instead of a soft? The hard link doesn't seem very useful because you don't have the original file name anymore

Soft links are indirect, like /brain -> /dev/null. Useful when dealing with directories or not-files.
Hard links are inodes pointing to the same data, one file that lives in multiple places. Then there is no distinction between original and link.

The only fuckery I know about is using hard links for hobo backup snapshots

rsnapshot makes extensive use of hardlinks to keep backups as small as possible

toppest of the top most keks

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>in Python, even your source code is an object

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If only.

Can anybody post that image containing 'Everything is an X' for different languages

It isn't, that's just one of the reasons why Linux is considered harmful.

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I use them when I want my downloads to be organized in my videos folder but continue seeding without taking up double the space.



I was going to yell hallellujah, but realized that changing the file (metadata) will still affect the seeded files and break it.

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Absolute carnage

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include me in the screencap



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Yea this only allows renaming. You'll need full dedup if you want to edit the files.

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based python.
everything is an object.

Include me in le ebin screencap too :^)


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I wish my fucking audio was /dev/dsp again.
alsa and pulse are nigger tier. combined they're concentrate african-AIDS.

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Jesus fuck how big can a forehead be

It's a fetish

Btrfs reflinks work well for this, basically a hard link that allows the two to diverge but retain shared blocks thanks to COW (and which, unlike hard links, can be done across subvolumes)

You are like little baby

Watch this

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get on my level

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screencap here we go

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well done


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ln -s fp\ dick op\ ass

OP btfo



fucking rekt

Everything is a file on all operating systems. It's all data dumbass. Computer Science 101.

holy fucking kek

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I've been looking for this for years thank you user

You're welcome I guess, that's a strange thing to be looking for for so long.

be me. sys admin in college, with some elevation of privs. 1990's

several new sun workstations installed all occupied. Some asshat was using it to find guitar tabs online via lynx instead of at some green terminal. I had some serious homework to do...
cat binary file to the workstations's /keyboard file.
Workstation locks, up. He goes to the help center, I tell him its broken. He leaves.

I reboot the workstation. finish my homework(it was some bull shit parallel programming language that simulated parallel computing) but I needed the graphics to see the fish simulation.

Good times in that lab.
I meet my future wife late at night in the terminal room working on her homework. Take it from a rich old fag, you should match with people that share your interests.

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when the first post is also the best post

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This place is like a training ground for quick retorts. And you wonder why Trump is so popular here?

Like it you wanna get good and quick on your seat, sort by reply count, and comeup with something.

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We should go with "everything is an object" some day.

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peak comfy
got any other good stories?

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Christ, I've been using Linux for 10+ years and never realized this. I guess you can actually learn something here.

Woah there

>I meet my future wife late at night in the terminal room working on her homework. Take it from a rich old fag, you should match with people that share your interests.

Godspeed user.
happy love stories always melt my heart

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mfw some frogposting tryhard poser kid posts some retarded shit and gets absolutely destroyed

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