/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.se/search?q=what is the 100mb partition

What's the url of that website that told you how to install linux in a hard drive? as in linux running off of the hard drive itself using it's cache and cpu(?)

doubt it were this one

I'm a GNU/Linux noob and a brainlet in general but I want to learn more about using the shell and writing scripts. Problem is I can hardly think of uses for it. I know a few basic commands but so far I haven't written anything incredibly useful. What are some good tools to create as a beginner?

Why doesn't certain short links work when I use a VPN?

Soyny Xperia X Compact or Soyny Xperia XA1 Ultra? They both cost the same.

I'm tired of Samshit and Huawei phones delaying my notifications and bundling Cheetah Mobile system cleaners

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Is there still a way to get windows 10 for free, and is it even worth it?
t. Windows 7 fag

anything repetative. for example, I needed to rename a bunch of pictures an increasing sequences of numbers if and only if they had a tag in their name

the core util ones
>cp mv rm ln ls echo

put your scripts in ~/.bin/ or ~/.local/bin/
you don't need #!/bin/sh if do
sh yourscript.sh

there are shell tutorials online but you'd check the stackoverflow like sites for quick reference when you wonder how to do something

>is it even worth it

clean window 10 .iso + microsoft toolkit


How do i control my volume using my keyboards built in volume keys in ubuntu+openbox?

Maybe something that sorts my downloads folder.
>put your scripts in ~/.bin/ or ~/.local/bin/
I'll try to remember that

Run xev, press your keyboard volume buttons, bind the keys it reports to pactl commands or whatever you're using.

Does anyone know of some compatible screws to replace the ones shown in an alienware x51?

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amixer -q set Master 1%+ unmute

amixer -q set Master 1%- unmute

amixer -q set Master toggle

Does nvidia actually slow down their old cards?

Don't forget to mention the official /sqt/ IRC channel in the next thread:

What is the difference between a proxy and a VPN? i mean i know that a proxy goes slower but why?

ping is a pretty usefoul command... there also was a command that showed all the path of a packet to a server do you know the name?

You can get it for 15 bucks on kinguin

>i know that a proxy goes slower

A VPN is similar to a proxy, but in an encrypted tunnel. The point of a VPN is to virtually connect you to another private network via that tunnel. When someone sells you access to a VPN, what they're really selling you is access to their internet through the tunnel.

Isn't a VPN also a kind of private network separated to the internet where computers comunicate with other computers with the acces to the VPN? like some sort of VLAN

Any screw that fits?


looking for this Sup Forumsuy that wanted to spare me a computer after seeing my dreadful specs, is he here?

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where can I find good soy wojak images?

It is remote access to the network as if you were physically there. Whether that's used for sharing local resources or redirecting your network traffic through a safer/more private ISP is up to whoever is managing the VPN server.

VLANs aren't a way of communicating across the internet.

I want to be dressed like a kitten, leashed, cuffed, plugged and be fed with yogurt :3
I'm a femanon, btw.

1. Google "website hosting"
2. Google "web app hosting"
Can someone please tell me the different between the two? Why is the term "web app" only used for cloud?

source on the image?

meme name for a meme technology

for installing a webapp (which usually require some specialized server application), the server needs to be able to run said server
for hosting a sinple website (read: HTML + some PHP, perhaps) you don't need much else, and most hosting services already run PHP plus the webserver

what I meant was are they like m3 screws or something else?

just get one of the new nokias coming next month

why dont you just fucking take one out and compare them yourself?

no, they just refuse to update drivers and effectively gimp old shit to make you upgrade sooner.

Why does one of my mirror sets have that tiny 100MB-ish partition? I've tried recreating the mirror set. Full format and deleted their volumes. Still it automatically comes back when I create the set.

I mean as you can see both hard drives show they have the same size. Performance isn't impacted. Just another windows fuck up?

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What's a good online document sharing utility that I can have people edit at any time? Something that's like Google Docs, but isn't Google Docs.

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google.se/search?q=what is the 100mb partition

Best free and open source media player for Android?

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microsoft docs

If im want working as a programmer what should i learn?
Im thinking about c++ or web-development languages. What is more profitable/easy to learn?

I'm not talking about the 100MB windows system reserved partition. I know what that is and why it is. I'm talking about the unallocated 127MB partition on the 2x2TB mirror setup. (Listed as "Anime and TV series" in my pic.

how to get office 2016 without buying it or using KMSpico?
buying a key on ebay will work? is it worth it?

probably the leftovers it cant allocate to any of the others due to the file system chunk size limitations

What's the best torrent client nowadays?

What's a good browser for phone. I can't use icecat since my phone is a little old (got it back in 2013 though it might be a bit older I'll check) and when I tried it the speed was snail paced not not loading at all. If it helps it has 1 gig of memory.

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I didn't even think about that. I suppose that makes sense. Both drives are completely different brands/age. One is an old HGST and the other a brand new Seagate Barracuda. Maybe it has something to do with that?

I cleaned my heatsink without thermal paste in hand
I expected that it'd get a hotter, but not this hot.
Is this normal? Should I buy some paste asap?

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asking the real questions

qbittorrent for Windows, transmission-daemon for Linux.

i use firefox with ublock origin on my 2013 phone with 1gb ram (xperia sp)

disabling cosmetic filtering in ublock saves a bit of memory

if it performs badly you could try doing a factory reset or installing a custom rom if you know how to do that

is that idle or load?
how much difference since before?

>Should I buy some paste asap?
Yes. People like you are why the rest of us have to put up with heat spreaders.

It was around 47 before

yeah the paste is fucked for sure, replace asap

What are the plastic tools called that are used to pry cell phones open?

I would like to share something I found out; user may be facing this problem.
This will list folders first in file dialogs.
Type the line below in a terminal:
gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-directories-first true

I want to use a USB 3.0 to Ethernet adapter to connect my PS4 to it. I have my PC connected to internet with the built-in Ethernet connection.
How do I enable the second port/adapter to do that on Windows 10?

Should I replace Dropbox with MEGAsync?

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I don't understand how you gals do it. Every day I wake up, I think about how blessed I am. I can't imagine how others function with such weak mental faculties, but you all seem so happy. I was given the gift of a 107 IQ but with the condition that I had to be in a cesspool of people unlike myself. Nobody knows what a gigabyte is; nobody knows what piebald means; nobody knows how to build a PC.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that there are positives and negatives in everyone's lives. For example, I am intelligent, but you are happy. Like I can write deep things like this but you gals only post shit like what you had for dinner. Idk maybe I should quit Sup Forums, but probably not lol.

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i used VLC for half a year, it's fucking trash if you want playlists, but just random playback is fine

Sauce on OP image?

Even better: consider hosting your own ownCloud.

what are you talking about? just create a folder and dump the shit you want to listen to and it plays them like a playlist

Thank you user I just downloaded firefox and it works. I thought I was going to need to buy a new phone just to browse the web. I was actually thinking of cutting out the web completely and getting one of those cheap 30 dollar smartest phones on Ali. I'll look into what custom roms are anyway just incase it starts failing again.

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1. open network adapter settings
2. select the two adapters
3. right click -> create network bridge

fucking casual pleb you think i want to just dump all my fucking shit into the same folder like some unorganized nigger?

Smartwach phones on Ali.

how do I start a samba server on my phone? I have an headless linux server and want to pipe stuff into my phone.. I can start the bash via ssh but I need to mount my phone directory into my server first

Uh, use hard links to make playlists.

someone pls help

Yeah, I was trying that, but I had to "unshare" them or whatever, I had one of these being shared somehow and it didn't leave me to, so I thought there was another way. Thanks anyway, I managed to do that.

A Spudger

>come home one day
>PSU dies
>drive across town to get a replacement from brother
>plug it in
>SSD not detected

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Traveling from US to Mexico, have a Oneplus 3. What would be the easiest way to get service over there? Pick up a SIM in MX or pick up some kind of international plan while I'm still in the US?


Is there any way to access pandora outside of US without those shitty addons?

Why don't the feds target Tether for SEC investigation? It seems like it would be the easiest and fastest way to kill buttcoins, all the more since they've been failing to provide the public audits they've promised.

the playlist controls in VLC is fucking garbage and you cant even select a folder with sub-folders and play all

Pray it gets detected in a Linux USB and stop buying shitty Corsair or chink PSUs.

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I doubt this question requires it's own thread. Let me first say sorry for the incoming wall of text story.

I work with SQL server but not really development, in our team we don't use SSIS or TFS ect. I create analytical extracts, create/ maintain SPs and diagnose/fix other team's processes which interact with out shit.

To cut a long story short, it seems like SQL jobs in the UK are few and far between which causes me some concern about the future. I'm thinking about learning some Python and C#, creating a few web apps and putting myself on the market.

My question is this, at 28 with 3 years of some SQL experience and assuming i can get a few projects i can present to potential employers, have i started too late? I'd also really appreciate any tips if anyones been in this position before.


posted on /adv/ but they're ded as fuck

anyone think these signatures possibly belong to the same person? one is enos "eastman" and one is enos "easton"

they're supposedly 2 years apart in age so its possible that they changed their signature over the years, but its also possible that they're simply different people with similar names

Attached: signature.jpg (924x546, 203K)

is there a web tool for designing terminal color themes? i'm using urxvt

I am not a fucking expert but I am sort of autistic. They're similar but personally I don't think they're from the same person.
A few things stick out:
In the 'a' of Eastman/Easton, the hook at the top right is a different shape, even though the bottom a is at more of a slant if you unslant it in your mind it's still starting at a different angle than the top a
The Big E is another, you can tell when a person lifts off the paper because the glyph will get skinnier. It looks like the E in Enos is drawn in a reverse order in top vs bottom, let alone the obvious shape difference (which could have just been a style change over time but would you really start writing the letter from the bottom vs the top?) The stroke on what would be the arm of the E on the bottom goes to or past the vertical bar
Eastman the pen is lifted between the s and t, but not in Easton
The s in Enos -> the top ends in a sideways stroke vs an elongated upwards stroke in the bottom
The t in Eastman/Easton's cross stroke is quite different as well, the top one is deliberately a light stroke and the bottom is a deliberately long heavy stroke

Again just a passerby autist but it's what I think.


Capital E's are entirely different. Bottom signature has a kind of flourish for their t that the top does not. Lower case s's are very different as well. In fact, the only characters that are very similar at all are the o's in Emos. You can also see that the top signature did not continue the s in Eastman into the t. The writer lifted the pen and began the t at its apex and flowed into m. The bottom signature did not. Actually, upon further inspection, the bottom signer flows nearly all their characters together, whereas the top signer flows 3 at most.

You can also tell from that the signature at the top is was written in a slow, deliberate manner, look at the m's and n's specifically. There's care that the a's a s's connect properly and as I mentioned above, time was taken to only link 2 characters or so at a time. The lower signature is clearly quicker, with more flourish. It is less precise.

I'm not an expert, but looking at the two, it seems unlikely that they're signed by the same person

Why not buy a cheap switch instead?

whats a good starting point for learning the most basic bitch programming essentials? i'm kinda hesitant to just google "how 2 code" and end up learning bad practices or take lesson plans that basically amount to "lol copy paste this line now you know how it works ;)"

I need a good media center program/app for Win10. I store my media on an external HDD connected to my main PC which is hardlined to a gigabit network. I have a laptop connected to my TV and I access that media through a network share. Right now I'm just using a directory pointing to the external HDD which works fine, but I want to know if there's an option that has built-in apps for Netflix/Amazon/HBO. Does something like that exist or would I just be better off downloading the desktop apps for those streaming services?

I'm on windows 10 right now should I switch back to Windows 7 or what

im inclined to agree with you both, i dont think they're the same person

the documents are part of a basis of the Americanization of the surname easton (to 'eastman') but it seems most likely that whoever wrote eastman originally was someone other than Enos Easton and that mistake stuck with the family for decades after

there were enough similarities in the signatures (for example the "nos" in Enos are very similar in both) that made me scrutinize it but it probably comes down to everyone making some cursive letters similarly

go to project euler and solve some of the easier problems in "pseudocode"
Just write out how you would do solve the problems in English or whatever and you will begin to learn the fundamentals of programming. You will naturally "invent" loops and stuff so when it comes time to learn your first language you will already understand what it means to program. All learning a language is is learning to convert your mind's interpretation of a process to complete a task into a language the computer can follow.

do you care about directx12?
do you care about marginally faster VM shit going on in the background?
those are the only excuses to use 10 over 7

Not sure if I should ask this in /adv/, but I'll start here.
So I'm looking to start a career in IT, and a sysadmin position looks like something I could be comfortable with.

1. Is this a bad Idea?
2. Would community college be a good place to start?

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Thanks for the explanation of why you wanted to know, I didn't want to pry in case it was like you trying to prove someone was your mom or something

bump for interest, going to be NEET in ~2 months and trying to figure out my best path forward in life. Can go to community college for free it looks like - tried real college when I was younger and couldn't cut it

Official support for 7 ends at the end of 2019 completely. People can piss and moan all they want about 10 and "muh privacy" but if you're that concerned about it, switch to Linux. 10 is by and far superior to 7 in pretty much every way now.

I disagree with what you say about the 'nos' parts. Look at the angle of the characters. The lower signature is slanted forward and the finishing flourish is totally different. Pretty cool to hear what you're investigating though.

If everyone who comes here is stupid, who's left to answer the questions?