All your ram are belong to me

>All your ram are belong to me

Attached: 1200x630bb.jpg (630x630, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hold my beer

Attached: 500px-Firefox_Logo,_2017.svg.png (500x500, 76K)

>caring about ram
>3 months into 2018

This desu. I've never had any issues whatsoever with ram usage with 8gb. Upgraded to 16gb just because ram was cheap enough at the time, and I doubt I'd ever need to upgrade for another decade.

t. 2gb ram thinkpad

I thought the same thing when I first hit 1GB back in mid 2000.

*drinks it and buys you a new one*

Attached: Quantum.png (1920x999, 259K)

Try me

Attached: ---.png (79x35, 854)

Enjoy your botnet faggot.

*blocks your path*

Attached: capture.png (369x93, 7K)

I like these jokes in the tabs.

what do you recommend?

Literally anything else.

The heavy usage of caching is exactly what makes chrome so comfy.

ok, lets assume chrome does use more memory than other browsers for the sake of your argument

so fucking what? the user experience is better, and I'm not a fucking ramlet. Are you guys running with 8GB in 2018 or something?

Attached: 1498366013005.jpg (447x444, 16K)

You're the type of guy that'll be ok with notepad using up 8gb of ram

le strawman

here's your reply

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does that apply to forks? I don't see Vivaldi nor Chromium eating my RAM like that. Firefox, on the other hand...

What do you mean "for the sake of your argument"?
It literally does by design. That's the downside of making everything a separate process.

I never understood this problem until I found out that there are actually people who have like 50 tabs open at all times.

>Using babby's first logical fallacy as a "retort"

Attached: IMG299373032.jpg (239x211, 6K)

>tfw only 8gb of ram
I regret not buying more when they were cheaper

I love firefox but it is a RAM hog, lucky I fell for the 16GB meme

Attached: firefox ram usage.png (522x91, 6K)

not just 50 tabs, but also a metric ton of extensions and all the tabs are porn videos

>not using chromium
even 4gb ram is enough for chrome though


Attached: Chromium_Material_Icon-256x256.png (256x256, 21K)

You don't?

>oh no! chrome is using like 4GB of my ram? what a fucking piece of shit! I mean, it's 2018 and I have at least 16GB in my machine, so I have alot of free ram left over doing nothing, but still! It's using so much!! REEEEEE!!!!

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chrome was shitting itself with 8GB but I got 16GB recently and it's fine now. Just having chrome open I use over 10GB of ram. I've even hit over 14GB before.

Attached: chromeram.png (393x491, 31K)


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