Building your own PC is cheaper

>Building your own PC is cheaper
>Compared buying individual parts with PCs on Amazon

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lol snek

Building your own PC really is cheaper, though, if you cast the parts yourself from silicon extracted from beach sand

It was cheaper before miner fucking shits. Now OEMs have an advantage since they're buying at volume directly from the supplier instead of retailers, and retailers are the ones profiting from this madness.

>Only searching amazon
>Not checking newegg/local computer stores
yeah, nah. Prebuilts are only more worth it if you don't mind being bottlenecked by whichever part the retailer decided to drop the ball on.

Usually the only bottleneck is the HDD, and it still works out cheaper to buy a pre-built and add an SSD yourself than to build from scratch

You're not taking into account how much cheaper it will be when you decide to upgrade. For example, right now I have a custom built PC with a 4790k and a gtx 1080. Current setup cost me over 2k but whenever I decide to upgrade, using existing parts, it should only cost me about $900 or so. New cpu, mb, ram, cooler. I already own everything else I need.

This. This guy knows where it's at.

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>buy prebuilt
>get some i7 cpu paired with 1030
haha ebin

Even with GPU and RAM prices high it's still cheaper to get a mid high end PC than it was a couple decades ago. A good general purpose PC is a very valuable thing to have inless you're an IQlet and just want to play videogames.

>buying all parts from the same website

>buying them from different sites
enjoy shipping

>save 20$ on shipping but pay $100 more

>Buying from places that don't offer free shipping

>save $20 on shipping
>pay $100 more
if you say so

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>not just going to microcenter

>cryptofags make prebuilts cheaper than builing one yourself

>not just waiting for delivery in your home
>implying there's microcenter in every fucking town

Jack the GTX 1060 6GB. Flog the rest on Ebay.

You're forgetting the shitty motherboards and PSUs that'll die in a year

You'd be surprised how many come with 1060s now.

yeah, 3GB meme mid-end card, usually shit tier case and stock heatsink on cpu too

not to mention non OC mobo and locked CPU

>build my first PC last year
>everyone laughing I'm paying mad prices for ram right now
>go overboard buying a asus 1080ti OC $830
>REEEEE You're an idiot for paying that much and buying the OC version!
>people want to buy it for $1500-2000 now

Still dumb for paying extra for something you could just get the base version and OC yourself

OC version usually are better bins and power delivery to OC even further than stock version

This. Something Sup Forums fails to understand for god knows why.

because most people here are Sup Forumsirgins

Buy a mid spec, 15 inch laptop with thunderbolt, an egpu enclosure and a used GPU.
You'll play your gaymes without falling for the current kike trickery.
Otherwise get a ryzen APU

GPU enclosures are expensive as fuck, like $400

I puked at this post

It used to be.

But them,

RAM prices got out of control.
Cryptoniggers drove the prices of GPUs to the skies.

You are better off buying a gaming laptop or a prebuilt at this point. PC building is dead.

Not when you have a chinkpad with expresscard

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I have been building my own PC's since around 2009.
You are right, it isnt cheaper.
You can get the same motherboard and cpu and graphics card etc that you can get in some prebuilt and the prebuilt will be much cheaper.

What you wont get with a prebuilt is a high quality power supply. Experience has taught me that the first thing you should always buy is a high quality PSU. Then you look at memory chips. A lot of prebuilt scrooge on memory chip quality. Drive quality is another, and then theres that case.

Yeah its cheaper but only if you look at it from how much you spend to get the computer to your house
When you realise a prebuilt will last 5 years maybe 6 and you paid $1200 for it
then one you built yourself will last 12 years and you pay $1600 for it then the prebuilt dont look so cheap

Building yourself a computer isnt about price - it's about quality and quality costs money

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Isn't the point of building mid-high end PC is to play games? If I want a general purpose PC I can just use my chinkpad.

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>dubs replied to dubs replied to dubs
>implying while implying

You are correct !
You only need high airflow cases
and plenty of fans and large cooling towers if
you are going to be generating a lot of heat through high utilisation

But you know what people are like they think they have to have a whole paddy field of rice just to use amazon these days

I don't know in burger land because of crypto miners, but generally speaking it should be cheaper and if you actually know your shit, you would buy high quality parts and still be equal or cheaper.
>I'm talking to you PSU's, cases and fans.

I'm this guy.

Also this, I haven't even cleaned my pc in years and still runs perfectly smooth (not recommended though, I'm just tired when I have the time to do it or forget it). I'm pretty sure a prebuilt would have already burned my house some time ago.

Op read this and stfu.

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>get some i7 cpu paired with 1030
Exactly what I need for work.

Why not just use the integrated video?

I know Dell at least used to use Seasonic PSUs.

Too slow with 3 monitors


Literally the only correct answer. GPUs and RAM prices shifted the advantage back to the OEM. The aftermarket parts market is really only for those upgrading current PCs.

the higher the end of your desired PC, the more truthful that statement for consumer-grade computers
If you go get Xeon, quaddros, etc, its another story
>Implying anyone, including uses these on their personal rigs outside of /hsg/

that's what smartphones need to browse amazon nowadays

Except when you're about ready to upgrade, something else fucking stops working