Started watching this, is it Sup Forums approved?

Started watching this, is it Sup Forums approved?

Attached: 3110578-6419833590-mr.-r.jpg (1200x600, 356K)

STFU. I dont care if its Sup Forumstard approved but its a great show

Attached: terry.gif (429x592, 2.4M)

drug users should be gassed

This really bothered me when I watched it, also the fact that he had a girlfriend.

>is it Sup Forums approved?
I don't know but Mozilla was shilling this show a few months ago so Sup Forums must be watching it as we speak

>but user! You gotta watch THIS show! There's a character who is exactly like you!

Attached: jumanji.png (421x236, 37K)

Iss good man

>I see you're using the GNOME desktop environment

Nah. Full of cheesy hollywood cliches about "muh compootahs muh l337 haxkors"

If you're a retarded faggot with bad taste, you'll probably like it.


Attached: kde vs gnome.jpg (1277x1281, 204K)


This desu, I hate drug users. They're the most useless people.

Full of Hollywood hacker stereotypes and assumptions, but an amusing show if you take it for what it is and don't look too far into it for realism.

I speak on behalf of Sup Forums when I say
only the first series is Sup Forums approved

If you need a list of Sup Forums approved
things look here

I smoke your paycheck in weed every weekend with bad bitches


Contrarians love to hate it but it's the best hacker kino you're going to get. It's not just:
>*rapidly type on keyboard*
>"I'm in"
The show tries to keep it plausible.

2nd season is boring, though. I dropped it at ep 3.


I like the part where he kissed his sister and she freaks out saying "I'm your sister" or something , I wish he had said "Yea I know , so what, lets go back to my place" but he didn't.


The first few episodes are nice and revolve around the hacker character.

After that, the show degenerates into utterly generic and banal cliches of romance and relationship drama where the hacking is nothing more than a side-thought. It is NOT a show about a vigilante hacker. It is a show about relationship drama, progressive politics and how capitalism sucks. The big bang theory is more about technology than the show.

Hell, Elliot's love interest just fucks a random black in the second season for no reason. Then there's some communist revolution. It's awful.