Why is Taiwan stuck in Web 1.0?

Why is Taiwan stuck in Web 1.0?

Attached: Realtek.jpg (790x641, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Taiwan web.jpg (1439x791, 146K)

better question is why aren't we?

Because it just werks.

is Sup Forums considered 1.0?

It's literally 2.0 you genz fuck

It fucking works and the only faggots dealing with Realtek directly are ones that have no use for web 2.0 except for the stray millennial normie that comes every now and then to download a driver for some reason and no reason to redesign shit just for him.

>realtek_audio_driver_with_required_bloatware_suite.zip (890MB)
>downloading at 15K.3B/s from ftp.realtek.tw

Attached: 1521161243809.png (736x527, 31K)

They don't need to upgrade? I mean really... I just get my drivers and go home. I don't give a fuck if you have 3D rotating skull gifs and 88x31 affiliate buttons, as long as I can get my drivers.

There is no reason to use anything other than the default windows drivers

>they literally don't work

In my machine, the sound drastically improves with the realtek drivers.

in what way?

not thanks to captcha and all the google analytics shit

not that user but it really depends, in my case it has a switch that fixes the front panel audio inputs.

other than that, literally nothing, for equalizer i use equalizer apo+peace gui and it just werkz

>Best viewed at 800x600 with IE 6.0 or Netscape 7.02 or Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 or higher.
>©2018 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.

No because it is user generated content

Firefox went to shit after version 4.


Why can't other sites be more like that one? It looks good even in small screens

Attached: mobile.png (648x1182, 153K)

because they saw what everyone else was dealing with and said fuck that.

>not using web 1.0 in cy


>implying you visited top Taiwanese computer companies' official websites

I love this webpage desu

Their business is hardware and drivers are usually auto installed. They have no reason to spend a single penny updating the site more than the bare minimum required. All these businesses are very low margin.


>best view at 800x600
>with IE 6.0
You're using it wrong! Why are you not viewing it in 800x600 with Internet Explorer 6.0?

does this make you fell better?

Attached: gigabyte.png (1327x666, 1M)

Web 1.0 is efficient and functional.

Do you want efficient and functional hardware components?

That website does not work, user. I just visited Realtek and changed my hardware and software to match their recommendation,
>Best viewed at 800x600 with IE 6.0 or Netscape 7.02 or Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 or higher.
>©2018 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.
now that gigabyte site does not work on my computer. pls hlp

>Linux_kernel.elf (4M)
>downloading at 100M/s from your local mirror

Simple, they want to implement everything using Pajeet.js and AJAX.

Because bloat is fucking degenerate.
Bloat and die motherfucker.

Attached: divine king.jpg (400x400, 28K)

>searched "berkshire hathaway website design"
>see qz and other hipster sites calling this "ugly","worst", even forbes.
we need to fix website obesity

>That website does not work, user.
It's just (You)

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (1000x1000, 85K)


Realtek chips often have the amp on the line out disabled by default.

Thats not a bad thing though.

Here you go boys