Kali 2017.2. with dual boot with Windows 10 pro x64

Kali 2017.2. with dual boot with Windows 10 pro x64.
This is after I select Kali in GRUB.
Be faster than Sup Forumstards pls

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What the fuck, did you install Linux onto an NTFS partition? Are you retarded?

>dual-boot kali
>actually installing kali or any other leet hacker-distro on anything other than a usb
underage b&, please leave
Oh, and this is not your personal tech support, fuck off to a /sqt/ or /fglt/, faggot

For real, what the fuck is he thinking?

Plus, why do people dual boot these shit fucking distributions cluttered with useless scripts?

Just create your own Debian system or a distro of your choice and install the scripts you will be using. Not going to clutter your system this way and you know where everything is and can customise it to your preference.

Go back to /toy/, OP.

>installing kali
>having no idea how to solve trivial problems

>dual boot kali

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Lmao kid, might wanna delete this there is some sensitive information on that screen and people are going to be fucking with your computer if you keep this up.

So much kek LOOOL

what do you expect of a retard installing a pentest livecd that runs with root only on an actual system

also, this is Sup Forums as in de/g/enerate, you can't expect people to know shit about technology here

Literally just fucking read. Your Wangblows isn't completely shut down. Also Kali isn't a general use distro that you're supposed install on a computer, you fucking underage pooinloo. Kill yourself.

Sasuga user-kun

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Looks like OP was very dehydrated when he posted this shit.


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You know kali opens an ssh server when this happens right? Someone could delete your windows partition from that.

install debian you arent an anomalous haxor so why are you installing kali you sperg

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> Linux
> On an NTFS partition

Wait. You installed Linux on NTFS?

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>using kali

Can you learn basic things, before you do something, that you don't know shit about? or is it to hard for modern people?

like you were never 14

cuck thinks highly of Sup Forums pleb devs

nice, you changed 32bit to x64, faggot. doesn't make shit legit

Disable hybrid shutdown

GNU. The operating system is called GNU (with linux added).

What is the rationale for Kali's existence? Why would you make a whole distribution just to include a few programs, instead of just making a metapackage or something for Debian?

because you want a ready to use livecd when you go to your customer and pentest their infrastructure, instead of installing shitty metapackages every time you want to have a go at something

Sure, that's fine, but why does it offer a permanent installation, then?

Cause if for some godforsaken reason you actually wanted to install it, you could.

Well, let me put it like this, then: Why isn't it just a precompiled Debian live CD image with these packages installed?

Install gentoo.

Then what difference would that make? I'm guessing you're annoyed for some reason that it has no real use other than pentesting?

you know you can add the kali repo to ubuntu / debian or even mint, right?

he installed the kernel on the unformatted ntfs partition too

it fucks your Ubuntu up. May as well have a usb or livecd

im talking about "katoolin" if thats what your refering to

Why would you though is something missing from the Ubuntu or Debian Repos?

Just get a new disk

>with root only
You're joking, right?

I'm not going to be rude, but...
Kali is really a live distro - if you must have persistence install it on a usb and make sure you install grub on teh usb too.
To fix you problem I'd get windows to run boot repair or dig up a win10 boot repair disk.
If you really want to dual boot kali put debian on it's own partition, then make it frankendeb by adding the kali repos. It's not pretty but it'll be better than what you have...

/sqt is over there somewhere btw...

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>Kali is really a live distro
No. This isn't true. You *can* use it in this manner, but it wasn't created solely for this purpose.

hence *really*...
Don't split hairs about this - you can install it but it kinda goes against the idea of having a live forensics distro...
I wasn't going to be rude to OP but you trying argue a very specific point about my post and being wrong just makes you look like an idiot m8.

>he's trying to argue that pentesting is done on your pc at home and not in the field using a usb...

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you DONT install kali on a harddrive, nigger. That's retarded as fuck

everyone who uses kali is just trying to be like hackerman

Why are you installing kali on a HDD instead of just using usb persistence?
t. aspiring pen tester

>retard op would have port forwarded SSH
are you dense?

you know kali is incredibly popular among actual hackers right?

No, he installed Linux with GNU added.


I was ready to kill myself, but your stupid give joy to stay alive. Thanks you, Op.

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Im happy you cant install kali. One less dangerous haxor

Cyber security department of my company uses it for pen testing on a regular basis.

can confirm - run ICT biz, do a fair bit of netsec.
kali or caine on a 4gb flashdrive