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Other urls found in this thread: analytica&min_date=01/01/2015&max_date=12/31/2016


What has happened?

Facebook helped Blumpf win the election and they must PAY

RIP in peace muh fake news narrative

Just like how they helped Obama. Only now it's bad.

Hillary losing and (((Facebook))) going down in flames anyway is like having my cake and eating it too.

Could only be topped by (((Google))) getting similarly slammed despite having done everything in their legal power (and probably then some) to Shill for Hill.

Jewgle lost 40 billion in value since last week actually.

how the fuck they had so much value to begin with?

Because data is the new gold.

>lost $60 billion in value
Wow, almost a tenth. Too bad as soon as everyone forgets about this whole scandal in a couple weeks, Facebook will regain all that lost value and continue fucking everyone over.

>how the fuck they had so much value to begin with?
nigga they worth $700 billion

>implying that 60 billion was ever tangible.

finally the VC has the picture!!!!!


If only all social media would go bankrupt, the world would become a better place overnight.

The stock market is not about buying stakes in companies at prices that are comparable to their actual value. It's about buying the most popular stocks and hoping other idiots do the same thing to the stock price goes up so you can then hopefully sell it to other idiots who will buy that stock at an even more ridiculous price.

Exactly, can't wait for all these niggers, kikes and queers to fucking hang on the day of the rope

Hate Trump all you want, but he's the reason for the downfall of Facebook and Google.

God Bless Trump's America

This is what draining the swamp feels like bitches!

Basically what they are saying is
> trump used some advanced data analyzing techniques to help him win the election
> even though Facebook has been stealing data from users for years, it is now a problem because trump essentially weaponized it against the democrats to great effect
> Facebook is mad because they didn't consent to data collection, seriously
> Google is in the same boat for the same reasons

Look people, it's simple.
The right has essentially activated the largest and most effective propaganda network In earth's history, and it's running out of control of the people who run it.
The left and or democrats are just scared shitless now because not only does the right have a leg up on them in this game, but trump could be president for the next 6.5 years, he can do alot to refine this with time and government money so that the democrats never win another election again, that is why they are now screeching for the death of Facebook and Google. If Clinton were in the white house right now, they would just pass hate speech laws and start cracking down but they know trump won't do that do this is their only option left.

Listen carefully.
Democrats build Obama care to fail so they have a reason to implement single payer later.
Democrats create the most toxic social environment since Jim crow so that they can restrict the first.
Democrats play up school shootings so they can restrict the second.
Democrats cripple immigration policy so that they can compromise and undermine our democratic system.
They were doing all of this for power, they did not expect trump to win so they thought they could just bag these objectives to make us more like Europe, since he did win they are trying to burn all of their lose threads because the problems they set themselves up to solve are starting to spiral beyond their ability to control, and the first ones that will get hurt by them will be themselves because people rightfully see them as the ones who caused it.

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They are right about Facebook and Google, we all knew that shit for years and they were only ok with it until it bit them in the ass.

Cheer the fall of Facebook, but do not cheer for the ones suddenly calling for their death, they are not on your side, they are politically motivated and don't give a shit about you.

I need to come to Sup Forums more often, there are some really intelligent people here. I didn't expect to find someone with their eyes so open to what is going on in the world today.

I'm not american, but I've gotten to nearly my third decade in life and I'm starting to stitch together the patterns I've been observing my whole life. I think that conspiracy theories about secret ''shadow government'' or influencial groups such as the ''jews'' pulling the strings are so popular because on some level of recognition people understand that it kind of lines up with some things that they see in the world.

Now, I don't know who is really pulling the strings, but I have witnessed a movement/group which is epitomised in the american democrat party, and the likes of shillary clinton, which seems like a vapid far-left fananatical ideologue movement.

I think they have been doing all the things that you talked about to obliterate the power in your bill of rights, because you are the last real sophisticated country that has ANY, and I mean ANY sort of real protections left around these fundamental rights. Europe, U.K, Australia, New Zealand, all of these places the people are treated with a 'semblance' of rights, but ultimately they can be afflicted by the violence of the state at a whims notice and be locked up and destroyed for 'hate speech'. They have no real access to firearms, they are basically demonised, and if you go through the headache of a year long waiting process, club membership, meeting all legislation requirements, then you can only use the damn thing at your club premisis.

The police are also free (AND ENCOURAGED) stop people without reasonable grounds. Random alcohol breath tests whenever they want, search your person and property 'just because' if you are in a city or any sort of public place and 'they think you might have something on you'. Seriously, it's the law that they have the power to do that, and there's not rights to limit that power...

...Additionally, your property (think your house, your car, your bank account) can be frozen without warning, and then seized if you can't provide meticulously documented and verified proof that you came by that property by legitimate means. The onus of proof is on you! No innocent until proven guilty, you can have the government/police decide that you ''shouldn't'' be able to afford this, let me come onto your property and demand that you prove that you obtained it without criminal proceeds. And if you can't, well we will god damn take it away from you!

May trump protect and save the only real great and relatively free country this world has left.

You DO NOT want the democrats to turn armerica into what the rest of the western world has become. Look at that guy in the UK who was sent to grown up prison because he made a joke youtube video teaching his dog to do a 'nazi salute'. What a violation of free speech.

It wasn't a hate crime, it wasn't marginalising an ethnic group, or inciting violence. But they have so many fucking freedom erroding laws in these countries now that you can't take a piss without a permit, and a self affirming recognition of traditional land owners, and recognising the LBGTQI-LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ community.

Save america, save your rights, because the fanatical far-left ideolouges are screaming at the door, and they seem intent on doing nothing more than creating an environment where people (especially white males) will sit quite and let the government walk all of them, then say please and thank you afterwards, or otherwise they can go to fucking prison.

-written on my blackberry

stop using the term 'conspiracy theory' - it's literally a CIA invention to discredit anyone suspicious of any government conspiracy. among the chief reasons govt has this much of a free reign in your life today is the fact that anyone who points out any conspiracy can be systematically discredited and called a loser/crazy person/conspiracy theorist

Here's the thing, it's not that complicated either.

Foreign powers WANT the democratic party, hell anyone, to try and bring us and everyone else down to the same level as Europe. That's why they pay them to do it, be it with money or promises or whatever.

As long as people think we are more free here and as long as we have more rights, every other country will experience severe brain drain from people trying to come here, which will make everyone else economically inferior in the short and long run.

Stop and think, why else would everyone be so terrified of us having merit based immigration? Canada has it, but what else does Canada have? Illegal speech, horrible "free" Medicare, a complete joke of a government with no spine to look out for its native people.

The idea of America offering a better life of freedom while also only taking everyone else's best and brightest scares the shit out if the rest of the world, they can't compete for those people and they know it. Right now the multinational elite are trying to solve this by either ruining immigration or making us just another EU shithole where we are treated like dogs by our government with no recourse.

It's all about economy, if not ours then someone else's. Foreign presidents call trump Hitler, then to the same camera they say they are scared because they can't compete with his new corporate taxes, these statements come from the exact same place and say the exact same thing, don't be fooled.

holy shit that url text

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My bad, it should have been in quotation marks like ''jews'' and ''shadow government''. That's how I intended the use.

I agree with this completely. Of course that's why every flipped out about the merit based system. And of course that's why the left-owned propaganda machines called ''news networks'' incite all sorts of emotionally manipulative narratives everytime a shooting incident happens. I would not be surprised for a second if a great proportion of these shootings were actually influenced if not orchestrated by the left to accelerate their efforts to attack the 2nd.

It's funny, because everyone seems to think the US's natural enemy is Russia or North Korea, but I think it's real enemy is every shit hole bastion that the rest of the western world has become.

It becomes self evident as to why the US keeps investing so much money into their military creating such powerful weapons technology. I would too if everything that my great country stood for was about to get knocked back 300 years to colonial rule and oppression.

that's why consuming news is such a pointless waste of time, most people around me wonder why when asked I have no clue about anything that happened recently. I followed US elections and politics pretty vigorously for a long while, but realized recently that it's such a pointless time sink. It's all a fucking illusion. Weaning myself off of modern forms of entertainment aswell - everything is tainted

> I would not be surprised for a second if a great proportion of these shootings were actually influenced if not orchestrated by the left to accelerate their efforts to attack the 2nd.

They don't have to do much, fake or real the fact is that giving these unfortunate events so much media attention romanticizes it in the minds of the mentally ill, they are contributing to the prevalence of these indecents and they don't care because they want it to happen anyway. So for them is a win win, if people knew how negative this was for the common man these stories would be pulled from the air under a gag order for public safety.

While I'm not normally very much against that sort of government strong arming, i think that the media can't be trusted to ethically regulate itself right now, their hands are in way too many people's very deep pockets to care about what is right and wrong.

so what are we going to do with all those html5/js codemonkeys after this dot com bubble bursts?

> while I'm not
While I am*

> Facebook is mad because they didn't consent to data collection, seriously

what? uk officials literally caught them deleting data on c.a hq they had an office there

>Last Friday, Facebook posted astatementannouncing they were suspending the accounts of both Cambridge and SCL, along with those of Wylie and and Kogan. Paul Grewal, vice president and deputy general counsel at Facebook, wrote that Kogan legally acquired data user permission, but he broke the company's rules by passing information along to Cambridge.

Looks like Facebook doesn't like it when your give their data to a third party, the statement was a joke referencing their bullshit data collection agreements.

yeah they are trying to cover their asses obviously
but it didnt really work

>Right now the multinational elite are trying to solve this
Why would the multinational elite give a shit? They can live in America themselves, or anywhere else they want to. That's what being multinational elite lets you do. If anything, concentrating the world's top talent in one place probably helps them. They, presumably, get money from it one way or another.

This though, a scandal is practically worthless these says since people have so little morals.
It's not like nvidya lost any sales over the 3.5gb scandal, since people still wanted to buy vidyacards in the end.
It's gonna be the same with fb, despite people knowing their data is being collected, they don't care, since they'll still be wanting to use fb's services anyway.

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The rules don't apply to them.
A group of empowered individualistic citizens causes problems for them.

Much in the same way that a really nice looking boulder causes problems, sure they can just walk around it or use it as a landmark, but what if the day comes that they want to build a house or road in that spot?

I know you can never really delete a facebook account, but I'm glad I stopped using mine 5 years ago.

>Trump did, Trump used
Worse: Trump hired some overseas company to do it, which is illegal as hell. I swear a video of him taking a cleveland steamer from Putin could be leaked and you retarded hillbillies would still be cheering for that senile muppet.

holy shit they're still using the facebook frog in 2018

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Actually the left want to bring down the states and eu entirely, to create a world without countries, without borders and with a single homogenous culture. Check out Paul Joseph Watson's videos about the left, especially the one where he explains why they support Muslims.

ITT: Weapons grade derangement

You have no room to talk, i will concede that trump is a criminal and should be impeached the second that you throw Clinton in jail for the rest of her life for the crimes that the justice dept has already admitted that she committed but couldn't arrest her over because she's too big to touch.

> but im a bernout
And your guy sold you out to Satan right after he took all your fucking money.

Democrats are fucking sheep, either you want real justice or you are just being a cry baby bitch because you lost, pick one.

let the facebook die.
>trump only uses data mining
>>>>>implying other local/national candidates or even those in europe don't use facebook analytics

>Democrats build Obama care to fail so they have a reason to implement single payer later.
>Democrats create the most toxic social environment since Jim crow so that they can restrict the first.
>Democrats play up school shootings so they can restrict the second.
>Democrats cripple immigration policy so that they can compromise and undermine our democratic system.
>They were doing all of this for power, they did not expect trump to win so they thought they could just bag these objectives to make us more like Europe, since he did win they are trying to burn all of their lose threads because the problems they set themselves up to solve are starting to spiral beyond their ability to control, and the first ones that will get hurt by them will be themselves because people rightfully see them as the ones who caused it.
>I need to come to Sup Forums more often, there are some really intelligent people here. I didn't expect to find someone with their eyes so open to what is going on in the world today.

Except they did that for free and rooted for them so its different i guess

Confucius say, a difference that makes no difference is no difference.

its happening

goodbye facebook 2004-2020
just like myspace

Apparently crops are wothering on the vine in cali. So only freshair and sunshine for you fucks. Twenty something dollars an hour cash would probably be enough for them to actually do it. Dont know if margins would be high ebough at that price as i think a webdev might be a pretty slow fruit picker

The south east would btfo cali on prices, so there would be a long correction period where local markets would collapse and state benefits programs should implode in a matter of months. What's and cost of living would hop way down... eventually. They have to be able to compete with the southeast where 50k a year is considered your best of options, they have a long way to fall to get there.

You'd have a shitload of migrants leaving the state until the market stabilized which would take decades.

Great way to turn the state red though, nothing like destroying your mind and body working the almond fields so your family won't starve just to be forced to hand the state 80% of your paycheck eh comrade?

The value of a stock is based simply on how much it is wanted by others. It's a bullshit game.

Quality post

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>and should be impeached the second that you throw Clinton in jail
The law doesn't work that day, you absolute nimrod. You've been bombed with well crafted propaganda for more than a year and your reaction has been to take it all in.

Wait a second... I thought that this software which analysed 50 million user data just ... predicted who will win based on what users already think, no..?
How this had any influence?

And now that the lid has been blown wide open on this whole thing every powerful entity will see how cost-effective it is and will want in.
Xi has just consolidated his power in China and has delivered a speech basically saying that China will get whats rightfully theirs. Imagine what would happen if they take their expertise building domestic botnets, throw in a labour force of a few million and focus on bringing the Western internet sphere to heel.

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So... No Zuck 2020?

ITT:idiots who think they are actually geniuses with confirmation bias in full swing.

>geniuses with confirmation bias

Obama was self funded thats the difference he was able to raise campaign $ and not need to borrow from foreign interests.

Well we can play justice league or we can play game of thrones, you don't get to change the game when you are losing.

Trump is your president, he will not be impeached, he's to big to touch now, have fun with your seething you stupid nigger, remember that this is your precedent, i guess we should thank Hillary for that one.

Well it's ok because Clinton lost.

>muh hillary
BINGO! I've got shill buzzword bingo!

>I have nothing to hide so I don't care :DDDDDD
t. normies

back to your containment board with the rest of the reformed bronies

Not an argument, you niggers glow in the dark so fucking bad.

>Believes the Russian conspiracy with no evidence
>Doesn't believe Hillary's and DOJ's criminal activities with tons of mounting evidence
>calls others propagandized
What did the soyboi mean by this

He doesn't have to believe it, the FBI literally said on live tv that she broke the law but they were too scared to touch her.

What he believes is irrelevant, if she is too big to touch then so is trump, that's the world they wanted and that's the world they got.

Justice for all our justice for none.

Just use mastodon! Remember to specify what are your preferred pronouns in your bio :^)

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>Idiots who think they are geniuses
>with confirmation bias in full swing.

Awkward, yes but its not that hard, come on now.

You first, faggot

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>with no evidence
Is that why he's under investigation by the FBI? analytica&min_date=01/01/2015&max_date=12/31/2016
>b-buh donny-daddy said "no collusion" on twitter!
Get out of my board, shill.

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Clinton was also under investigation by the FBI

Apparently it doesn't mean you can't still be president.

Don’t get mad at trump get mad at facebook for allowing this to happen they could easily say no to in the first place. Obama did the same damn thing and that was considered okay but when trump does it now it’s a bad thing. I don’t trust any of this outrage to be genuine but instead to be politically motivated to push their anti trump rhetoric they won’t drop already

>no evidence
Any evidence that will, and have, be put before you will be decryed as illegitimate in one way or another. This is why people hate you, among other things

Relax man, 8 years is a long time, they will get tired of the daily corn holing eventually.

Kind of like you and the democrats did with Hillary?

You won't escape this, your bullshit is biting you in the ass, get over it.

>Clinton was also under investigation by the FBI
What were the results on that? There have been plenty of indictments on this one, for a change.


>to intelligent too

I doubt that but hey maybe I’ll get surprised

The results were that she was guilty but the doj didn't want to touch her, that she committed a crime is no longer a question, the question now is what should we do with traitors.

If you really want trump gone then you better get the fuck on board with the idea of "and justice for all", if you think you can just take down your neighborhood bad guy and then just completely ignore the demons on your front lawn then you are sorely fucking mistaken you idiot.

Um, that's not how it works. You need to stop going to Sup Forums


You don't have to get one to get the other. That's retarded

Glow in the dark nigger, begone.

Yes you do, otherwise your a hypocrite and you will get civil war, enjoy having half the country executing you on live tv.

>that she committed a crime is no longer a question
That's funny, she wasn't convicted of any crimes. Are you sure you understand how this works?

Are you?

Usually after a scandal, media talks about market cap losses and act like it means shit. Why? You think people in are so ready to sell in a minor scandal like this

Nah, you just don't like Hillary and are obsessed with her to the point of being retarded apparently

Well, investors are suing, so id say its a little more serious.

Nah, you just don't like Trump and are obsessed with him to the point of being retarded apparently

>he's stho sthin sthkinned ~~ >:(

It doesn't really work if you change them. Trump is the president and Hillary is nothing.

So what was Hillary convicted of anyway?

>Rolling Stone™ Magazine Inc.

taken verbatim from the shit article:
>it remains unknown how much the data affected Trump's campaign efforts.
>The extent of how it was used, however, is not yet clear.

why do liberals gaslight themselves?

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You mean the investigation that was started by illegally abusing FISA laws? The investigation already being proven to be the partisan poltically motivated abuse of power by then Democrat held DOJ. The investigation that is itself under investigation. The investigation that began in July of 2016, and still hasnt turned up shit. That investigation?


No real access to firearms? In switzerland the state (army) literally hands me a full automatic assault rifle with magazins and ammo which I then have to store at home. Im also encouraged to go to shooting grounds in my free time. Literally a few hundred thousand full automatic weapons in the hand of the common people.

That's not gaslighting bro

So then why not convict her? Then we can seriously discuss trump's allegations.

You've made our justice system into a joke and you expect me to take you or your concerns seriously?

If you really cared you would have cared then, you didn't so why should i care now, you just want to use any tool you can to get what you want, which is trump out of office. You are a child throwing a tantrum and breaking toys because you didn't get what you wanted.

Bad news mr. some people actually like him and think he's doing a good job, the horror...

imma do a social experiment.

1) create new twitter account
2) tweet at trump saying "I think you are doing a fine job Mr. President"
3) count down until how long it takes for a leftists to threaten to kill you