Prove your not a newfag

Prove your not a newfag

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over 9000 nyan cats xd


that isn't what a newfag is
you fail, dipshit

I remember when Sup Forums was liberal


libertarian at best

How do I use a USB line?

Attached: Capture.png (566x298, 10K)


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Salty Milk

Attached: newfagsc64.jpg (721x638, 107K)

I'll show you later.

In elite nvidia fag

The rare instances when having an old trip is useful.

Technology Hei faggot.

Fucking new fag. Pool's closed.


Is it possible to make youtube play videos with mono sound? Sometimes dumb video creators make videos that don't use the left or right channel


>black parade came out in 2006
jesus. i need to clean up my life.

nobody cares, tripfag

Attached: why_gabe_newell_invented_steam.jpg (470x556, 87K)

noko goes in email field

Left wing in the traditional anarchist-like sense, not liberal


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>April furry day
Fuck that hilarious.

Anyone remember the Hal Turner raids? Those were so full of lulz!

Attached: 300px-Halturdner.jpg (300x225, 16K)

Then we grew up

Well we grew up and turned more right wing. Once I had a job and a family to support and calculated all the taxes I pay, it slowly changed me but I still have some liberal views. Besides, the left has gone far too extreme.


You is a big fool man. Hahahaha.
newfags wont get it

I came to Sup Forums from somethingawful back in 2003 when I was 19... I'm now 33. What the fuck have I done with my life? Six more years and it'll have been twenty years on Sup Forums. WTF?! Will Sup Forums still be here then?

I came here for yaoi in 2003 when I was turning 13.


Don’t really mind it though since it’s like one of the few places now for real freedom of speech.

The board list used to be on the left side

Serif fonts at that