Is devuan good? is there a better friendly alternative to non-systemd distro?

Is devuan good? is there a better friendly alternative to non-systemd distro?

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the answer is always gentoo

but gentoo is not friendly and it the repo has less software than slackware and arch

Void Linux is actually really good as a hobbyist distro. It's very stable with a decent amount of packages. XBPS is also great once you get into it. It'll work great on nearly any PC.

If you want something super small and light to use on absolute toasters, or even as a hypervisor to run QEMU and a guest system, I recommend Alpine Linux. You could use Alpine as a desktop OS, but Void is better if you have hardware that was made in the last 20 years.

can I use slack repo on alpine?

I don't know. Look it up.

If you are too brainlet for Devuan, you should just stick with a systemd distro like Ubuntu.

Devuan is extremely buggy and not really fit for desktop use yet. Not as bad as Arch or GNU/Hurd, but still pretty damn unstable.

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I think pclinuxos is systemd free. I've never used it and never will, but it seems to be a noob-friendly-ish distro.

it looks nice but the problem is it's too big and comes with many software I won't need
I wanted something like ubuntu + systemdfree + slackware + puppy linux

>too big and comes with many software I won't need

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Just use Tails for your Tibetan child sex slave porn

Why do trump tards label everything?

They've learned it from Ben Garrison.


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Not yet I think.
They're planning on releasing a truly stable version based off of the latest debian stable version.
This is supposedly going to arrive in the next few months and is when I will make the switch as well.

It appears as though I'm a little late to the party.
It says it's stable. I would check other forums and their IRC to see what their current users are going on.

OP did you try TempleOS ?

Yep, i think, it best non-systemd GNU/Linux distro, because it's easy, it works and it has a lot of packages. I love to hear, if there is something better.

MX Linux, my man.

>I wanted something like ubuntu + systemdfree + slackware + puppy linux
Try antiX. It's Debian-based, free of systemd, and can run on old computers.

Devuan is literally fine
Source: I have used it for daily driver for slightly under 2 years

Devuans first stable release isnt even that old what are you on about