Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
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I hope you're all ready for the age of Chinese gore kino that is to come.
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
also, checked
Why does the thumbnail look like a reaction image of a guy hanging himself.
I was hoping some gentooshitter actually offed himself on video
why does an image look like a "reaction image" to you?
This. The only ones who are afraid of this technology is the criminals themselves.
Easy to say that until the law changes so you become a criminal.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
They're only pretending to be retarded
As long as they don't make money with my data, it's ok.
Because of the red filter they all have.
Source video?
Give me your credit card details.
You have nothing to hide... or do you?
How low is your Social Credit Score, (((user)))?
OP and botnet BTFO
sauce dammit
We don't die, just upload our mind :^)
>he believes the marketing speak
>he doesn't know cities in the UK and the US are mostly the same
we are all fucked anyway, but this is only the start
>Why does the thumbnail look like a reaction image of a guy hanging himself.
Its pareidolia. You subconsciously want to kys
The joke's on you. I don't go outside.
I'm very suprised you haven't seen it
>Ji Feng was found dead in his commie block apartment last night from an apparent suicide
You know I see the video title as the link, right newfag?
What the fuck are you complaining about?
>ask source link for the bbc video in op
>some edgy under age fag claims to post source
>post a video of Chinese people dying
You didn't respond to the OP, I just assumed that you were and were correcting your mistake.
No wonder Apple gets sue'd by chinks.
Can I have your passwords?
You have nothing to hide, so nothing wrong if I just take a peek, right? ;)
Here's your source btw retard
Wow, you told someone to Google something on the internet. Are you 12 and have we traveled more than ten years to the past?
Wow, you were so retarded that you couldn't use google and find the video on the first link. Are you 12 and have we traveled more than ten years to the past?
>You can feel the eyes on you every day.
>No matter what you do, you always hesitate.
Welcome to the Panopticon citizen!
You have to be at least 18 to shitpost here
>Can't use google
>Calling someone else underage
Giving someone details which they can use to spend your money is the same as there being a camera system that would possibly catch criminal activities and make it easier for people to be tracked down.
Depends if its law enforcement or not and if you are part of an investigation.
I want to lick her feet
fuck escalators
Hey, I'm gonna save everyone a lot of time and summarize this conversation
>You don't need privacy/privacy is outdated/le nothing to hide, nothing to fear
>Ok show us your personal information
>W-well that's d-different, I don't want some random guy to have my personal information unless he happens to be wearing a uniform
>*Tells him that government agents are just people and are more likely to misuse your information due to positions like this attracting power hungry sycophants*/I am a government agent, here is proof
>I don't believe you
>Governments have never done anything bad to their citizens
*Post about how we need to stop fascist on twitter and to remember the 6 million/Communist killed millions with its incompetence*
>You people just need to learn not to be criminals
*Talks about police brutality and how all police officers are corrupt and racist/we need guns to protect us from the gubment*
>The government would never do anything with my information that wasn't in my interest
*Russians hacked the elections and control the government!!! / Brexit was done by old people that don't have to suffer the consequences *
In short, this person is most likely "Pretending" to be retarded, or is just such an uninteresting loser that thinks because he has never cared about his rights, no one else should either.
Anything I missed?