Why are linux distros such garbage?

Specifically for desktop/laptop usage. Nothing ever just werks. Something or the other is broken.
Gmorons destroyed lovely gnome 2 and gave us gGarbage that consumes 20% cpu for idling.
Kmorons can never build anything stable. Seriously why can't the fucking shell not freeze every other hour?
Ubuntu morons are true morons for adopting gGarbage.
All the smaller DEs have too small of a community to build anything meaningful.
I hate to say this, but all the little niggling issues are pushing me towards botnets. I swore off the Windows botnet for life, so that leaves me with fucking macos which has it's own set of nonsense issues but at least werks most of the time.
Why can't people build software that just werks and stop reinventing the same shit every year.

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install windows 10

KDE is unironically really stable on Arch right now. Everything works, nothing is broken.

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Linux is too good for you, go back to your proprietary garbage

fuck you

>fell for the linux meme
almost no one is using it besides logging into it to take a screenshot for desktop threads to feel like they belong to something

*sensible chuckle*


>Kmorons can never build anything stable.
Dunno, KDE is quite stable on SUSEs. It is even used in business.

>20% cpu idling

Lel back in the day when core 2 release, linux doing nothing cpu at 30-40%. They never fix this stupid shit for like more than a 10 years.

Once you try an standalone window manager you'll wonder why anyone bothers with DEs

No, it didn't. It was 1-2% on 1.8 GHz P4

These asshats here always shill Linux. Linux was NEVER meant for consumer facing product.

Buy OSX or Windows and SSH to your linux shit if you really want to use it. Your time is money and these people are irrational...and seem to not value their own time.

You want linux so fucking bad? get a used macbook for $400 and replace the drive. It will be the same shell environment you're used to without getting hung up on a fucking driver.

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>Linux was NEVER meant for consumer facing product
What is Android?

bastardized linux that runs on a JVM

The state of the Sup Forums infection
Pathetic, even Leddit is more bearable at this point

>Buy OSX or Windows and SSH to your linux shit if you really want to use it. Your time is money and these people are irrational...and seem to not value their own time.
Install Mint or something. GNU/Linux takes way less time and effort to maintain than Windows. I don't use MacOS, but I think you're probably right that it's also better than Windows.

elaborating further, android hasn't been linux since 2005/2006. Oracle even sued Google over its use of the JVM, considering how heavily they crutch upon it.

WTF are you talking about. This site is good for casual conversation. Reddit is good but it has too many whiteknights and "professionals".

Meanwhile Sup Forums has underaged Sup Forumstards who know nothing about technology

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

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Mint is OK but the problem becomes that everything may have a potential bug because the people making Mint have very little monetary incentive to unit test correctly or push out a good first product.

OSX and Windows have to test the shit out of their products. I love Linux; my point is keep her server side, and buy a good consumer product. I stopped using thinkpads for personal use because I am not in a warehouse where I might drop my laptop on concrete and I was just watching videos...tablets were lighter.

OP is correct in most of his assessments...it doesn't take a genius to see that Ubuntu adopts sponsors like Amazon to keep from going under, and that there is considerable bloat there. Same thing with Gnome. Gnome was built by the fucking guy who was a .NET developer for Microsoft who couldn't care less now what happens with it (see changelog podcast for gnome episode).

Windows works because they rallied around smoothed UIs, the single .EXE file, and built in services such as Defender and Updating. While yes they totally obscure your user experience, it keeps your machine from being apart of a literal botnet accidentally (by either not updating or PBCAK), think of Mirai botnet last year as an example.

These posters are the real malice of this site.

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Why do people act like computers in general have become radically more frustrating to deal with over the last decade?

>Why are linux distros such garbage?

Because everyone likes to take someone else's pile of slop and re-brand it as their own. They feel like they have created something when all they've done is the equivalent of plagiarism.

> Specifically for desktop/laptop usage. Nothing ever just werks. Something or the other is broken.

Because people don't like to use distributions put together by companies with money to invest in testing all sorts of hardware. Using the distro some 13 year old created isn't the same as using a distro with the backing of multiple corporations.

> Gmorons destroyed lovely gnome 2 and gave us gGarbage that consumes 20% cpu for idling.

Because developers get the "We need to rewrite" itch and when they aren't working for a corporation, they do what they want instead of what they are told. Then you end up with a user interface designed for tablets instead of a keyboard and mouse and no features everywhere because "too confusing" (when it's really "i'm too lazy").

> Kmorons can never build anything stable. Seriously why can't the fucking shell not freeze every other hour?


> Ubuntu morons are true morons for adopting gGarbage.

Mark Shuttleworth destroyed Debian.
Amazon integration by default.
Not-invented-here Syndrome.

> All the smaller DEs have too small of a community to build anything meaningful.

They would never dream of collaborating together to build anything meaningful because then they wouldn't be free to create whatever they wanted (more trash).

> I hate to say this, but all the little niggling issues are pushing me towards botnets. I swore off the Windows botnet for life, so that leaves me with fucking macos which has it's own set of nonsense issues but at least werks most of the time.

Use what works for you. Seriously nobody in their right mind should give a fuck unless it affects them (like at work when "developers" use Mac OS X but they develop for Linux -- fucking retards).

We use OSX at work because GNU was recursive for GNU is not Unix, Linus took GNU and made Linux, and everything has been a snowball from Unix onward.

TLDR OSX feels like Linux while paying for superior hardware. You don't have to use OSX, but in short your shell scripts will run on your system like they did on the dev server...

Paying extra for something doesn't automatically make it superior.

And no, your scripts using the BSD variants will NOT just automatically work on a server with the GNU versions installed.

hardly. What is so special about that series of curl commands posting REST that you are doing from linux to OSX?
You get support, right then and there, depending on how much you pay.

>Why can't people build software that just werks and stop reinventing the same shit every year.
kde4 was alright
gnome is heading towards gtk4 while carrying unfixed bugs

>a user interface designed for tablets instead of a keyboard and mouse
Wrong. Gnome3 is specifically made for a keyboard and a mouse. The weird applications overview does not make it into a tablet de.

The same people that decide what gets written are the ones who decide for how long and how much they get paid.

So its in their interest to keep fucking around and fixing it for a few years, and then make a new version which will need years of fixes.

cURL is MIT licensed so it's not a problem.

Take any GNU licensed software. It's not going to be on your Mac by default -- instead you have the BSD variants because it's a less restrictive license. There are countless command line tools with countless parameters that are different between the GNU vs BSD versions. Look at Awk for example. Surely you've used awk in your scripts? Some people like to gamble, some people like to be sure.

Explain the lock screen then and the "swipe up" animation.

iirc you could just press the space bar

That doesn't explain the animation or the fact that you can use a mouse to click and drag it up. Don't phones and tablets use slide to unlock?

used solus as a general use desktop for a year and a half. all hardware recognized, suspends fine, idles fine. just werked

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it's a lock screen it makes sense
>you can use a mouse to click and drag it up
so you want features removed?


Hopefully no GNOME developers are reading this because that's just what they would do.

Too late. :^)

>Why are linux distros such garbage?
Because your mum is little nigger gay whore

t. gnome developer desperately trying to rewrite history because tablet PCs didn't happen like they expected

Well, they are doing it for free; what did you expect

>Gmorons destroyed lovely gnome 2 and gave us gGarbage that consumes 20% cpu for idling.
Whilst true, if you really want Gnome2 - install Mate or Cinnamon.
Mate is literally a maintained fork of Gnome2
Cinnamon is trying to be as close to Gnome2 but is GTK3.

Except they aren't.

GNU: Embrace, Extend, Extinguish
EMBRACE: MIT/BSD licensed software coreutils
EXTEND: Add new features, change license to GPL to prevent code being returned to MIT version
EXTINGUISH: Change functionality of existing funtions slightly, deprecate existing functionality and move to new functions that are outside of the existing standard

GNU is literally as bad as Microsoft.
Hell Microsoft probably got the idea from Stallman...

But consumers are still getting it for free

Windows 10 is pretty good too then...

I'm writing this from my Arch which I'm using everyday so your argument is invalid
>Pic related is Windows fag serving to glorious GNU/Linux master race

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false comparison. GNU coreutils are not proprietary.

Literally never happened

except for the data mining and forced updates

>not using xfce

no one to blame but yourself senpai

Found your problem.

Sounds like fabricated drama because you can't just use your computer instead of messing with DEs and distro hopping like a retard. The facebook frog suits your post well.

>the state of freetardism

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Linux is a server operating system, treat it as such.

Works on my machineā„¢