AMD taking no prisoners at CloudFest

AMD taking no prisoners at CloudFest.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Post more dammit.

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Crashing these stocks.. with no survivors

bonus kek

What are those racks in the back?

Epyc servers from different vendors?

Epyc servers produced by various oems is my guess.


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wew lad

I sent that image to a buddy on mumble. We were supposed to be playing vidya, but he hasn't stopped laughing hysterically for twety minutes.

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I don't get it?

This shit so so gay.

>tweety minutes

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If you don't get it, see this pic:

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they are too late to the game.

Lets face it, most places are moving away from data centers because of 1. Cooling Costs 2. Power Costs and 3. head count to maintain

So now we have cloud. which kills #3, but guess what 1 and 2 are still an issue for these cloud data centers and guess what AMD is known for? Extreme heat and extreme power consumption.

Sorry AMD, but you lost again.

Oh boy BK why don't you just kill yourself?

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I mean, I know it's AMD bantering against intel. But who was 'getting fired' referred to?

Soo, you've never working in IT before have you.


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people who order hardware for their boss' server farm


Every business ever. Every employee that manages purchases of server/office computing equipment of an every business ever. Basically what that banner says is LITERALLY "you're a total fucking moron if you're deliberately buying Xeon instead of EPYC in 2018 and further down the like".

>no perf/watt figures, just AMD is """known for""" it
Shills OUT

There was an expression back in the 90s (I think, not sure about the exact timespan) that was "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM". This is referencing that to suggest the age of automatically buying Intel has come to an end.

I assume it's because of spectre/meltdown? But I thought AMD were vulnerable to (one of) them too?

Are you fucking retarded, user-kun?

The banner right below it would suggest it's to do with their performance/price advantage rather than that. AMD is vulnerable to some variants of Spectre (but absolutely not Meltdown).

I'm just out of touch with intel/amd debacle.

You know that the IT people on data companies are not fucking brainlets like you and actually look at performance/perf. per watt figures instead of going by what some 12 year olds think of AMD, right user?

>because of spectre/meltdown?
That's only one of VERY many reasons. RF ID, RAID keys, i9 FUKUSHIMA HOLOCAUST OVEN, INSUFFICIENT MEMORY, hidden MINIX spyware, Xeons completely shitting themselves in comparison to even the cheapest EBYNs WHILE being overpriced as all fucks at the same time, "enthusiast socket i3" fiasco, etc.
Inturd was fucking up royally on each and every single step imaginable (literally no month without a big fuck up) throughout the entirety of 2017, beginning shitting itself even BEFORE Zen came through. Meltdown and Spectre were just one of the latest in a whole nonstop series of fucking up by this kike shithole of a """cumpany""". Intrash became extremely toxic in just one single year. So toxic that almost no one who has at least some brains and dignity left want to deal with this clown shitshow of a conglomerate. Only total fucking idiots and heavily bribed shillers are still holding onto this piece of shit.

What are you? A 1880's english aristocratic conservative?! Do you also think that the only real sports cars are Ford, because of the GT40s from the 60's?
>AMD know for heat and power comsupmtion
either you're only five years old, or haven't had any interest in pcs before 2013... I owned an Athlon, AMD isn't know for that?

>AMD is vulnerable to some variants of Spectre
Not anymore.
They've ironed out SP1 quite a while ago via soft patch, and SP2 is completely useless due to SEV.

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I see. Thanks for the explanation.


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reminds me of the time when they btfod novideo.

oh wait

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Except EPYC is already on the market and was repeatedly benched against various Xeons.

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You ask the same question on AMD, you get banned/thread locked

no way this is fucking real holy shit

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It is.

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Goddamn. AMD taking no prisoners. I wouldn’t be surprised if the had the running of the Jew.

Actually, the worst thing that AMD has to cope with is software licensing. Some vendors, I’m looking at you oracle, license per core. AMD might lose that fight by a few percent, but per socket licenses are a lock, AMD single socket solutions have beaten dual socket Xeon setups that cost 4x as much.

EPYC™ win


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Obscure references awful

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Yo, go shill your Russian shitcoin scam on /biz/ where it belongs, you faggot.

it's not obscure in the slightest


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up to 13x the vulnerabilities of the intel equivalent

>being a shill

>being indian

Try again Chaim

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>being inbred

yes this unidentifiable image posted by an anonymous person surely proves anything

the only inbred is the one who named amd's cpus

I just can't escape the stinky linkies, ffs


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Every hardass system administrator / network operator admin ever

Cloud, cloud cloud cloud. Cloud cloud. Cloud cloud cloud.
Our CPUs perform better for the price.

Has anyone actually got fired for buying xeons?
Serious question.

raja koduri

>the virgin cloud
>vs the EPYN chad

>raja koduri
Raja Kodury didn't get fired. He quit AMD, and is enjoying a raise in pay..
Any good examples?

He didnt quit you faggot read between lines

AMD literally sent over there for they new intel+ amd apu, or to latter sue intel for stealing tech via raj

This guy knows. Goes back further than that, but commonplace still today. Obviously this wasn't meant for the kids on Sup Forums...

>There was an expression back in the 90s (I think, not sure about the exact timespan) that was "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM"
The expression must have changed to "Nobody ever got fired for buying an intel" for the 90's, 2000's, and current, because that's what I've always heard/read it.

In context of cloud, AMD is known for new encrypted memory partitionining to segregate cloud instances. Intel is known for shocking security holes allowing any instance full memory access to the hypervisor.

True that, only clueless suits buy intlel.

>tfw AMD is implying that even considering the competition is grounds for termination

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if youve bought a xenon youve done more than consider it

>He didnt quit you faggot read between lines
Raja best friends with intel now. He quit AMD, and has more shekels now.

you may have won this battle

but RyzenFall Phase II is in progress... this time... we... will... crush... you...

Is rael, Sup Forumsoy.

>Inturd: "tis but a flesh wound!"

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>Much better for much better price

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Coming Early 2019... Intel... codename "Phoenix" processors...


8 Cores... 16 Threads...

Hardware Level Spectre & Meltdown Mitigation
Power Redefined....


(((They)))'re here.

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The funniest thing is this "edge" intel has been running has been because of the security shortcuts they've been taking, where AMD has done things the right way.

All these artificial benchmarks of meltdown performance are one thing, but seeing a real multi-process context switching workload lose 30%+ performance on intel is another thing altogether. Intel is absolute garbage at this point, even worse proposition than the netburst/itanium shitshow.


>8 Cores... 16 Threads...
Sorry, Intbecile, but GLORIOUS JEW KILLER did it FIRST, in 2017 no less. Enjoy your buttmad. By the time your Inturd shits out 8 core Netburst-like HOLOCAUST OVEN, BIG MAMA will have 16 cores as a mainstream and 32 cores as enthusiast, with /our/ server being 48 or even 96.

>mfw intelshills at full force

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>consumer level core count

They have plenty of time to shitpost after getting fired for buying intel
